Friday, December 26, 2008

No White Christmas but...

- Never Stop Dreaming -

Well as expected there wasn't any white Christmas so my hopes were pretty much SMASHED! But better late than never, the clouds gathered, Heavens smiled and it snowed late in the night and early in the morning on Boxing Day. Once again everywhere is white and fluffy...pretty! A day late but still acceptable because it's really the snow that makes a difference. 2 times so far since winter started that Heaven had granted snow because the rest of the gloomy days were simply chilly rain which in my humble opinion, is not good for winter. Snow belongs to winter not the rain eventhough I used to be a sucker for rain (when I was in Singapore).

Day after day, the news flooded the Internet with Canada and America getting dumped but tons of snow so I was left wondering, "What The Hell", because WE here in Japan should be entitled to share some of that white powder as well. I am super duper "Genki" and with cousin Denis and Lifern coming over today in the evening, things just couldn't get any worse.

While in the morning, I skipped my usual breakfast and opted for a cup of hot coffee instead. As I watch the white phenomenon smiling in front of me with nice hot coffee in my hands, I knew this was it. The moment that I have been waiting for all these while. Hoooorayyyy! When the time is almost right, I got in my little snow mobile, half blue (based color of my car) and half white and made my way to work. Too overjoyed and overwhelmed by the snow, the idea of driving safely was erazed completely from my head. One downhill tight corner and my car was sliding dangerously towards the gutter. For a moment I thought my car would hit the ditch but my instantaneous reaction combining hard braking and counter steering brought the car away from the gutter. It was inches from going into the gutter and boy that was totally unexpected. Not that I had actually planned an Initial D stunt but simply pure inert reaction. So I really ought to keep my mind clear when I am driving and not get too carried away by the snow. Of course I will try to practice drifting again soon so that I can have a better understanding and control of the car to prevent accidents in the most uncanny situations.

Fooling around the car in snow is fun because you get to feel the car sliding and losing traction. Then you take the necessary counter measures to bring the car back under control. With practice, this will become a useful skill for driving under harsh conditions because you will never know when the next accident will happen. But when it does happens, only drivers with such skill set will be able to sail away from any potential damage while the rest of the normal drivers will...sad to say damage the car.


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