Wednesday, November 19, 2008

FedEx Festive Tidings

- Never Stop Dreaming -

Just when I when I thought the great events were about to come to an abrupt end, the festive blessings came in a package of white fluffy contours. Though it was mild and not the massive great balls that I was hoping, nonetheless, IT HAS BEGAN TO SNOW! Yeah yeah yeah...I have been waiting for this moment for somewhat 7 to 8 months which seems like light years when the Lord sent his angels sweeping the magical Heavenly dust from his door step.

Going thru the lunch sessions, I was facinated like a little kid unwrapping presents for the very first time. Though the view North of my position looked like the end of the world with thick intimidating clouds hovering above, the view East of my position looks fresh outta a painting with clear blue skies and luscious blobs of fluffy clouds. Then to the South of my position, the view was a billowing wave of clouds shielding the sun and a white fog in the foreground which so happens to be zillions of little snow flakes brought forth by the strong wind. 3 different simultaneous scenes from 1 position where I am typing this entry. Now that's extra fast festive tidings...

Besides that...the weather report says it will snow for the new few days. YES!

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