Friday, February 22, 2008


- Never Stop Dreaming -

Experiencing snow is phenomenal chapter in my life and as more and more snow comes crashing down from towns seperated from my humble shack by a mere 1 hour odd, more often than usual, I wished I was living in those towns instead. Eventhough all these towns collected in the same prefecture which is some 42km² larger than good old SG, the amount of snowfall really differs from time to time. And at this point of time, I will not rule out the possibility of moving to a more extreme snow town when my contract finishes next year.

Snowboarding once again was conducted by me and the usual bandits at Nozawa Onsen last Sunday. We set off early from Komoro with a not-too-happy frown on my face as the morning was greeted with golden rays instead of lush clouds of doom. But in a rare twist of fate, upon reaching Iiyama town which we pass to get to Nozawa Onsen, a blizzard was actually raving through. Snow was almost 3 times as much as all the other previous trip up here. Visibility was reduced to ZERO and yes I said ZERO. When the raging blizzard ripped through the forest, nothing could be seen as a sheet of white was all there was. All the vehicles on the road stopped, popped the hazard lights and waited. 10 minutes later, when visibility was a mere 10 metres, everyone started creeping their vehicles up Nozawa Onsen.

This had to be the most extreme blizzard I had experienced and boy can I say, I LOVED IT. Well you people can lament and talk sense into me but trust me, it WON'T work as I have come to terms that indeed there are disastrous chaos that the snow brings but I am willing to embrace it all and live in it.

And so finally, we reached Nozawa Onsen in 1 piece only to find ourselves stranded in a rare scene, well at least I am as I am not sure about the rest. All the cars in the road side parking lots were buried in 1.5 feet of snow and only the sketchy white silhouette was visible. Encasing the parking lot was 2 metres of snow towering above the cars and people were seen digging their cars out...Gigantic Cat wheel dozers with chain-strapped wheels were shoveling the snow in the massive carpark. I was overwhelmed and stoned to be granted such an extraordinary experience.

Alrite the entire snowboarding experience was mixed with both satisfaction and disappointment. Satisfaction because there was simply an unbelivable amout of snow that keeps falling endlessly, huge powder that allows me to ride big without injuring myself and the bareness of the runs allows ample space to carve tricks. Disappointment because visibility was negligible with trees and barriers posing an immediate danger and amateur runs were gradually flattening out with powder making riding impossible.

At the end of the day my dear friend, the only female in the group, (who by any chance happens to read this) be not upset by these words that I pen. Afterall I was polite enoungh to not spit it in your face and embarrass you in front of everyone. Well she was whiny and uptight at the very end for various reasons but hey, please do not substitute me for your rag doll just because your BF is in Kyoto. If you have to be unpleasant about it, just deal with it and quit being a BITCH.

Geez, talk about soiling one's mood...alrite point taken let's move on. The drive back after the snowboarding trip was equally disastrous as all roads were jammed the raging blizzard didn't seem to stop. Yep I like it a lot and I am not complaining but merely stating facts. I like the slow drive and the appreciation of the gently falling snow which seems to dance in which ever direction the wind blows. And in that dim orange street lamp (you know how I have a fetish for those orange street lamps) illuminated orange pellets dance in different rhythm of the currents. A smile formed on my face because the thoughts of seeing this with someone special beside me would be the best image captured in my head for centuries to come.

Finally after a long 4 hour drive through roads with water sprouting (think mini musical fountain) from the ground, and insane 140km speeding alongside MPVs and SUVs in 6km long tunnels, home as it was embraced me with a nice hot bath and dreamy slumberland.

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