Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Petal Showers

- Never Stop Dreaming -

Life at times seem pretty transcience and fragile as depicted by the beautiful Sakuras here in Japan. These are magnificient flowers that will capture anyone's heart away when they are at full bloom. Especiallly if you are experiencing it under the dim orange street lamps, surrounded by the moon, stars and a bunch of crazy people in a park overlooking the sleeping city. It's immerse soul-whisking appeal can justified by the fact that they are only here for a short span of time. And when one take a walk down the vision tunnel appreciating the awe and beauty of it all, the occasional winds will gently gather the sakuras and start a shower of petals. In my years of existence, this little shower of sakura petals was probably the closest feeling of being in God's Santuary, Fantasy Lands, Paradise, Heaven.

Well literally think Kent Ridge Park in SG, dimmed with orange street lamps, throw in a little shelter, BBQ pits, and the Sakura trees, overlooking the city below. Then comes the wind scattering sakura petals...and everyone was moving in slow frames bathing in the sakura petals. The place was at Chikuma Park (千曲公園)in Ueda city and if anyone was here with me, you would have clearly understood the meaning of rebirth.

You see I am really honoured to be invited to attend a cherry blossom viewing (花見)by my Japanese friends yesterday nite. It was initially scheduled on the previous Sunday but it was rescheduled due to various reasons. Nonetheless my camera, batt and memory card was already stashed in my aluminium case before Sunday. I had already anticipated how much of me would die in the proccess. But the reality was far, no far would be an understatement, I was unprepared and nothing came close. My expectations were not met but blown outta proportion. Forever, there will be a part of my memory engraved and etched in the the stone pillar in Chikuma Park because I died last nite and was resurrected in the exact park.

Like what many Japanese used to tell me about how the Sakuras represented their feelings which I still could not figured out, the only thing that I clearly understood was that beautiful creations do not last forever and that is the primarily reason why they are so captivating.

Well mere words are never enough but I shall grant you the freedom to dream, to envision and to fictionalize before I post the pics up.

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