Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh my...what a bootiful day!

- Never Stop Dreaming -

The deep blue sky was a sight to behold this morning since everyday had been really cloudy if not rainy. But as the bright rays of the morning sun filtered thru my paper windows, shadows were formed and they disappeared. The occasional melodic symphony of the wind caressing the leaves led me to wonder if it would be another overcast day. These uncertainties vanished the moment I stepped out of my front door with a nice hot cup of coffee to start the day. The sky was indeed basked in deep rich oceanic blue of the Caribbean but the angry storm clouds were closing in from the side masking the mountains. To me this was probably the last few days of such splendid weather before the insane summer heat caught up with me. Frying an egg on the top of my head was already an image taking form in my head.

The massive mountain ranges lined the horizon while the lush green fields painted the vast land beneath the deep blue sky…welcome to my kind of place where the phrase “concrete jungle” were unheard of. Somehow I had this unexplainable anxiety inside me seeking a channel to erupt as I drove such beautiful scenery early in the morning. In fact I felt thrilled to be in this amazing weather since in less than a weeks odd time, I will be eating vehicular fumes coupled with sweat and heat to complete my annual summer pilgrimage back home. A new week, a fresh day to start the week, things to look forward to the weekend, new toys, a white shirt for a change (since every other day I had be clad in nothing less than my usual Black Death outfit). I had been questioned as to why I am always wearing black and my reasons were that black was a color that doesn’t get dirty easily which was in fact a silly lie with a nano fraction of truth to hide my hideous laziness… :p

Going back to the strange anxiety, I really do not know how to explain it if you ask me since the feeling is expressed explicitly in Boredphucks’s “What a beautiful day” except that I don’t dance around coconut trees. Might be partly due to the fact that I am heading home to sample Mum’s cooking, give Grandma a big hug, lie in my Huge Teddy Bear, eat LJS with cheese…But I am sure there are other reasons as well but at the moment I really can’t tell. It’s just amazing to be alive in such an environment to tell myself that I would wake up everyday like this to go to work without any contemplation or hesitation.

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