Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Web Store Now OPEN!

- Never Stop Dreaming -

Hello my dear fellow friends in Singapore, I have specially set up my very own web store which will carry cool Japanese apparels, gear and stuffs that are not available in Singapore. I will try to keep the price range below SGD$500 per item for the welfare of everyone as choking down cup noodles for the rest of the month is not what I would want from you peeps. Every item is extremely exclusive and limited to 5 pieces per item, which means that the probability of bumping into someone in SG with the same article is 0.0000011% (5 pieces divided by Singapore's population of 4,553, 009 as of July 2007). Of course if I know that an item will be made available to Singapore, I will not list, ship or put it up as this is to keep you people at the forefront of being a trend setter rather than a fashion victim who follows trends...

Remember the stuffs listed are ONLY for sale in certain parts of Japan only and I do not intend to ship it anywhere EXCEPT to Singapore. Items will be updated randomly and are on a first come first serve basis and you are strongly advised to set up a Paypal account to facilitate the flow of payments and the time for the item to reach you. Once it's gone, it will NOT BE AVAILABLE ANYMORE. And PLEASE read the terms and conditions before ordering anything.

So feel free to go spread the word and remember Christmas is just around the corner...hehe


Click HERE to jump straight to MY WEB STORE...

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