Thursday, May 29, 2008

Resurrected 2000 CW

- Never Stop Dreaming -

Having lost my 3 year old MADE IN JAPAN PSP and my beloved headphones to some jerk which I will never know his face, I can only put some blind faith to Master Karma to deliver him a punishment worst than death, leprosy would be ideal.

Living thru some troubled times here, my strength have indeed taken a beating but it has not wavered. I am still going strong and my dreams are still pretty much keeping me alive.

Years ago, the abscence of colors are my prefered choice of association as it simply blends and pollenate mystery. Overtime, I have taken a rather deep interest in purity and simplicity which presumably started when the 1st white PSP was added to my cause. Then the Macbook, the seasons and the snow came to extend that affection further.

Being robbed against my will of my precious form of entertainment, LOST the series seems to be a good substitute until the ISOs and CSOs start creeping into my dreams. I knew I had to resurrect it, the white PSP. But no it will never be the same because I had held it, kissed it and nurtured it for almost 3 years with tender loving care and not a scratch or chip because it has never been fallen. Encased in Logitech Polycarbonate case, decorated with intricate Tokidoki designs and polished with a microfibre cloth, it was my favorite toy since my Minidisc Player.

So for the sake of "The Resurrection" and despite my harsh verbal desocration of MADE IN CHINA (MIC) stuffs, my constant propaganda and blasphemy, I am forced to walk the humble route of shame. My face sunk deep in my hands, my head held low in disgust and my ego crumbled to nano pieces, I settled for a MIC PSP and Ipod TOUCH.

Not something that I can be proud of and not something that I would want to promote, I simply have absolutely ZERO faith in Chinese products. The lingering thought of these gadgets failing are so regular it has almost become a self-fulfilling prophecy if that day of the LAST JUDGEMENT should ever come.

2 full weeks of research to "custom firmware" my PSP had proven that I have not lost the blazing trail of Dark Alex's wonders. From the initial research, to the memory card purchase to the final PSP purchase, I have spent a considerate amount of effort. Even when checking the physical PSP before purchase, a full 10 minutes was expanded to magnify every detail, lines and screws to uncover any flaws.

Finally, the white glossy PSP 2000 Ceramic White (CW) woke up to continue the legacy of the Great PSP 1000 CW. Tweaked as I did, the minutes and hours simpled ticked away but there is still no progress to defy SONY's Official 3.90 firmware. Holding on to the legacy, I perserved and researched and researched. My efforts eventually paid off when the answer came in a string of DOS prompts - "mspformat" and "msinst F msipl.bin".

These were the necessary commands to de-partition and format the memory stick and to write the code so that the PSP will be able to boot externally with the help of the recovery aka "PANDORA" battery. As the percentage rolls steadily, the "Complete" status eventually appeared in the MS-DOS command box and I knew this was it. Memory stick, "checked!", Pandora, "checked!" and "VIOLA!". The options screen appeared and an "X" button was entered where the flashing and installation of the scripts scrolled in white texts on the PSP's screen.

Welcome to 3.71 M33-2 which was later updated to 3.80 M33-5. Now the new legend begins...

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