Monday, August 25, 2008


- Never Stop Dreaming -


お願い I was always asking...solely to escape solitarary defections. But as much as I seek, I can't find the ideal resting place or the correct attachment. それから I began to utilize 時間 slowly and appreciate all that's around. It was then I began to 集めって the right subjects for further 研究 and it was there and then that I began to grow attached, to nurture and ultimately to give in. I can't deny the feelings as they have blossom like wild flowers beyond my control. Yep I confess, the seedings have began and I am implicated in a complicated web of connections that I have spun for myself. It's an self-defence mechanism that I have developed over the years but when the time is right I would probably disable it to progress. よく知っているけど、it was beyond my control. The status quo elevated by itself. No confirmations from me yet but trust me I am gonna work on it. Sorry but Thank You さやかちゃん...I would like to invite you into my private santuary.


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