Friday, March 6, 2009

Merely Signs

- Never Stop Dreaming -

Back in those days, not too long after the era of policemen in shorts, SG used to be known as a place where law and order strives. In fact the laws were not only published in the Gazette, they were effectively enforced with severe punishments for the occasional rebels. Though seemingly resembling a Kim Jong "is very" Ill state, it did paid off and instilled fear in most of us to actually question our actions before we commit an act against the law. In that sense we became morally ethical puppets who conforms to every single law, killing creativity, illegal activities and eventually earned ourselves a recognised place on the global scale. Now that of course is a really really behemoth of a blessing because a dot on the "i" in the word Singapore is what we really are on a world map and because of the way Singapore was protrayed as, it have evolved to be one of the most livable city states in Asia.

Yes I grew up abiding laws and avoid any direct conflict with it because there were severe and the fines were not within my capacity. Of course like every other teenage-angst-ridden youth, there were times where we flouted the laws. But these were done away from pesky public eyes. Even the older Japanese here in the Land of the Rising Sun remembers SG as a "Clean and Green City" and "Singapore is a FINE City." where the strict laws were effective in governing the land. Other American friends remember the infamous Michael Fay "Ass-Whipping" case and shrudders in fear when they seek my confirmation and details pertaining to the who issue.

So these days when I tune in to my local dosage of more MIC poisoning cases, rude behaviors, run-ins on STOMP and Channelnewsasia and have myself a really good laugh. I find myself reading more articles on how the laws that once wielded such enormous power were being blantantly flouted in SG. Escaped terrorist, eating on MRTs, smoking on MRTs, illegal parkings, naked paraders, porn in carpark, killing in University, etc were just teasers I presumed. Besides that, these news were almost 70% reported by netizens on STOMP and as far as I know, no one was apprended, no fines were issued and everyone simply gets on with their lives. I am left pondering the reasons for the recent spate of these lawlessness spree.

Is it because the economic downturn have reduced the staff strength of the various organizations?

Have the related staffs lost the vigilance and effectiveness to carry out daily duties?

Have the laws lost it's effectiveness and become mere posters and decorations on public places?

Have we evolved so advanced that laws are no longer needed?

Is there otherwise an indication I have missed out?

Is there a surge in rebels with no regards to the law?

Questions and more questions but little answers...but the bottomline is that though some of the issues I have quoted above are little and really nano as compared to murder or national conspiracy, laws are still meant to be observed in the confines of the public. I do hope that the laws that had such immerse influence which I grew up with and had gained recognition worldwide will not succumb to the recent surge in such amusing activities.

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