Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First Day in Asashina Junior High

- Never Stop Dreaming -reat p

Here it is, the moment of Truth...Moved to my new place on Sat. Didnt have a net hook up till Tuesday which is the reason for the lapse in the delays of necessary updates. Dear room mate Grant bought a router which ain`t compatible with my poor Mac so went on MSN Messenger last nite and had a quick chat with the witty bunch of great people from Singapore.

So here I am in the Teacher`s quaters in the school. Located deep within the valley amongst famous rice padis is this magnificient school, quiet and embraced with the essence of nature. All around me when I look out the school windows are beautiful ridges of lush greenery and behind them in distance are partially dafed mountains. A view like this...priceless.

Went on stage in the morning for a well staged but solemn ceromony to give me a proper introduction to the school of about 200 odd students. Eventhough I had to don a cute white scooter helmet and ride my little white scooter to school, my hair is none the less pretty messed up...but the power G2000 suit that I got back in Singapore with sweet Evelyn is giving me the invisible "aura". And there I was on stage with my simple and short speach in English and a million pairs of eyes staring at me. Not a word, a whisper or a sigh, just pure silence and stern eyes.

Well that soon changed when the students went back to class. Walking down the corridor, I waved to them and said hello and they were laughing coyly, giggling and some were actually screaming like as though I am some movie star. :P

Haha yep I am often mistaken for a Japanese here in Japan which is quite common since I get that all the time in Singapore too.

Lunch in Japanese schools is a little different as compared to Singapore. The teachers dine with the rest of the students in class. Which of course is pretty cool since the students, mostly girls would steal glances at me and some would speak about me and eventually come up and speak some sentences in English with me. It felt like I am living the missing popularity years that I seem to have lack during my geek days...Haha.

Home cooked food with some seasoned ikan bilis liked fishes, cucumbers and vegetables and a bottle of milk which I initially detest. But Hey I am in Japan...everything here literally becomes nice...yeah I know it`s probably the evolution of my mind thingy.

Nothing much to do today as the students are basically having tests. And a little word to send all you people envious...Since I got here in Japan and those people that know that I am teaching English, Yes I mean the Japanese...they told me one after another that I will definitely be popular because I am cute. Now that`s what I am talking.....YEAH!

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