Thursday, June 4, 2009


- Never Stop Dreaming -

A little update about me and my thoughts...

A while back, I was screaming and possibly cursing at the ridiculous Japanese prejudice against me getting my driver's license converted, it's all history now. As of 1st June, in the 21st year of the Heisei Reign, I am holding it firmly between my fingers. The last test that I took prior to this, the testor gave me one, YES ONLY 1 extremely stupid reason as to why I didn't make it. That is I checked the side mirrors a little to short...less than 1 second according to that particular testor whom I presumed have an un-mortally sense of mathematical complexity in this head. So with this 1st of June date approaching, a weird sense of energy gripped me like as though someone else is controlling my physical movements. There was also an overwhelming confidence that the 1st of June was a good date to get this all done.

I swore to God, I did a little less than perfect as compared to the previous attempt but surprisingly the same testor decided to clear me of this burden. Only 2 including me of course, made it on that sacred date and I was the only foreigner claiming a full MANUAL license. Automatic are for beginners or is it that I still can't get the boy racer outta me? I think the latter is clearly applicable...The wait after the test was long and boring. There were more than 20 staffs working but I had to wait for more than an hour to get my picture taken and then to be handed the not-so-Kawaii Japanese Driver License. Not that I am expecting any Mute Kitties on my card but at least something a little more presentable...Kudos to SG for that.

So now I am legally certified to drive in Japan, I think I might be planning a long road trip somewhere far...Niigata, Hokkaido, etc. And so with that long and unpleasant chapter behind me now, it's time to look forward to more important issues.

In some of the previous entries I have mentioned that I was head over heels, losing precious sleep and a hell lot of Yen over the 5Dmk2, nonetheless the plans of the acquisition have already been laid down since the inception of the firmware update by Canon on May 27th. Looking back some 3 years ago, I thought I would just get a nice entry-level, affordable DSLR to fool around with and then end of story. I was horribly didn't end but only fuelled a reason to go further of course at the expense of losing a lot of money. I have no prior training, professional help, etc but this creative side of me simply took off with Photoshop and a simple Point and Shoot camera back then. Now I am looking at photography as a hobby and possible some indie film making when the 5DMk2 are in my possession.

Am spending a lot of time reading up on using manual strobes, audio issues, film making and other photography and film related stuffs. Hopefully someone skilled in this field will find this blog, read about it and come to my rescue. There are so many ideas inside my head but time is definitely not a luxury I have. Have to plan the script, the sequence and then put it to reality and actually film it. Not sure if my subjects will say yes but I really want to do it. Simply inspired by so many amazing short films online, this is maybe another leap of faith that I might be embarking on.

And once again I will be making my annual pilgrimage back home to honor those who made me who I am. Somehow it's these very people who are the very reason why I want to make a film for preserve them eternally. This year, going back home seems a little more worthwhile and I am taking preemtive measures to curb that enthusiasm. Unlike the previous trips, nothing spectacular actually happened. Can't say the same for this year because I have made a hell lot more friends back home in my abscence and I would definitely like to meet them personally. My brother and brothers wedding are all lined up for me to grace it, lovely faces for me to embrace and so much catching up to do with so many people. So much photography and filming to do and I had to say this but I really really really do miss my Grandma and Mum and Dad. My brother will be back from Aussie, my brother will be officially doing the wedding ceremony, my cousins will be bringing their GFs and wifes, my friends as it's really really packed which of course is a really really good thing. Un-eventful journeys are not really worth remembering but smiling thru an epical one is God sent. And so I know that these good times don't linger around forever, I might as well dedicate them to my book, a book of my life's greatest journey. A book I single-handedly choreographed, orchestrated and scripted to document my life's amazing what about you? What epical adventures have you done so far that you want to write a book life's greatest journey book.

There are some who spend their whole life dreaming,
there are some who live their lives in it.
There are some who question their destiny,
there are some who create their own fate.
There are some who read about life's greatest journey,
There are some who write it for others to read.
There are some who remembers
and there are some who are remembered.

August...I am waiting. I will be hauling a new camera home...I will be seeing a lot of people whom I want so much to see but yet I am disgusted to tell them how much I miss them.

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