Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Point Break 2

- Never Stop Dreaming -

I can't believe my eyes when I saw that startling news sometime ago. Now I can finally put those ney sayers to rest. Point Break 2, the sequel to the original iconic movie that gained an instant cult following will be produced by a Singapore company. Not much is revealed as we speak but the original one was possibly the best ever surfing movie written by Peter Iliff. So I am pretty surprised that he actually decided to reprise the master piece with a part 2 as most sequels sucks.

The original Point Break was one film that locked in a huge pop culture success that thrived for many years. Ever since then there were not even a single surfing movie that came close. 1991, more than 15 years ago...I could still recall the scenes of the final journey where Keanu watches Bodhi sets out to ride the biggest waves ever.

Yeap indeed I am proud that the little island where I was born is constantly spinning crazy tales that still continues to drop jaws internationally. The Integrated Resorts, The F1 races, the first A380 monster to arrive in Narita Airport and now Point Break 2. *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* Way to go SG...I have to salute you on these.

Ok ok, aside the celebrations and international recognition, I have come to ponder over some uncertainties to quench my pessimistic nature.

1. With regards to the recent tragedies brought by Tsunamis, what impact or significances does surfing movies have?

2. Of all the known surfing spots, where exactly does Singapore fit in?

3. Why the 15 year break before a sequel?

4. Of all the production companies, how did the SG one secure it?

Well these are my 2 cents worth of thoughts so far but of the 4 I guess the one that deserves the most brain damage would have to be no. 2. How was Singapore even consider for a SURFING MOVIE where all I see are the impressive SGreans' ability to surf the internet. A vibrant and advanced country where paper chasers are the common norm, minorities like our friends, neighbours and colleagues who chose to skim board and pursue other talents are often frown my my I seriously see a parody of disparity here but hey, that's just my own perception.

ALrite conflicting interests aside, the bottomline is that I would be anticipating the upcoming Point Break 2 with an open mind. Thumbs up for SG on this one though.

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