Friday, May 1, 2009

Take a break from Hell.

- Never Stop Dreaming -

So it seems that shits in life are really like diarrhea, they will strike you in the most unexpected situations leaving you with some foul and uncomfortable wet pants! Just when the world's economy is showing a little glimmer of the raging bull, the sneezy pig comes in and stomp the hopes outta everyone.

While it may seem like a huge pandemic scare everywhere, I am more concern about how much the Yen will be affected. Ha...because with every single catastrophic event that happen, I might either be 1 step closer to buying stuffs off other countries cheap or vice versa. Of course I want it to be cheap...when the Yen plummeted to a shocking 84 points against the USD, I was more than delighted. But before I could do anything much, it had rose to 100 points when the Finance Minister of Japan took a blunder. Then when the ever so cute pigs brought some deadly flu into the world, the Yen dipped again to around 96. And today, it went up to 99 AGAIN!

This is after all the currency market where opportunities are lurking at every corner. If you are fast, it can either make you a whole lot more money or rob you of every cent you slogged for so far.

Well all I am saying is that I am eyeing some pretty hefty camera stuffs here so yes I am indeed pretty concern on the exchange rates. Here are some of the items that I am keeping a look our for...

1. Canon 5D Mark II (98% chance of aquisition)
2. EF 70-200 F2.8 IS USM (50% chance of aquisition)
3. Pocket Wizard FlexTT5 and MiniTT1 (98% chance of aquisition)
4. Canon 430 EX II (67% chance of aquisition)
5. Base Unibody MacBook 2.4Ghz (10% chance of aquisition)
6. Final Cut Studio 2 (98% chance of aquisition)

The main reason for the 5D MkII is because I am already using a 1.6x sensor camera so longer lens have a much longer reach so I kinda want to expand on the wide angle of a full frame camera. Besides the video capabilities of this camera are simply astounding abiet the lack of a full manual control. Of course there are numerous work arounds but it's simply these following vids that got me cancerously poisoned!
Don't say I didn't warn you...

(The link provided will bring you to the site Cinema5D where you can find those 4 or 5 stars rating vids. Thks to YOU for informing me about the broken link...Cheers!)


Of course there is the Vicent Laforet's masterpiece but those above are more subtle for my taste. I really can see the bold opportunities that are being open up from the fusion of stills and vid. Hopefully I can find more people with such passion to work with. However the years of Photoshopping would be useless for vids and I have to cry like a baby once again to learn everything from scratch with Color and Final Cut Pro.

No. 3 are the wireless triggers for me to fiddle around with off camera strobes but too bad Japan are seriously lacking in talents in such an industry. No.2 the legendary white "shark" lens might be really useful for longer reach but will probably hold for the moment. New Macbook...I am not sure but might be able to get it as a surprise. And of course No. 4 strobe will compliment the current one I have and the wireless triggers.

Man this is gonna be one really expensive everything photography aside, here is one game I am eagerly anticipating...PSP SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3. Because I have completed Fireteam Bravo 2 and it's an awesome game, I have also completed Resistance Retribution and I NEED MORE GAMES! Here is one peekture to tease everyone...and also to bring back the good o' shoot 'em up SAF days..."Rattattatta...tattattattat!"

Alternatively you can visit HERE for more pictures.

And my oh Golden Week holiday starts tonite! Planning to go up to Kiso for photography and also Ninja Village for some serious shurikens fun. Whoooooooooo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the link is broken?