Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Sniper's Prayer

- Never Stop Dreaming -

It seems funny that my thoughts are so random when I spend precious hours inside a small cubicle recycling food for Mother Nature. Cars, news, snow, parties, etc. and the current fleeting thought, A Sniper's Prayer.

"Dear God,

with this instrument of precision engineering granted to me, let me cast fear upon my enemies and let me not be consumed by fear. Let me strike down my enemies before they strike me down. With God in my mind and enemies in my eyes, grant me Holy strength. A roar of thunder I shall send them all to your Heavenaly Sanctuary. Amen."

Though a bit cheesy and probably ripped from the quotes from Saving Pte Ryan, I kinda forgot the exact words so I simply filled in my own. With moments of solitary confinement lashed out by my own will, I was never far from creativity. Probably too much Supernatural and the Winchester Boys, I find myself so often playing the words revolving around Devil, God, Angels and Demons. Of course there is the murders, blood and gore to ice the final decorations of the cake.

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