Thursday, February 19, 2009

More items added...

- Never Stop Dreaming -

Finally I had time to post process those pics I took from Osaka...still processing them in PS later this evening after the initial CR thru the LR2 process. Looks pretty impressive not because the photog is good but the deadly equipment he is blessed with.

Was recently eyeing a decent tripod because the vintage chrome-plated one that Grandpa had left behind is getting a little stressed out when I mount the KDX with the 580ex2 on it. The metal welded joints began to show signs of weakness and I doubt it will hold up to any more of such abuse. Beside I would want 3 grand of gear to crash and break my heart. So did a little bit of research and I finally settled on the Slik "Carbon Series" 814 Pro II with a 806 base plate. A little pricey with the MSRP at ¥81,000 ++ but the usual digging around, I found a decent piece at around ¥50,000 with 5 times points rebate. Being hesitant about blowing out my pay again like last month, I decided to push it to the next payday. 2 days later when I checked it again, it was already sold out and once again I was disheartened. Instincts automatically kicked in and I flooded the net with queries and searches until I found it at ¥44,000. With the indication that the company is low on stocks, I cashed in and ordered it to be delivered 1 day before my payday next week.

The other strobist gear which I had initially planned will have to be scheduled later. I need the tripod much more urgently than the other gear. Besides the initial Skyport RX triggers were not meant for 3rd party flashes so lucky me, I didn't actually buy that. The Vivitar 285hv had so many blown out, smoke spewing horrendous stories because it is a MADE IN F****** CHINA piece of crap that I will be avoiding. For a 100 dollars extra, cup noodles for a couple of days and the mental insurance of a decent MADE IN JAPAN Canon flash, I had opted for the Canon 430EX instead. But all that will have to be pushed back till like May. 3 nonths later, I will probably blow at least 2 months pay into a new camera body that is if Canon release the 60D (7D) in August. I would loved to have a live view and video recording capabilities on my cam. Expensive journey has just gotten more expensive.

So here is pretty much my Photography's Itinery for this year.

March ~ April
Kyoto, Nara, Osaka trip for the Cherry Blossoms, Architecture.

Okada Sensei and Akira's wedding at Nara

My brother's wedding in Singapore, hopefully outing with someone very special.

So if I can get my hands on a new camera, no doubt my pockets will be burnt real least I have vids and pics to console me for the remaining years of completing my book.

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