Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A white blast to a new start...

- Never Stop Dreaming -

On the 9th of Jan, a friend from Tokyo brought her friends to my prefecture for snowboarding and I proudly crashed it at a different ski resort, a first for me. Though I fell like a log when I got home, it was one of those really nice boarding sessions which kept me intact.

Last week, on the night of the 15th, I drove my tiny rocket to yet another fantastic ski resort (in Hakuba) to crash a party. Initially, I had planned to snooze on Friday night to 3 am and drive up to Hakuba but a phone call came in to inform me of a party on Friday night coincidentally in Hakuba as well so I packed my bags, my bed and my gear, loaded them into the car and drove off in darkness. The road up to Hakuba was MIRACULOUSLY AMAZING because it was snowing so bad, everywhere was white, visibility was reduced, traction was negligible...Then I arrived in one of the most beautiful winter wonderland in Japan to crash a party in a little village like a page out of the Grimm's Brothers' fables with cottage houses and fire pits in the snowy forrest.

I recharged myself with some decent English Ale, more sweetened cocktails and finally at 3 am on Saturday morning, I sneaked into my tiny car covered in snow to catch my favorite Z monster. 3 hours later, the alarm woke me up and I was badly shaken in my frozen car by a huge snow shoveling machine. I opened the door only to find a 1.5 metre tall red spinning blade beside me belong to the massive snow shoveling monster. Fired up the car and drove with my head out the window since the windscreen was all frozen a safer location. Washed up and downed a can of coffee before making my way to meet my buddy from Osaka.

Was surprised to find her and a fraction of her crew already at the designated meeting place 7 in the morning. By 9.30am (damn that was really late), I was tearing up the slopes in one of the most magnificient white faced Alps of the Japanese glory. I did took some pictures with my toy camera loaded with a trial roll of color film. Will see how they turn out. Met more crew after lunch and found myself another snowboarding buddy who would trail me in the powder..sweet. Ended the Saturday with one guy proposing to his girl under a huge bell on top of the ski resort in all that snow making me envious and jealous. Dinner was mainly revolving around the 1 diamond ring on her finger and gossiping non stop about everything under the sun. Sunday was dead tired as well but leaving that fairy tale land was definitely a sad experience.

2 days into this new week and I have confirmation that my watch will be arriving soon. Still waiting for further instructions on what to do with my jacket which is lying there...bloody waste of money if I can't use it. Tomolo will be JUDGEMENT DAY when the verdict of my job interview be released. I am afraid...very...but what else more could I do but to wait and suck my thumb. God bless and God speed and God, where ever you are, who ever you are please acknowledge my repentence and apologies and listen to my silent mental prayers for once, let me have this job and let me keep it as a career.


the amazing kuli said...

you hope enough, dreams wouldnt stray far. :)

小郎 said...

Thks and I got the JOB!!!!!!!!