- Never Stop Dreaming -
Well as expected there wasn't any white Christmas so my hopes were pretty much SMASHED! But better late than never, the clouds gathered, Heavens smiled and it snowed late in the night and early in the morning on Boxing Day. Once again everywhere is white and fluffy...pretty! A day late but still acceptable because it's really the snow that makes a difference. 2 times so far since winter started that Heaven had granted snow because the rest of the gloomy days were simply chilly rain which in my humble opinion, is not good for winter. Snow belongs to winter not the rain eventhough I used to be a sucker for rain (when I was in Singapore).
Day after day, the news flooded the Internet with Canada and America getting dumped but tons of snow so I was left wondering, "What The Hell", because WE here in Japan should be entitled to share some of that white powder as well. Yes...today I am super duper "Genki" and with cousin Denis and Lifern coming over today in the evening, things just couldn't get any worse.
While in the morning, I skipped my usual breakfast and opted for a cup of hot coffee instead. As I watch the white phenomenon smiling in front of me with nice hot coffee in my hands, I knew this was it. The moment that I have been waiting for all these while. Hoooorayyyy! When the time is almost right, I got in my little snow mobile, half blue (based color of my car) and half white and made my way to work. Too overjoyed and overwhelmed by the snow, the idea of driving safely was erazed completely from my head. One downhill tight corner and my car was sliding dangerously towards the gutter. For a moment I thought my car would hit the ditch but my instantaneous reaction combining hard braking and counter steering brought the car away from the gutter. It was inches from going into the gutter and boy that was totally unexpected. Not that I had actually planned an Initial D stunt but simply pure inert reaction. So I really ought to keep my mind clear when I am driving and not get too carried away by the snow. Of course I will try to practice drifting again soon so that I can have a better understanding and control of the car to prevent accidents in the most uncanny situations.
Fooling around the car in snow is fun because you get to feel the car sliding and losing traction. Then you take the necessary counter measures to bring the car back under control. With practice, this will become a useful skill for driving under harsh conditions because you will never know when the next accident will happen. But when it does happens, only drivers with such skill set will be able to sail away from any potential damage while the rest of the normal drivers will...sad to say damage the car.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Sniper's Prayer
- Never Stop Dreaming -
It seems funny that my thoughts are so random when I spend precious hours inside a small cubicle recycling food for Mother Nature. Cars, news, snow, parties, etc. and the current fleeting thought, A Sniper's Prayer.
"Dear God,
with this instrument of precision engineering granted to me, let me cast fear upon my enemies and let me not be consumed by fear. Let me strike down my enemies before they strike me down. With God in my mind and enemies in my eyes, grant me Holy strength. A roar of thunder I shall send them all to your Heavenaly Sanctuary. Amen."
Though a bit cheesy and probably ripped from the quotes from Saving Pte Ryan, I kinda forgot the exact words so I simply filled in my own. With moments of solitary confinement lashed out by my own will, I was never far from creativity. Probably too much Supernatural and the Winchester Boys, I find myself so often playing the words revolving around Devil, God, Angels and Demons. Of course there is the murders, blood and gore to ice the final decorations of the cake.
It seems funny that my thoughts are so random when I spend precious hours inside a small cubicle recycling food for Mother Nature. Cars, news, snow, parties, etc. and the current fleeting thought, A Sniper's Prayer.
"Dear God,
with this instrument of precision engineering granted to me, let me cast fear upon my enemies and let me not be consumed by fear. Let me strike down my enemies before they strike me down. With God in my mind and enemies in my eyes, grant me Holy strength. A roar of thunder I shall send them all to your Heavenaly Sanctuary. Amen."
Though a bit cheesy and probably ripped from the quotes from Saving Pte Ryan, I kinda forgot the exact words so I simply filled in my own. With moments of solitary confinement lashed out by my own will, I was never far from creativity. Probably too much Supernatural and the Winchester Boys, I find myself so often playing the words revolving around Devil, God, Angels and Demons. Of course there is the murders, blood and gore to ice the final decorations of the cake.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Around People
- Never Stop Dreaming -
In my yet another intuitive approach to attempt to stop time by freezing a moment of it in frames, something that cannot be done by any living mortal. This time round I have moved on from rooms, shadows and sunlight. Instead I chose to shoot people related subjects in color and have the magic flow from Photoshop to convert them to monochrome. The following 4 pictures, each have a different perspective to portray because I had wanted to isolate a section of the photos, usually away from the main attention grabber. So after messing with Photoshop for weeks, these are my first monochromic exhibition of people.


"Winter Wear"


In my yet another intuitive approach to attempt to stop time by freezing a moment of it in frames, something that cannot be done by any living mortal. This time round I have moved on from rooms, shadows and sunlight. Instead I chose to shoot people related subjects in color and have the magic flow from Photoshop to convert them to monochrome. The following 4 pictures, each have a different perspective to portray because I had wanted to isolate a section of the photos, usually away from the main attention grabber. So after messing with Photoshop for weeks, these are my first monochromic exhibition of people.


"Winter Wear"


Saturday, December 20, 2008
Drifting Redefine.
- Never Stop Dreaming -
While searching for some info on the net, I came across this really interesting vid off a Japanese website about drifting. You think only cars can drift, think again...
While searching for some info on the net, I came across this really interesting vid off a Japanese website about drifting. You think only cars can drift, think again...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Professional Fatuous "Advisors"
- Never Stop Dreaming -
This morning, I was greeted by the sweetest message from one of the loveliest girl who had implanted permanant footprints in my life and gained herself a eternal place in my heart. Quite to the contary, last night I was chatting with another lovely girl who had also gained a significant impact in my life...Yes I know I am in self denial of these blessings that God have granted, I am blind, I am dumb or watever. That aside, I received an email from an net friend whom I had never met. Now there was absolutely nothing wrong with the email so don't get me wrong. The email was about an unknown Caucasian little girl who seemed to be tracing her name, her roots and possibly her parents after being a victim of the 2004 Phuket Tsunami.
As we all know, the tragedy happened like about 4 years ago and this email circulating phenomenon is somewhat shady, and possibly unreliable. As much as I appreciate the efforts of everyone harnessing the power of the internet to bring the world closer, but being a good samaritian by forwarding emails blindly outta compassion is not gonna beg you a Noble price or a place in Wikipedia. I may seem to be going down harsh on this issue and yes indeed I am. Simply because in this advance civilization of techonology that we live in, the mere click of the mouse might prove a little too fatal at times. The repercussions are exponential and often inredeemable. So I chose an unfortunate few among the whole list of "forwarded" recepients to lash my disgust at.
While browsing thru the list, a unglamourously "spectacular" one did caught my eye. It seems that she have an allegiance of affidavits that goes by a much abused moniker, 'Advisors Clique'. Ha...Advisors my ass! Not to mention that the name of the huge Corporation that she is working for, contact no. and other info pasted in bold. Really makes one wonder what these fatuous "Advisors" do in the office. And then it really comes to a point when I question their acadamic and technological capabilities. Google and Yahoo are not just there to take up space...they have useful properties. A quick search on either of these and other less known search engines would have generated that this "Lost Phuket Girl" issue is already closed in 2004. Her identity and nationality verified, and returned to the arms of her parents in the comfort of her home. Then why are these emails still circulating?
Your guess is as good as mine...Brainless 'Advisors' forwarding it blindly, losers boasting 3000 friends on their contact lists and all other Samaritians wannabe clicking away the "Mass Destruction" forward buttons. Like how I have blasted some emails claiming how great God is in the usually overly exaggerated context, I really do not care how great one's God is or how some kid needs a new kidney, if the emails are genuinely free from deception and exaggeration, I will humbly do my part and forward them to my friends because I believe that everyone should do their part to protect the people who they regard as real friends and not send every junk out to "infect" their friends.
For God's sake or for your friends' sake, seperate the truth from the lies and filter the hoaxes and spams from the truth before you hit the forward button.
Use Google because it's free and efficient.
Be a little wiser so that there will be less stupid generations ahead.
Protect your friends, love ones and "eliminate" everything else.
This morning, I was greeted by the sweetest message from one of the loveliest girl who had implanted permanant footprints in my life and gained herself a eternal place in my heart. Quite to the contary, last night I was chatting with another lovely girl who had also gained a significant impact in my life...Yes I know I am in self denial of these blessings that God have granted, I am blind, I am dumb or watever. That aside, I received an email from an net friend whom I had never met. Now there was absolutely nothing wrong with the email so don't get me wrong. The email was about an unknown Caucasian little girl who seemed to be tracing her name, her roots and possibly her parents after being a victim of the 2004 Phuket Tsunami.
As we all know, the tragedy happened like about 4 years ago and this email circulating phenomenon is somewhat shady, and possibly unreliable. As much as I appreciate the efforts of everyone harnessing the power of the internet to bring the world closer, but being a good samaritian by forwarding emails blindly outta compassion is not gonna beg you a Noble price or a place in Wikipedia. I may seem to be going down harsh on this issue and yes indeed I am. Simply because in this advance civilization of techonology that we live in, the mere click of the mouse might prove a little too fatal at times. The repercussions are exponential and often inredeemable. So I chose an unfortunate few among the whole list of "forwarded" recepients to lash my disgust at.
While browsing thru the list, a unglamourously "spectacular" one did caught my eye. It seems that she have an allegiance of affidavits that goes by a much abused moniker, 'Advisors Clique'. Ha...Advisors my ass! Not to mention that the name of the huge Corporation that she is working for, contact no. and other info pasted in bold. Really makes one wonder what these fatuous "Advisors" do in the office. And then it really comes to a point when I question their acadamic and technological capabilities. Google and Yahoo are not just there to take up space...they have useful properties. A quick search on either of these and other less known search engines would have generated that this "Lost Phuket Girl" issue is already closed in 2004. Her identity and nationality verified, and returned to the arms of her parents in the comfort of her home. Then why are these emails still circulating?
Your guess is as good as mine...Brainless 'Advisors' forwarding it blindly, losers boasting 3000 friends on their contact lists and all other Samaritians wannabe clicking away the "Mass Destruction" forward buttons. Like how I have blasted some emails claiming how great God is in the usually overly exaggerated context, I really do not care how great one's God is or how some kid needs a new kidney, if the emails are genuinely free from deception and exaggeration, I will humbly do my part and forward them to my friends because I believe that everyone should do their part to protect the people who they regard as real friends and not send every junk out to "infect" their friends.
For God's sake or for your friends' sake, seperate the truth from the lies and filter the hoaxes and spams from the truth before you hit the forward button.
Use Google because it's free and efficient.
Be a little wiser so that there will be less stupid generations ahead.
Protect your friends, love ones and "eliminate" everything else.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Life Thru Frames
- Never Stop Dreaming -
For the benefit many people who do not have a Facebook or Mixi account, here are my maiden attempt into REAL photography. By REAL I mean taking lighting, f stops, angle, perspective and other factors into consideration to tell relate a story in each picture. Of course Photoshop to either enhance a perfectly well taken picture, to convert it into black and white or to add the effect that I want. Your generous and humble comments as well as pointers are more than welcome to help me further my skills into a journey of presenting life itself thru frames. By taking this first step, I have found myself another expensive hobby but at least it will take a life of its own for many generations later.
All pictures were taken in my school on a sunny afternoon in the not so cold winter when the gentle rays of the sun triggered my love interest.

For the benefit many people who do not have a Facebook or Mixi account, here are my maiden attempt into REAL photography. By REAL I mean taking lighting, f stops, angle, perspective and other factors into consideration to tell relate a story in each picture. Of course Photoshop to either enhance a perfectly well taken picture, to convert it into black and white or to add the effect that I want. Your generous and humble comments as well as pointers are more than welcome to help me further my skills into a journey of presenting life itself thru frames. By taking this first step, I have found myself another expensive hobby but at least it will take a life of its own for many generations later.
All pictures were taken in my school on a sunny afternoon in the not so cold winter when the gentle rays of the sun triggered my love interest.

Salem Alaska Menthol
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Although I am a little late in posting this, I believe that this new cancer stick is not available outside Japan. Released on Dec 1, 2008, Salem introduced this new cancer stick probably to level the playing field against the Marlboro Black and Ice Mint in the war of the Menthols.

The all white packaging featuring the horns of a reindeer or some hoofed animal is pretty classy as compared to the black but pretty outdated Marlboro design. Besides that, the freebies that comes with the Salem are white fur pouches and other useless lighters. Thanks to my friend, I shall pass him the cancer sticks and keep the pouches for myself. It funny how I constantly buy these cancer sticks for my friends (they pay me for it) solely for keeping the freebies ONLY. Because the cancer sticks are the same price with or without the freebies so I would always offer myself to purchase for them for my friends and pocket the freebies. Haha...welcome to Japan.
Although I am a little late in posting this, I believe that this new cancer stick is not available outside Japan. Released on Dec 1, 2008, Salem introduced this new cancer stick probably to level the playing field against the Marlboro Black and Ice Mint in the war of the Menthols.

The all white packaging featuring the horns of a reindeer or some hoofed animal is pretty classy as compared to the black but pretty outdated Marlboro design. Besides that, the freebies that comes with the Salem are white fur pouches and other useless lighters. Thanks to my friend, I shall pass him the cancer sticks and keep the pouches for myself. It funny how I constantly buy these cancer sticks for my friends (they pay me for it) solely for keeping the freebies ONLY. Because the cancer sticks are the same price with or without the freebies so I would always offer myself to purchase for them for my friends and pocket the freebies. Haha...welcome to Japan.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Canon EF 35mm F1.4L USM
- Never Stop Dreaming -
A while ago I was disgrunting how I was so into photography and that there were so many inspirations. Then there was me saying I needed an upgrade of equipment so here I shall give a little insight of what I am keeping my eyes for.
The Canon EF 35mm F1.4L USM lens

A while ago, I got myself my a 1.6 cropped DSLR and a decent zoom lens (which was all I could afford at that time). Being really new to the vast world of photography, it was a little hefty investment. I fondled, tweaked and experimented and some 1.5 years later I found myself unwilling to use a flash in my style of photography. Well I wasn't really into flash because they spoil the mood of the picture and of course strobes were not in my league as well. So very often I found myself struggling with the current lens I had which had a minimum f stop of 4.0 which is very hard to work in low light conditions without a flash.
Here's a quick run down of some techinal jargons to help you understand a little better.
In the age of DSLR, every lens have some sort of numbers attached to it, usually in millimetres (mm). Lens with a range like 20 ~ 70mm, 17 ~55mm indicates a zoom lens while a fixed number like 24mm, 35mm indicates a prime lens (zoom by moving your feet). The smaller the number, the wider angle of the lens (Wide angle lens) and the larger the number, the narrower the angle of the lens (Tele-photo lens) is. Wide angle lens can probably capture everyone on a group photo squeezing comfortable while a tele-photo lens can only capture some people on the group photo.
Second is the f stop number usually denotes by f1.4 or f/2.8 or a range like f 4.0 ~ 5.6. This number indicates how wide the aperture or blades inside the lens open. The smaller the number say 1.2, the wider the aperture opens and vice versa. How wide the aperture opens will actually allow you to control the amount of light entering the lens and then finally to the camera sensor. Low numbers will result in a shallow depth of field which simply means that you can actually see the foreground clearly and the background gets blurred. Isolation of the foreground from the blurred background is also known as bokeh which is an exquisite style in most professional photography. It's a pretty in depth field of study so go look up on your own if you are interested. (You won't be disapponted).
The next is the shutter speed which is simply how fast the camera captures the light entering the sensor. This is usually denoted by a fraction like 1/100, 1/400. A fast shutter speed will allow action to be captured with ease while a slow shutter speed will allow motion blur.
The relationship between the f stops and the shutter speed is essential to capture good pictures (This is a pretty basic justifications because there are A LOT of other factors at play to be taken into consideration as well with respect to taking a good picture.) When the f stop is low, more light can enter the camera so a faster shutter speed can be used whereas a high f stop will need a slower shutter speed. Especially in low light conditions or where the use of flash is not permitted, a high f stop will allow a lot of light to enter the camera and thus render an appropriate contrast and color. This have to be partnered with a fast shutter speed because any slight movement of the camera or the subject will blur the image significantly. Specific blurring of the subjects like waterfalls and moving lights, I shall skip them for now.
So there, hope you have a little more insight of what this whole DLSR thingy is about. The bottomline is that if the f stop of the lens is particularly small, it will be an expensive lens and if there is a red "L" marking on Canon lens, it is most definitely priced exorbitantly. Afterall instruments of precision engineering are known for their value and performance so like a sniper rifle's scope, it's usually one hit one "kill".
The lens that I am going for is a 35mm prime lens (not a zoom one). Because I use it on a 1.6 cropped camera body, the lens is equivalent to a 56mm lens on a full size camera. This particular lens is an "L" series of the Canon line up which will mean that it is darn expensive. All the money will go into the material used for the lens and all the precision wonders inside the lens that will probably capture better pictures. Besides that, the F1.4 makes this a fast lens which will allow me to capture images in low light in the abscence of flash. Bokeh is also something that I like and this lens will be able to create that "isolation of the subject" magic. The price in Yen is expensive but at least affordable if I save enuff. Outside Japan, it's pretty insane. All the reviews and photos that I have seen on the net tells me that once this lens is in my aquisition, there is absolutely no turning back.
Hope I can get it soon to experiment it and ready myself for my brother's wedding in Aug 2009. With the current economic uncertainty, burning deep holes in my pockets is really not feasible. The much dreaded cycle happens like almost in every 10 years with the last recession in 1997. Damn!
A while ago I was disgrunting how I was so into photography and that there were so many inspirations. Then there was me saying I needed an upgrade of equipment so here I shall give a little insight of what I am keeping my eyes for.
The Canon EF 35mm F1.4L USM lens

A while ago, I got myself my a 1.6 cropped DSLR and a decent zoom lens (which was all I could afford at that time). Being really new to the vast world of photography, it was a little hefty investment. I fondled, tweaked and experimented and some 1.5 years later I found myself unwilling to use a flash in my style of photography. Well I wasn't really into flash because they spoil the mood of the picture and of course strobes were not in my league as well. So very often I found myself struggling with the current lens I had which had a minimum f stop of 4.0 which is very hard to work in low light conditions without a flash.
Here's a quick run down of some techinal jargons to help you understand a little better.
In the age of DSLR, every lens have some sort of numbers attached to it, usually in millimetres (mm). Lens with a range like 20 ~ 70mm, 17 ~55mm indicates a zoom lens while a fixed number like 24mm, 35mm indicates a prime lens (zoom by moving your feet). The smaller the number, the wider angle of the lens (Wide angle lens) and the larger the number, the narrower the angle of the lens (Tele-photo lens) is. Wide angle lens can probably capture everyone on a group photo squeezing comfortable while a tele-photo lens can only capture some people on the group photo.
Second is the f stop number usually denotes by f1.4 or f/2.8 or a range like f 4.0 ~ 5.6. This number indicates how wide the aperture or blades inside the lens open. The smaller the number say 1.2, the wider the aperture opens and vice versa. How wide the aperture opens will actually allow you to control the amount of light entering the lens and then finally to the camera sensor. Low numbers will result in a shallow depth of field which simply means that you can actually see the foreground clearly and the background gets blurred. Isolation of the foreground from the blurred background is also known as bokeh which is an exquisite style in most professional photography. It's a pretty in depth field of study so go look up on your own if you are interested. (You won't be disapponted).
The next is the shutter speed which is simply how fast the camera captures the light entering the sensor. This is usually denoted by a fraction like 1/100, 1/400. A fast shutter speed will allow action to be captured with ease while a slow shutter speed will allow motion blur.
The relationship between the f stops and the shutter speed is essential to capture good pictures (This is a pretty basic justifications because there are A LOT of other factors at play to be taken into consideration as well with respect to taking a good picture.) When the f stop is low, more light can enter the camera so a faster shutter speed can be used whereas a high f stop will need a slower shutter speed. Especially in low light conditions or where the use of flash is not permitted, a high f stop will allow a lot of light to enter the camera and thus render an appropriate contrast and color. This have to be partnered with a fast shutter speed because any slight movement of the camera or the subject will blur the image significantly. Specific blurring of the subjects like waterfalls and moving lights, I shall skip them for now.
So there, hope you have a little more insight of what this whole DLSR thingy is about. The bottomline is that if the f stop of the lens is particularly small, it will be an expensive lens and if there is a red "L" marking on Canon lens, it is most definitely priced exorbitantly. Afterall instruments of precision engineering are known for their value and performance so like a sniper rifle's scope, it's usually one hit one "kill".
The lens that I am going for is a 35mm prime lens (not a zoom one). Because I use it on a 1.6 cropped camera body, the lens is equivalent to a 56mm lens on a full size camera. This particular lens is an "L" series of the Canon line up which will mean that it is darn expensive. All the money will go into the material used for the lens and all the precision wonders inside the lens that will probably capture better pictures. Besides that, the F1.4 makes this a fast lens which will allow me to capture images in low light in the abscence of flash. Bokeh is also something that I like and this lens will be able to create that "isolation of the subject" magic. The price in Yen is expensive but at least affordable if I save enuff. Outside Japan, it's pretty insane. All the reviews and photos that I have seen on the net tells me that once this lens is in my aquisition, there is absolutely no turning back.
Hope I can get it soon to experiment it and ready myself for my brother's wedding in Aug 2009. With the current economic uncertainty, burning deep holes in my pockets is really not feasible. The much dreaded cycle happens like almost in every 10 years with the last recession in 1997. Damn!
Biohazard: Degeneration
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Today I am at my workplace idling unproductively and sifting like a smelly rat at all available resources on the net for my own benefit. You see yes indeed I am at my workplace but there is no work to be done but just that I have to be here. It's pretty unfathomable but since I am getting paid, might as well save the electrical bills back home.
Yesterday night I caught the movie Biohazard: Degeneration and here are some spoilers and my verdict. This is the first Full Length CGI movie of the Biohazard franchise. Biohazard is the name in Japanese where elsewhere outside Japan, it is know as Resident Evil. As compared to the live action flick starring uber hot Mila Jovovich, this one retains more of the juice and gore true to the game. Quite simply because CGI can replicate the game with a certain degree of accuracy that actors and actress can't. Until now, the most successful CGI film that have set the bench mark was (at least to me) Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. But that and the previous FF CGI movie (Spirits Within) belonged to Square Enix. Biohazard is the first CGI by Capcom and Sony Pictures.
Although Biohazard doesn't bite the dust trails of Advent Children, I can say both are equally good in their own aspects. While the futuristic set and the fantasy approach brings out the shine in Advent Children, Biohazard brings forth gloom, zombies and weaponery closer to home. The lighting is the usual night, explosions, and lot's of zombies getting wasted. Being a Kumpung Kid from Singapore who have been thru army, the sound of empty cartridges echoing off the floor is simply orgasmic. Now with 2 of the biggest game companies pushing out more remarkable eye candy CGI movies, I can expect more from these AWESOME Japanese companies in the future. That aside, other reasons would probably be the very fact that CGI flicks that roll off Hollywood appeal to mostly whining kids with their ever so lovable but intellectually insulting and shallow appeal. It is always these Japanese ones that have a strong cult following...so shame on you Hollywood, for under utilising your resources.
Ok here are the spoilers, the movie is set 7 years after the Racoon City incident with protaganists, Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield (from the original Resident Evil 2 game) getting aquainted in the strangest places, you guessed it, amongst zombies. The movie progress thru the first zombie battles in the airport and then a little side story of the private life of another main character, Angela Miller, a member of the Special Response Team (S.R.T.). Yeah she is your typical buxomy babe who wield guns and is cleary the damsel in distress who falls in love with the main protagonist, Leon. From here the story relates how Angela's brother got involved in the whole conspiracy where all the characters head for another circular biochemical lab, much resembling the Original Umbrella Corporation residing beneath Racoon City. Characters get locked down in the facility which is underground, (Hmm repetition again.) and battle more zombie scientists. Then again , true to the game style, the Boss appears. A G-virus infected uber cool monster who tries to kill everything savagely. Leon saves the day and the damsel, Angela in an epical Boom Boom Boss killing ending, happily ever after and a little teaser of a sequel in the last few minutes.
Overall the story is a little short but follows very closely to the game style. Dark office complex, zombie scientists, Super cool Boss, lot's of innocent killed, lot's of explosion, lot's of bullets expanded, lot's of gore, guts and blood, and finally superb rendering of lighting and effects to flash by so fast barely stopping for me to appreciate. All in all can't fault them for making it uber realistic and it's a great action CGI movie albeit a little short and predictable. Probably have to wait like another 10 years if the fit better story line in there.
P.S. This movie won't be release in the theatres in SG or anywhere else because it only premiered at the recent Tokyo Game Show, and a week after that in limited releases in U.S. and Japan ONLY.
Rating - 7 / 10
Today I am at my workplace idling unproductively and sifting like a smelly rat at all available resources on the net for my own benefit. You see yes indeed I am at my workplace but there is no work to be done but just that I have to be here. It's pretty unfathomable but since I am getting paid, might as well save the electrical bills back home.
Yesterday night I caught the movie Biohazard: Degeneration and here are some spoilers and my verdict. This is the first Full Length CGI movie of the Biohazard franchise. Biohazard is the name in Japanese where elsewhere outside Japan, it is know as Resident Evil. As compared to the live action flick starring uber hot Mila Jovovich, this one retains more of the juice and gore true to the game. Quite simply because CGI can replicate the game with a certain degree of accuracy that actors and actress can't. Until now, the most successful CGI film that have set the bench mark was (at least to me) Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. But that and the previous FF CGI movie (Spirits Within) belonged to Square Enix. Biohazard is the first CGI by Capcom and Sony Pictures.
Although Biohazard doesn't bite the dust trails of Advent Children, I can say both are equally good in their own aspects. While the futuristic set and the fantasy approach brings out the shine in Advent Children, Biohazard brings forth gloom, zombies and weaponery closer to home. The lighting is the usual night, explosions, and lot's of zombies getting wasted. Being a Kumpung Kid from Singapore who have been thru army, the sound of empty cartridges echoing off the floor is simply orgasmic. Now with 2 of the biggest game companies pushing out more remarkable eye candy CGI movies, I can expect more from these AWESOME Japanese companies in the future. That aside, other reasons would probably be the very fact that CGI flicks that roll off Hollywood appeal to mostly whining kids with their ever so lovable but intellectually insulting and shallow appeal. It is always these Japanese ones that have a strong cult following...so shame on you Hollywood, for under utilising your resources.
Ok here are the spoilers, the movie is set 7 years after the Racoon City incident with protaganists, Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield (from the original Resident Evil 2 game) getting aquainted in the strangest places, you guessed it, amongst zombies. The movie progress thru the first zombie battles in the airport and then a little side story of the private life of another main character, Angela Miller, a member of the Special Response Team (S.R.T.). Yeah she is your typical buxomy babe who wield guns and is cleary the damsel in distress who falls in love with the main protagonist, Leon. From here the story relates how Angela's brother got involved in the whole conspiracy where all the characters head for another circular biochemical lab, much resembling the Original Umbrella Corporation residing beneath Racoon City. Characters get locked down in the facility which is underground, (Hmm repetition again.) and battle more zombie scientists. Then again , true to the game style, the Boss appears. A G-virus infected uber cool monster who tries to kill everything savagely. Leon saves the day and the damsel, Angela in an epical Boom Boom Boss killing ending, happily ever after and a little teaser of a sequel in the last few minutes.
Overall the story is a little short but follows very closely to the game style. Dark office complex, zombie scientists, Super cool Boss, lot's of innocent killed, lot's of explosion, lot's of bullets expanded, lot's of gore, guts and blood, and finally superb rendering of lighting and effects to flash by so fast barely stopping for me to appreciate. All in all can't fault them for making it uber realistic and it's a great action CGI movie albeit a little short and predictable. Probably have to wait like another 10 years if the fit better story line in there.
P.S. This movie won't be release in the theatres in SG or anywhere else because it only premiered at the recent Tokyo Game Show, and a week after that in limited releases in U.S. and Japan ONLY.
Rating - 7 / 10
Monday, December 8, 2008
Random Tokyo Musings Part 01
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Was in Tokyo over the weekends for a dinner party jointly organised by Morris and his ex-student. Distinguished guests gracing the event were more of Morris ex-students and his friends. Yeah I am in Tokyo just for that...and also to pitch my luck in my deprived love interest. Having found a cheaper transit to Tokyo via the Highway Bus (¥2,500 - single way) which will take around 2.5 hours, it's definitely much more worthwhile to save as much as I can in this brewing economic disaster. Lot's of interesting commuters on the bus but taking their pictures at such proximity would be seeking a death wish. I could only eavesdrop their conversation and accomodate the welcoming stares because I had such groovy fashion sense, Ha, tell me about it.
The bus traveled via the mountainous passes with fantastic landscape but I wasn't really into the landscape pictures so no pics. As dusk sets in with half the vast blue sky robbed of clouds and the other half with littered with lucious columns of fluffy whites and greys, they were only further enhanced with streaks of striking gold linings from the setting sun. Splendid scene but again I wasn't really tempted into framing that.
Then the bus stop for the last interimn break where toilets and smokes were lifes' fuel, I thought I had better frame at least 1 picture so here it is...

Then the journey continued in to "uneventful" Tokyo. As usual the 待ち合わせ (meeting place) was the iconic Hachiko Dog symbol in front of Shibuya station where people simply congregate for various reasons.

There I met Morris and Read from Niigata and waited for more of Morris's friends. I was bored so the camera in my hands became my toy while I search for the novelty of unsuspecting targets.

Morris and Read became my first victims where they were caught in their most candid expressions.

Then comes this pretty stressed up random Japanese dude in the crowds.

Testing the camera multiple capabilities...
Ok then the rest of the guests arrived and we had wonderful dinner together where I went savage on the liquor and food. Yeah I don't have to drive so might as well let me self loose. This dinner was a very typical Japanese 合コン (Goukon) which an equal number of guys and an equal number of girls come together for dinner with hopes of hooking up with someone. I knew that from the start but my hopes for seeking more friends were far greater as love is pretty subjective for me. Being one of the 3 foreigners there, of course I was bombarded with questions. Now that is a pretty good thing because I can steal ALL the limelight from the other Japanese blokes (pardon my obnoxious audacity). The 2 other Japanese guys were seeing green because the forth one failed to show up and that I, the other Asian on the table was the crowd's favourite and was dazzling. Only 1 was pretty cool and hey I do like him in a non-gay sorta way. I could feel their eyes gleeming with katanas ready to dice me into nano pieces...haha. Whatever here are the pics, less the magnanimous photographer (as usual).

Then after the dinner it was a short drinking session where most of the fabulous ladies left because of work on the following day. How disapponting...so I made my way to Chiyoko's place to crash for the nite. Hmm Chiyoko (I call her Choco) was someone I met at Hitomi's party who had allowed me to crash at her tiny apartment 20 minutes from Shibuya. Hey it's free so I can't complain much rite? That was it...and then came Sunday where Chiyoko made brunch...*shutter chance*

- The "unglamourous" moment without make up -
Sorry again no pictures but the Tomato rice that she made looks fantastic on a plate with fresh tomatoes and lettuce. Harsh reality sets in on the strangest times...the rice was tasteless, bland and good only for display. Yeah the "off-the-shelf" pre-made gyoza soup had more taste and saved the otherwise punishing lunch. We were cracking up like drunkards over lunch...and then she was late in meeting her gay friend because we were ranting about everything else. Took the train and traded conversations in English and Japanese. Again I was attracting attention from another pretty cute Japanese babe (because of English) thru my Oakley shades. Parted ways with Chiyoko with no harsh words for the lunch and took the Shink back.
Sakudaira station...toilet and then cam whoring. Whoooo...I am beginning to love this whole cam whoring thingy because I am a vanity fashionista. Photoshoped and viola...
Was in Tokyo over the weekends for a dinner party jointly organised by Morris and his ex-student. Distinguished guests gracing the event were more of Morris ex-students and his friends. Yeah I am in Tokyo just for that...and also to pitch my luck in my deprived love interest. Having found a cheaper transit to Tokyo via the Highway Bus (¥2,500 - single way) which will take around 2.5 hours, it's definitely much more worthwhile to save as much as I can in this brewing economic disaster. Lot's of interesting commuters on the bus but taking their pictures at such proximity would be seeking a death wish. I could only eavesdrop their conversation and accomodate the welcoming stares because I had such groovy fashion sense, Ha, tell me about it.
The bus traveled via the mountainous passes with fantastic landscape but I wasn't really into the landscape pictures so no pics. As dusk sets in with half the vast blue sky robbed of clouds and the other half with littered with lucious columns of fluffy whites and greys, they were only further enhanced with streaks of striking gold linings from the setting sun. Splendid scene but again I wasn't really tempted into framing that.
Then the bus stop for the last interimn break where toilets and smokes were lifes' fuel, I thought I had better frame at least 1 picture so here it is...

Then the journey continued in to "uneventful" Tokyo. As usual the 待ち合わせ (meeting place) was the iconic Hachiko Dog symbol in front of Shibuya station where people simply congregate for various reasons.

There I met Morris and Read from Niigata and waited for more of Morris's friends. I was bored so the camera in my hands became my toy while I search for the novelty of unsuspecting targets.

Morris and Read became my first victims where they were caught in their most candid expressions.

Then comes this pretty stressed up random Japanese dude in the crowds.

Testing the camera multiple capabilities...
Ok then the rest of the guests arrived and we had wonderful dinner together where I went savage on the liquor and food. Yeah I don't have to drive so might as well let me self loose. This dinner was a very typical Japanese 合コン (Goukon) which an equal number of guys and an equal number of girls come together for dinner with hopes of hooking up with someone. I knew that from the start but my hopes for seeking more friends were far greater as love is pretty subjective for me. Being one of the 3 foreigners there, of course I was bombarded with questions. Now that is a pretty good thing because I can steal ALL the limelight from the other Japanese blokes (pardon my obnoxious audacity). The 2 other Japanese guys were seeing green because the forth one failed to show up and that I, the other Asian on the table was the crowd's favourite and was dazzling. Only 1 was pretty cool and hey I do like him in a non-gay sorta way. I could feel their eyes gleeming with katanas ready to dice me into nano pieces...haha. Whatever here are the pics, less the magnanimous photographer (as usual).

Then after the dinner it was a short drinking session where most of the fabulous ladies left because of work on the following day. How disapponting...so I made my way to Chiyoko's place to crash for the nite. Hmm Chiyoko (I call her Choco) was someone I met at Hitomi's party who had allowed me to crash at her tiny apartment 20 minutes from Shibuya. Hey it's free so I can't complain much rite? That was it...and then came Sunday where Chiyoko made brunch...*shutter chance*

- The "unglamourous" moment without make up -
Sorry again no pictures but the Tomato rice that she made looks fantastic on a plate with fresh tomatoes and lettuce. Harsh reality sets in on the strangest times...the rice was tasteless, bland and good only for display. Yeah the "off-the-shelf" pre-made gyoza soup had more taste and saved the otherwise punishing lunch. We were cracking up like drunkards over lunch...and then she was late in meeting her gay friend because we were ranting about everything else. Took the train and traded conversations in English and Japanese. Again I was attracting attention from another pretty cute Japanese babe (because of English) thru my Oakley shades. Parted ways with Chiyoko with no harsh words for the lunch and took the Shink back.
Sakudaira station...toilet and then cam whoring. Whoooo...I am beginning to love this whole cam whoring thingy because I am a vanity fashionista. Photoshoped and viola...

Friday, December 5, 2008
The life thru the looking glass
- Never Stop Dreaming -
It have been quite a while since the last updates so here we go. Last week I was pretty tied up with a demostration class in the Elementary school which I thought was utter nonsense. Let me explain...
You see this really special class was attended by some 100 odd individuals from intern teachers to members of the Board of Education to some really high and reputable professors in Japan. The class was shifted from the usual classroom to the dining hall which was shelved half by the dividers across the room. The reason with this set up was to accomodate the "Guests" attending the open class. The problem with this was the stench...the stench from the trash, the food, the garlic, etc. It's pretty untolerable to me because it smells like rotting garbage cooked in stinky tofu with expired garlic. Now I am a sucker for fragrance and fashion so to expect me to conduct a class in such an environment is an insult.
Next was the context that was being taught. I had stressed my concerns prior about a lot of issues that I forsee but they were simply thrown out the window. Everything was planned in such a way that I, as a NATIVE ENGLISH teacher was to play a clown role in entertaining the kids. Every aspect of the lessons was to be amended and faxed to a reputable professor whom the Japanese teachers worshipped like God. Words that he said were like quotes from the Bible. It was here where I did not see the equilibrium of our ideas. In the end, I simply go with the flow to appease the masses.
The class went on smoothly with me in my stunning Kangol Fur Hat, cuff shirt, tie and a vest, I am proud to humbly admit that I do look way better than anyone else in the room. Luckily for the hat, it was merely an excuse to shield those unwanted attention from the 100 odd guests so I could go on with the lesson. If you ask me, I can proclaimed that I wasn't the least affected by their prescence. I can't say the same for the other helpless Japanese teacher with me but she did put up a fantastic class. Probably the best coordination that I had with her in months which made me question myself if she was able to perform likewise in a normal class.
With the class over, I was lined up with the Japanese teacher I taught with, and the rest of the English staffs from my school in front to the distinguished guests in a typical meeting arrangement. This was beginning of the "Death Penalty" as one after another, the guests brandished their pens and started firing salvos of comments and questions. The process continued on with awkward pauses, reloads, recharged and the volleys of shots. Surprisingly, 75% of their concerns were already covered by me weeks prior to the lesson but were simply shrugged under the carpet or window. There was 1 particular question directed in English by a another fellow foreigner English Teacher whom I know personally. The Japanese teachers were simply shoving the mic to me to resolve the issue. How ironical as none of the English staffs understood what the question was when all they excelled were to surpress the potential of the students. I was lucky to be able to comprehend both Japanese and English so I knew what the hell was going on most of the time. But in the defence of my school, I had to give an answer that was free from personal emotions which of course I did.
Towards the end, the last part was a lecture by the "revered" professor, very much respected by every Japanese who believes he might just be the God of English Education. Sad to say I think differently. He is a really nice and laid back chap whom I had spoken to on different occasions. I must admit he doesn't carry airs but most Japanese educators freak upon hearing his name simply because he is THAT legendary. The teachers in my school was indifferent so they worked extra hard when they first heard he was coming which ultimately led to their downfall. In the end when the professor concluded that this was indeed a great class, all the teachers were relieved that their hard work had paid off. Well of course it had to be a great class, afterall every single detail of the class were faxed to the man himself for clarification and approval. If it had turn out to be a bad class then the professor would have shot himself in the foot.
My verdct, yes the professor is a great figure to lean on and seek advise but too bad his visions are different from mine. His visions were to promote all listening to the kids in Elementary school and that they shouldn't be corced to speak. While I on the other hand sees it as communication works in both ways, to listen and to speak. And the Japanese teachers are always trying to cap the students' potential by deciding what materials are too difficult to teach so in the end, they end up teaching too shallow stuffs. The kids' facial expressions shows it all but too bad I couldn't get any pictures of that. So as I can see it, there will never be a lack of foreigners teaching English in Japan and the level of English for Japanese who never step of Japan will remain the same for the next 3 million, 25 hundred thousand, 74 hundred and 98 years. And that gives us the very reason to love the Japanese for their weird but CUTE English.
Cutting thru all that...comes the explantion of the title. Some how photography have found a path in me and I have decided to proceed to the correct schools of genre. Beginning from the humble roots of an amateur photographer with affordable gear, I have realised what I wanted and so I have decided to upgrade my gear. It's gonna to be a really expensive hobby because the next set of lens that I have set my eyes on will probably be near the SGD$2,000 range. Damn...given the current economic situation, I guess I will have to wait a little longer. That's right, to capture every fleeting second framed in the right lighting to tell my very own pixel story. That is my life thru the looking glass, a reflection of my ideas, my dreams and my vision.
It was this Singaporean photographer Dazza who dazzled me further and his wedding pieces that had granted me the vision of a right path. If you don't believe my words, go ahead and check out his blog or his works and tell me what do you think.
It have been quite a while since the last updates so here we go. Last week I was pretty tied up with a demostration class in the Elementary school which I thought was utter nonsense. Let me explain...
You see this really special class was attended by some 100 odd individuals from intern teachers to members of the Board of Education to some really high and reputable professors in Japan. The class was shifted from the usual classroom to the dining hall which was shelved half by the dividers across the room. The reason with this set up was to accomodate the "Guests" attending the open class. The problem with this was the stench...the stench from the trash, the food, the garlic, etc. It's pretty untolerable to me because it smells like rotting garbage cooked in stinky tofu with expired garlic. Now I am a sucker for fragrance and fashion so to expect me to conduct a class in such an environment is an insult.
Next was the context that was being taught. I had stressed my concerns prior about a lot of issues that I forsee but they were simply thrown out the window. Everything was planned in such a way that I, as a NATIVE ENGLISH teacher was to play a clown role in entertaining the kids. Every aspect of the lessons was to be amended and faxed to a reputable professor whom the Japanese teachers worshipped like God. Words that he said were like quotes from the Bible. It was here where I did not see the equilibrium of our ideas. In the end, I simply go with the flow to appease the masses.
The class went on smoothly with me in my stunning Kangol Fur Hat, cuff shirt, tie and a vest, I am proud to humbly admit that I do look way better than anyone else in the room. Luckily for the hat, it was merely an excuse to shield those unwanted attention from the 100 odd guests so I could go on with the lesson. If you ask me, I can proclaimed that I wasn't the least affected by their prescence. I can't say the same for the other helpless Japanese teacher with me but she did put up a fantastic class. Probably the best coordination that I had with her in months which made me question myself if she was able to perform likewise in a normal class.
With the class over, I was lined up with the Japanese teacher I taught with, and the rest of the English staffs from my school in front to the distinguished guests in a typical meeting arrangement. This was beginning of the "Death Penalty" as one after another, the guests brandished their pens and started firing salvos of comments and questions. The process continued on with awkward pauses, reloads, recharged and the volleys of shots. Surprisingly, 75% of their concerns were already covered by me weeks prior to the lesson but were simply shrugged under the carpet or window. There was 1 particular question directed in English by a another fellow foreigner English Teacher whom I know personally. The Japanese teachers were simply shoving the mic to me to resolve the issue. How ironical as none of the English staffs understood what the question was when all they excelled were to surpress the potential of the students. I was lucky to be able to comprehend both Japanese and English so I knew what the hell was going on most of the time. But in the defence of my school, I had to give an answer that was free from personal emotions which of course I did.
Towards the end, the last part was a lecture by the "revered" professor, very much respected by every Japanese who believes he might just be the God of English Education. Sad to say I think differently. He is a really nice and laid back chap whom I had spoken to on different occasions. I must admit he doesn't carry airs but most Japanese educators freak upon hearing his name simply because he is THAT legendary. The teachers in my school was indifferent so they worked extra hard when they first heard he was coming which ultimately led to their downfall. In the end when the professor concluded that this was indeed a great class, all the teachers were relieved that their hard work had paid off. Well of course it had to be a great class, afterall every single detail of the class were faxed to the man himself for clarification and approval. If it had turn out to be a bad class then the professor would have shot himself in the foot.
My verdct, yes the professor is a great figure to lean on and seek advise but too bad his visions are different from mine. His visions were to promote all listening to the kids in Elementary school and that they shouldn't be corced to speak. While I on the other hand sees it as communication works in both ways, to listen and to speak. And the Japanese teachers are always trying to cap the students' potential by deciding what materials are too difficult to teach so in the end, they end up teaching too shallow stuffs. The kids' facial expressions shows it all but too bad I couldn't get any pictures of that. So as I can see it, there will never be a lack of foreigners teaching English in Japan and the level of English for Japanese who never step of Japan will remain the same for the next 3 million, 25 hundred thousand, 74 hundred and 98 years. And that gives us the very reason to love the Japanese for their weird but CUTE English.
Cutting thru all that...comes the explantion of the title. Some how photography have found a path in me and I have decided to proceed to the correct schools of genre. Beginning from the humble roots of an amateur photographer with affordable gear, I have realised what I wanted and so I have decided to upgrade my gear. It's gonna to be a really expensive hobby because the next set of lens that I have set my eyes on will probably be near the SGD$2,000 range. Damn...given the current economic situation, I guess I will have to wait a little longer. That's right, to capture every fleeting second framed in the right lighting to tell my very own pixel story. That is my life thru the looking glass, a reflection of my ideas, my dreams and my vision.
It was this Singaporean photographer Dazza who dazzled me further and his wedding pieces that had granted me the vision of a right path. If you don't believe my words, go ahead and check out his blog or his works and tell me what do you think.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
FedEx Festive Tidings
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Just when I when I thought the great events were about to come to an abrupt end, the festive blessings came in a package of white fluffy contours. Though it was mild and not the massive great balls that I was hoping, nonetheless, IT HAS BEGAN TO SNOW! Yeah yeah yeah...I have been waiting for this moment for somewhat 7 to 8 months which seems like light years when the Lord sent his angels sweeping the magical Heavenly dust from his door step.
Going thru the lunch sessions, I was facinated like a little kid unwrapping presents for the very first time. Though the view North of my position looked like the end of the world with thick intimidating clouds hovering above, the view East of my position looks fresh outta a painting with clear blue skies and luscious blobs of fluffy clouds. Then to the South of my position, the view was a billowing wave of clouds shielding the sun and a white fog in the foreground which so happens to be zillions of little snow flakes brought forth by the strong wind. 3 different simultaneous scenes from 1 position where I am typing this entry. Now that's extra fast festive tidings...
Besides that...the weather report says it will snow for the new few days. YES!
Just when I when I thought the great events were about to come to an abrupt end, the festive blessings came in a package of white fluffy contours. Though it was mild and not the massive great balls that I was hoping, nonetheless, IT HAS BEGAN TO SNOW! Yeah yeah yeah...I have been waiting for this moment for somewhat 7 to 8 months which seems like light years when the Lord sent his angels sweeping the magical Heavenly dust from his door step.
Going thru the lunch sessions, I was facinated like a little kid unwrapping presents for the very first time. Though the view North of my position looked like the end of the world with thick intimidating clouds hovering above, the view East of my position looks fresh outta a painting with clear blue skies and luscious blobs of fluffy clouds. Then to the South of my position, the view was a billowing wave of clouds shielding the sun and a white fog in the foreground which so happens to be zillions of little snow flakes brought forth by the strong wind. 3 different simultaneous scenes from 1 position where I am typing this entry. Now that's extra fast festive tidings...
Besides that...the weather report says it will snow for the new few days. YES!
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Just 2 days ago, I was suffering from some post trauma depression that persisted for a while before I unleashed angst and carnage to the pesky insects seeking refuge in my house from the cold. I say to hell with them and thy shall kill, exterminate and torment all that walks in my house without a permit. And that was Monday.
Tuesday, going to work as usual with a little anger lingering in my mouth. While checking some emails, I was more than surprised to read possibly one of the most life inspiring and eyes wetting message. The message was s simple one liner containing these words, "what if I". You see for all those moments of my mangled life, there were times when God shine me a bright beam of light with love, hope and faith. This had to be one of those moments. The "what if I" phrase have implied meaning for both the creator and the end reader. But to decipher the intended meaning of the creator is nothing more than playing with hope, faith and love. There is a possibility and yet there is an equal amount of uncertainty which equates to fruitless, futile and hypothetical nonsense if I try to unravel the true meaning.
Even so, all I can say is that this one email really made my day. "Genki" I was and the day went by in a flash with me smiling all the way home. Thank you ELCC for that wonderful email. Whether the possibility will be realise or the uncertainty to crush any hopes, getting an email like this, mind blowing. I must really confess that I am really looking forward to it and hopefully you can realise it as well. I could pen a whole new Elmo song or lose a kidney if I had to.
Alrite before I go too far, today, Wednesday, another great day to kick start my adventure. Mt. Asama had ridiculous snow on the caps from last nite's thunderstorm. GOSH....that was what I had been waiting for all this while since last winter. Since October, I have been staring at the caps day in day out for the snow. Barren, brown and unsightly scenes greeted me everyday until this morning. Whooooooo...snow is coming and that is all that matters. Right now as I am penning this, I can't help but confess that I have stared at the snow capped peaks like more than 20 times since this morning. I am a sucker for snow and just these 2 days of great news have channel me into the lane of infinite joy. Wow!
Just 2 days ago, I was suffering from some post trauma depression that persisted for a while before I unleashed angst and carnage to the pesky insects seeking refuge in my house from the cold. I say to hell with them and thy shall kill, exterminate and torment all that walks in my house without a permit. And that was Monday.
Tuesday, going to work as usual with a little anger lingering in my mouth. While checking some emails, I was more than surprised to read possibly one of the most life inspiring and eyes wetting message. The message was s simple one liner containing these words, "what if I". You see for all those moments of my mangled life, there were times when God shine me a bright beam of light with love, hope and faith. This had to be one of those moments. The "what if I" phrase have implied meaning for both the creator and the end reader. But to decipher the intended meaning of the creator is nothing more than playing with hope, faith and love. There is a possibility and yet there is an equal amount of uncertainty which equates to fruitless, futile and hypothetical nonsense if I try to unravel the true meaning.
Even so, all I can say is that this one email really made my day. "Genki" I was and the day went by in a flash with me smiling all the way home. Thank you ELCC for that wonderful email. Whether the possibility will be realise or the uncertainty to crush any hopes, getting an email like this, mind blowing. I must really confess that I am really looking forward to it and hopefully you can realise it as well. I could pen a whole new Elmo song or lose a kidney if I had to.
Alrite before I go too far, today, Wednesday, another great day to kick start my adventure. Mt. Asama had ridiculous snow on the caps from last nite's thunderstorm. GOSH....that was what I had been waiting for all this while since last winter. Since October, I have been staring at the caps day in day out for the snow. Barren, brown and unsightly scenes greeted me everyday until this morning. Whooooooo...snow is coming and that is all that matters. Right now as I am penning this, I can't help but confess that I have stared at the snow capped peaks like more than 20 times since this morning. I am a sucker for snow and just these 2 days of great news have channel me into the lane of infinite joy. Wow!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Paper Planes Revival
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Only in my wildest imagination would I ever dreamed of impressing a horde of 30 odd individuals with paper aeroplanes on a professional level. That certainly became reality as of 12 November in the Year 2008. You see I was actually conducting an educational lesson contrasting the differences between childhood games played in Japan and Singapore. Games from my lost childhood years were dug up good, games like "One Leg", "Hum Tum Bolah", marbles, catching, eraser battles, coin soccer and paper planes were introduced to Japanese kids aged 11 to 12.
Diving straight into the Paper Planes context, I could still remember how my good buddy Noah used to fly insane paper planes with me. And not to mention the very fact that we were 16 or 17 at that time and working at Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (undisclosed location due to security issues). We had crap to do each day and at times, we were simply loafing evidently to get caught because there weren't anything else to do. Taking advantage of the situation with 2 incredibly nimble individuals, we began to "manufacture" paper planes with the intention to creating the ultimate jet.
After numerous hypothesis, trials and failed models, the unassigned, unmarked and un-named jet was born. That was of course less the imaginary "pilots" whom ejected safely before their paper jets crash horribly into the paper shredder. I can't really remember how long we took from concepting the actual flight model to tweaking the designs for longer "hang" time and to the final flyable jet. It was then we realised that we had taken mere paper planes to a whole new level. Features like weight to distance ratio, rudders and air flaps were all taken serious which had ended up in the final jet. Then came the real maiden long distance flight instead of the "hanger test" where the air was stagnant with no turbulence in a confined office room.
On the 7th storey, sometime between 4pm to 5 pm (I think)...Noah and I had sneaked into the stairway stashed at the back of the building with multiple conceptual paper models in our hands ready to take the leap of faith. There were 2 huge upward facing air-conditioner condensers on the second storey's balcony feeding the rising hot air needed for the initial lift. So peering out from a tiny window opening, we launched our planes. Some "cursed" planes plunged straight into the condenser to their doom, while others took tragic turns and crashed. Few had trouble with the turbulence and only 2 among all the planes made the epical flight.
The most remarkable model cruised the air like a glider, diving at less than a 10 degrees incline only to gain more height and distance from the winds. It sailed and curved round the edge of the building passing more than a minute in flight time before disappearing beyond our sight. Delighted was clearly an understatement as the instant gratification from the hours of research that paid off were concealed in our victory smile. This had to be one of the most beautiful day in history.
Since then the legend of the plane which was never found was lost with time. With Noah crusading on in his life, and me in my conquest, those past glories and thrills simply faded away. It was probably by a stroke of luck or maybe even God smiling down on me that this legend was brought back to life for just this once. Not in Singapore but in a little less know school hidden among rice fields and mountains. Initially I had a little problem retriving the blue print of the plane out of my head but because that was a salient memory hidden somewhere, a stimuli was all that was needed to trigger the retrival. In the end, I had 3 conceptual models made, the prototype which was a tragedy, Eagle 1 which made decent flight time and then Eagle 2 which was probably a derivation of the original Legend. To be honest, I cannot actually remember every single detail of the original Legend but Eagle 2 was almost 70% similar less the flaps and missing on the actual dimensions.
Then came the class where I had to tide thru 40 minutes of other misc. games before I proudly unveil my Eagle 2 from an encased box to the class. Of course the kids did not had any "WOW" look on their faces because I had actually made them create their best paper plane prior to showing Eagle 2. Besides that, Eagle 2 resembled like an ordinary paper plane with a lower profile and hidden modifications. By then I had finished my presentation and had gathered the kids on the balcony of the 3 floor. With a decent cold, dry wind blowing, I launched the plane with everyone keeping their eyes peeled on how far Eagle 2 actually went. Yep higher launching grounds did help but ultimately the flawless design of the plane was all that matter. Eagle 2 sailed a ridiculous distance before landing softly. Nothing close to the Legend but this one day of Paper Plane Revival was all that was needed for me to relive those great memories with my buddy, good old crazy times.
At the end of the day, I simply donated the 2 jets to the school as a mark of my paper planes glory history.
Only in my wildest imagination would I ever dreamed of impressing a horde of 30 odd individuals with paper aeroplanes on a professional level. That certainly became reality as of 12 November in the Year 2008. You see I was actually conducting an educational lesson contrasting the differences between childhood games played in Japan and Singapore. Games from my lost childhood years were dug up good, games like "One Leg", "Hum Tum Bolah", marbles, catching, eraser battles, coin soccer and paper planes were introduced to Japanese kids aged 11 to 12.
Diving straight into the Paper Planes context, I could still remember how my good buddy Noah used to fly insane paper planes with me. And not to mention the very fact that we were 16 or 17 at that time and working at Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (undisclosed location due to security issues). We had crap to do each day and at times, we were simply loafing evidently to get caught because there weren't anything else to do. Taking advantage of the situation with 2 incredibly nimble individuals, we began to "manufacture" paper planes with the intention to creating the ultimate jet.
After numerous hypothesis, trials and failed models, the unassigned, unmarked and un-named jet was born. That was of course less the imaginary "pilots" whom ejected safely before their paper jets crash horribly into the paper shredder. I can't really remember how long we took from concepting the actual flight model to tweaking the designs for longer "hang" time and to the final flyable jet. It was then we realised that we had taken mere paper planes to a whole new level. Features like weight to distance ratio, rudders and air flaps were all taken serious which had ended up in the final jet. Then came the real maiden long distance flight instead of the "hanger test" where the air was stagnant with no turbulence in a confined office room.
On the 7th storey, sometime between 4pm to 5 pm (I think)...Noah and I had sneaked into the stairway stashed at the back of the building with multiple conceptual paper models in our hands ready to take the leap of faith. There were 2 huge upward facing air-conditioner condensers on the second storey's balcony feeding the rising hot air needed for the initial lift. So peering out from a tiny window opening, we launched our planes. Some "cursed" planes plunged straight into the condenser to their doom, while others took tragic turns and crashed. Few had trouble with the turbulence and only 2 among all the planes made the epical flight.
The most remarkable model cruised the air like a glider, diving at less than a 10 degrees incline only to gain more height and distance from the winds. It sailed and curved round the edge of the building passing more than a minute in flight time before disappearing beyond our sight. Delighted was clearly an understatement as the instant gratification from the hours of research that paid off were concealed in our victory smile. This had to be one of the most beautiful day in history.
Since then the legend of the plane which was never found was lost with time. With Noah crusading on in his life, and me in my conquest, those past glories and thrills simply faded away. It was probably by a stroke of luck or maybe even God smiling down on me that this legend was brought back to life for just this once. Not in Singapore but in a little less know school hidden among rice fields and mountains. Initially I had a little problem retriving the blue print of the plane out of my head but because that was a salient memory hidden somewhere, a stimuli was all that was needed to trigger the retrival. In the end, I had 3 conceptual models made, the prototype which was a tragedy, Eagle 1 which made decent flight time and then Eagle 2 which was probably a derivation of the original Legend. To be honest, I cannot actually remember every single detail of the original Legend but Eagle 2 was almost 70% similar less the flaps and missing on the actual dimensions.
Then came the class where I had to tide thru 40 minutes of other misc. games before I proudly unveil my Eagle 2 from an encased box to the class. Of course the kids did not had any "WOW" look on their faces because I had actually made them create their best paper plane prior to showing Eagle 2. Besides that, Eagle 2 resembled like an ordinary paper plane with a lower profile and hidden modifications. By then I had finished my presentation and had gathered the kids on the balcony of the 3 floor. With a decent cold, dry wind blowing, I launched the plane with everyone keeping their eyes peeled on how far Eagle 2 actually went. Yep higher launching grounds did help but ultimately the flawless design of the plane was all that matter. Eagle 2 sailed a ridiculous distance before landing softly. Nothing close to the Legend but this one day of Paper Plane Revival was all that was needed for me to relive those great memories with my buddy, good old crazy times.
At the end of the day, I simply donated the 2 jets to the school as a mark of my paper planes glory history.
Monday, November 10, 2008
- Never Stop Dreaming -
I have to post this...I knew I have to. As a tribute to who-was-it-who-told-me-about-MSH. Nope the MSH acronym doesn't conceal any identities nor does it relate to the latest games. In fact I simply abbreviated it from Miniature Siberian Husky which is sending me into a state of luminality. Smaller than the usual Husky while sharing everything else in common, this mini version is darn adorable. Redefining my all time favs that alwaya end up in a tie for the top spot between a Golden Retriever and a Husky, this new pup have indeed won hands down.
Darn I have never seen any dog more adorable than this...of course with the exclusion of the usual Japanese ladies going "Ga Ga" over the pug, GOSH, instant insult to the definition of taste. Go Wiki it for more info while I leave you one pic to scream with. And if any one who happens to read this have an ACTUAL PUP, please inform me.
I have to post this...I knew I have to. As a tribute to who-was-it-who-told-me-about-MSH. Nope the MSH acronym doesn't conceal any identities nor does it relate to the latest games. In fact I simply abbreviated it from Miniature Siberian Husky which is sending me into a state of luminality. Smaller than the usual Husky while sharing everything else in common, this mini version is darn adorable. Redefining my all time favs that alwaya end up in a tie for the top spot between a Golden Retriever and a Husky, this new pup have indeed won hands down.
Darn I have never seen any dog more adorable than this...of course with the exclusion of the usual Japanese ladies going "Ga Ga" over the pug, GOSH, instant insult to the definition of taste. Go Wiki it for more info while I leave you one pic to scream with. And if any one who happens to read this have an ACTUAL PUP, please inform me.

Friday, November 7, 2008
I am not alone...
- Never Stop Dreaming -
The truth is out there like in the X files is so true. I have made more foreign friends since I got here than I ever will if I had remained in SG. So you might wonder why would anyone want foreign friends? There may be infinite reasons out there but as far as I am concern, I tend to gain an indepth understanding and also at times clear up stereotypes that had plagued me for centuries. Always in the quest to search for interesting adventures, boredom, stale or stagnant ain't quite my style.
That's not really a bad thing I mean konwing tons of foreingers except that I used to be the only exclusive Singaporean within a vicinity of 100 miles, maybe. All that changed when I met the new English teachers...more from Obama's land as usual, some Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders and an English man. The English man named Tom had a Singaporean friend in Ueda which is like 2 towns away from mine.
Dang! I thought to myself but it ain't all that bad to trade some exclusivity for a fellow Kampung Kid. See when the SGreans get together in a foreign land, the Ah Bengs and Ah Lians come crawling out, the slangs, the jargons, the style...the food, the place, etc. You get the point.
Then comes the part where I got hooked to Facebook where everyone else is so crazy. I am a bitch and I admit it...a shopping whore and when I see people having like 2000 friends in their list, I become jealous at times. Self preservation and realization is something that I am clearly lacking until these phrases began to conceive inside me head.
"It's never about how many friends you have but who you have that matters."
"Numbers are nothing more than a statistic."
"It's never about who you are but what you do that will make a difference."
"It's either you go down in history with the right reasons or for the wrong reasons."
"But some will vanish into history with no reasons."
Everything began to make clear sense after that. So I am indeed looking forward to meeting this new SG dude.
The truth is out there like in the X files is so true. I have made more foreign friends since I got here than I ever will if I had remained in SG. So you might wonder why would anyone want foreign friends? There may be infinite reasons out there but as far as I am concern, I tend to gain an indepth understanding and also at times clear up stereotypes that had plagued me for centuries. Always in the quest to search for interesting adventures, boredom, stale or stagnant ain't quite my style.
That's not really a bad thing I mean konwing tons of foreingers except that I used to be the only exclusive Singaporean within a vicinity of 100 miles, maybe. All that changed when I met the new English teachers...more from Obama's land as usual, some Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders and an English man. The English man named Tom had a Singaporean friend in Ueda which is like 2 towns away from mine.
Dang! I thought to myself but it ain't all that bad to trade some exclusivity for a fellow Kampung Kid. See when the SGreans get together in a foreign land, the Ah Bengs and Ah Lians come crawling out, the slangs, the jargons, the style...the food, the place, etc. You get the point.
Then comes the part where I got hooked to Facebook where everyone else is so crazy. I am a bitch and I admit it...a shopping whore and when I see people having like 2000 friends in their list, I become jealous at times. Self preservation and realization is something that I am clearly lacking until these phrases began to conceive inside me head.
"It's never about how many friends you have but who you have that matters."
"Numbers are nothing more than a statistic."
"It's never about who you are but what you do that will make a difference."
"It's either you go down in history with the right reasons or for the wrong reasons."
"But some will vanish into history with no reasons."
Everything began to make clear sense after that. So I am indeed looking forward to meeting this new SG dude.
Tenderness in the Harshest Environment
- Never Stop Dreaming -
While reading the news this morning about more Obama (which is of course a good thing) and the Bhutan New King, etc. I happened to chance upon a really sweet picture that sent vibes of warmth on this cold Friday morning.

A puppy sleeps under a US soldier’s hat and rifles in Baquba, in Diyala province, northeast of Baghdad
(Goran Tomasevic/Reuters)
While reading the news this morning about more Obama (which is of course a good thing) and the Bhutan New King, etc. I happened to chance upon a really sweet picture that sent vibes of warmth on this cold Friday morning.

A puppy sleeps under a US soldier’s hat and rifles in Baquba, in Diyala province, northeast of Baghdad
(Goran Tomasevic/Reuters)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Gosh...This is quite exhilarating!
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Going by the raging news of Obama's epical victory, where all other sites would probably provide more information than my humble one, I have another piece of news that would probably lead to cardiac arrests for some especially video game fans.
Square Enix the brain child behind the Final Fantasy franchise is hiring an English editor in Tokyo. The requirements are not all celestial stringent but being adept in Chicago Manual and AP style is a pre-requisite. Besides that candidates submitting their resumes have to pen a 1000 word "creative" adventure in the shoes of a character from a Square Enix game who has been magically teleported to Japan. Doesn't that reminds you of those composition test we took when we were like 14 or something.
Geez talk about a dream job in the wake of the financial turmoil...here's one such opening. Sick sick and downright sick. Why does working in a game company seems like the neverending craze? You tell me...
Going by the raging news of Obama's epical victory, where all other sites would probably provide more information than my humble one, I have another piece of news that would probably lead to cardiac arrests for some especially video game fans.
Square Enix the brain child behind the Final Fantasy franchise is hiring an English editor in Tokyo. The requirements are not all celestial stringent but being adept in Chicago Manual and AP style is a pre-requisite. Besides that candidates submitting their resumes have to pen a 1000 word "creative" adventure in the shoes of a character from a Square Enix game who has been magically teleported to Japan. Doesn't that reminds you of those composition test we took when we were like 14 or something.
Geez talk about a dream job in the wake of the financial turmoil...here's one such opening. Sick sick and downright sick. Why does working in a game company seems like the neverending craze? You tell me...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Fred Perry Japan
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Despite me trying me very best to save up me hard earned yen, it seems that I have been lured by the evil evil fashionista's world. Nothing I do can prevent the exchange of the yen for an object of desire. But then again I think now would be a really really good time to convert all my yen into SGD.
Ok Fred Perry originated from U.K. but Japan has her very own Fred Perry series that are MADE IN JAPAN. Not only do they look good, the feel good and they are free from defects.
Recently the 2 cleric shirts have captured my attention so much that it's giving me sleepless nights. Until I got one of them that the nightmares did end eventually.

The Black Narrow Collar Cleric Shirt.

The Cleric Shirt
In case you want any of these MADE IN JAPAN Fred Perry's, check out their web store and let me know. Because there are no Fred Perry stores around my vicinity, the mark up will be 15% on the price listed.
Happy Fred Perry-ing
Despite me trying me very best to save up me hard earned yen, it seems that I have been lured by the evil evil fashionista's world. Nothing I do can prevent the exchange of the yen for an object of desire. But then again I think now would be a really really good time to convert all my yen into SGD.
Ok Fred Perry originated from U.K. but Japan has her very own Fred Perry series that are MADE IN JAPAN. Not only do they look good, the feel good and they are free from defects.
Recently the 2 cleric shirts have captured my attention so much that it's giving me sleepless nights. Until I got one of them that the nightmares did end eventually.

The Black Narrow Collar Cleric Shirt.

The Cleric Shirt
In case you want any of these MADE IN JAPAN Fred Perry's, check out their web store and let me know. Because there are no Fred Perry stores around my vicinity, the mark up will be 15% on the price listed.
Happy Fred Perry-ing
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My Brain Hurts and it ain't Ben Weasel
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Uploading photos into blogger has become a much dreaded affair since I came to know Facebook. Indeed I used to wonder why I have to put myself thru such hassles setting up different account on different sites like Fiendster, Facebook, MeSpace, etc. But all thanks to a very special girl Des, who enlightened me with the marvels of Facebook, I have never been more delighted. Not only is it a sick community space, photos uploading is lightning fast.
60 photos took blogger like 30 minutes while Facebook took less than 10 so you do the math.
Anyway My Brain Hurts is a cool song from Screeching Weasel so do check it out. This post has everything to do with head gear. Yep like I have said the photos of Kangol Furgora Trilby and Bern Baker.

Alrite I took the hat out and paraded it before I took the photos. So the box is pretty much shredded. Anyway imagined it being magically sealed and dropped off my door by FedEx.

This conspicuous brown envelope with bold letters makes this one hell of an interesting parcel. First for me to see such declaration letters.

Box shots...

More box shots...

Ahhh...the "Box Full of Kangol" surprise. In fact I do like this catchline.

The moment of truth...Ta-Daa! Invoice, product tags and the Angolan Bunny.

Reaching my hands into the box...

"Poof!" it's gone! Notice how much cushion Kangol had packed for the hat to enjoy the journey.

The hat was fitted on a plastic container to retain the shape and encased in a crease free plastic bag. That's truly customer satisfaction...way to go Kangol. (Edit. The bag was creased because I folded it)

There...the perfect pride and joy of a true Angolan Fur Hat by Kangol in all it's glory.
In my humble opinion, this box of Kangol that I got off the Kangol Store was even better than my expectations. Right from the box being delivered in 1 perfect piece without dents, to the crease-free almost as if it was being ironed plastic bag that contain the hat. Kangol had put in incredible effort to deliver the products in pristine condition and I am a truly satisfied customer.
Bern Baker Hard Hat

The Bern Baker box.

Nothing much...box shots

More box shots...

Yeah it's for Men and not boys, ladies, girls, etc

Upclose Helmet report?

Helmet encased in bubble wrap, product tag that reads, "HARD HAT" and not a helmet, the middle one is actually a Bern Logo sticker.

Behind the Hard Hat tag the warning explains that this Hard Hat have not pass any safety standards and is to be worn on one's own risk.

A nice looking and extra large Bern plastic bag containing a tiny instruction booklet and a spare goggle clip.

Helmet in bubble wrap and silica gel satchets.

The helmet without the scratches, cuts and evidence of abuse.

The inner knitted liner actually snaps onto 4 points on the helmet. Not a full covered liner though...just a little on the forehead, around the back of the head, around the ears leaving the top of the head expose.

Back where I have moved the goggle clip on the bottom setting instead of the top setting.

Front view.

Inside the lid.

Upclose, there isn't much of an expose area without protection except for the vents on the top.

The foam protection upclose show serious assembly flaws. Well what can you expect...stuff from China.
The box had Hard Hat splated across it to warn people that Bern sells sub standard caps for extreme sports. This makes Bern a joke for taking protection to such levels. If you are not gonna get your products tested for various safety certifications, don't even release them into the market. The helmet do look good I and for that I give Bern the points. Construction wise is also compromised given that this lid is MADE IN LOUSY CHINA. Disappointed. The up close shots of the foam revealed that this is in fact the EPS foam and not the Brock Foam but there is nothing on the box, product tags or in fact anything to verify this. Eventhough on Bern's site, it is stated that the EPS version of the Baker have passed the necessary standards and can be classified as a helmet. The box says otherwise with Hard Hat scrawled all over it.
All in all this helmet looks great on the outside but the ambiguous safety concerns regarding the type of foam used and the construction flaws put the Bern Baker a unsatisfactory item.
Uploading photos into blogger has become a much dreaded affair since I came to know Facebook. Indeed I used to wonder why I have to put myself thru such hassles setting up different account on different sites like Fiendster, Facebook, MeSpace, etc. But all thanks to a very special girl Des, who enlightened me with the marvels of Facebook, I have never been more delighted. Not only is it a sick community space, photos uploading is lightning fast.
60 photos took blogger like 30 minutes while Facebook took less than 10 so you do the math.
Anyway My Brain Hurts is a cool song from Screeching Weasel so do check it out. This post has everything to do with head gear. Yep like I have said the photos of Kangol Furgora Trilby and Bern Baker.

Alrite I took the hat out and paraded it before I took the photos. So the box is pretty much shredded. Anyway imagined it being magically sealed and dropped off my door by FedEx.

This conspicuous brown envelope with bold letters makes this one hell of an interesting parcel. First for me to see such declaration letters.

Box shots...

More box shots...

Ahhh...the "Box Full of Kangol" surprise. In fact I do like this catchline.

The moment of truth...Ta-Daa! Invoice, product tags and the Angolan Bunny.

Reaching my hands into the box...

"Poof!" it's gone! Notice how much cushion Kangol had packed for the hat to enjoy the journey.

The hat was fitted on a plastic container to retain the shape and encased in a crease free plastic bag. That's truly customer satisfaction...way to go Kangol. (Edit. The bag was creased because I folded it)

There...the perfect pride and joy of a true Angolan Fur Hat by Kangol in all it's glory.
In my humble opinion, this box of Kangol that I got off the Kangol Store was even better than my expectations. Right from the box being delivered in 1 perfect piece without dents, to the crease-free almost as if it was being ironed plastic bag that contain the hat. Kangol had put in incredible effort to deliver the products in pristine condition and I am a truly satisfied customer.
Bern Baker Hard Hat

The Bern Baker box.

Nothing much...box shots

More box shots...

Yeah it's for Men and not boys, ladies, girls, etc

Upclose Helmet report?

Helmet encased in bubble wrap, product tag that reads, "HARD HAT" and not a helmet, the middle one is actually a Bern Logo sticker.

Behind the Hard Hat tag the warning explains that this Hard Hat have not pass any safety standards and is to be worn on one's own risk.

A nice looking and extra large Bern plastic bag containing a tiny instruction booklet and a spare goggle clip.

Helmet in bubble wrap and silica gel satchets.

The helmet without the scratches, cuts and evidence of abuse.

The inner knitted liner actually snaps onto 4 points on the helmet. Not a full covered liner though...just a little on the forehead, around the back of the head, around the ears leaving the top of the head expose.

Back where I have moved the goggle clip on the bottom setting instead of the top setting.

Front view.

Inside the lid.

Upclose, there isn't much of an expose area without protection except for the vents on the top.

The foam protection upclose show serious assembly flaws. Well what can you expect...stuff from China.
The box had Hard Hat splated across it to warn people that Bern sells sub standard caps for extreme sports. This makes Bern a joke for taking protection to such levels. If you are not gonna get your products tested for various safety certifications, don't even release them into the market. The helmet do look good I and for that I give Bern the points. Construction wise is also compromised given that this lid is MADE IN LOUSY CHINA. Disappointed. The up close shots of the foam revealed that this is in fact the EPS foam and not the Brock Foam but there is nothing on the box, product tags or in fact anything to verify this. Eventhough on Bern's site, it is stated that the EPS version of the Baker have passed the necessary standards and can be classified as a helmet. The box says otherwise with Hard Hat scrawled all over it.
All in all this helmet looks great on the outside but the ambiguous safety concerns regarding the type of foam used and the construction flaws put the Bern Baker a unsatisfactory item.
All Hallow's Eve at Spider's Thread.
- Never Stop Dreaming -
If you are expecting to see drunkard clashes between vampires and werewolves than I am really sorry to disappoint. Nothing too spectacular this halloween. Wasn't really in the festive mood to scare the shits outta little kids...so a simple party crasher I became with no costume watever, I walked right in to Spider's Thread, a darts bar located in Miyota Town in Nagano Prefecture. Literally within a 200 mile radius of where my home base is located. As usual the photographer chose not to be featured in his own works...so here are the thrills and spills of young ladies, old ladies, army men wannabe, afro DJs, and a whole string of denizens from below.

The Bartender affectionately labeled as "Oni Chan" that loosely translate to everyone's elder brother. Has ridiculous long tresses and a hair stylist day job.

Unknown Afro DJ and DJ Mitsu who also bartends at Kuroshishi.

Some random shutter chance of a conspicuous glowing bottle.

More of Afro DJ.

Teddy Mummies before getting dragged out at 2 am, drunk and Merlion-ing.

More random PJs denizens.

Mr Count Batman abomination from Sesame Street.

Hana Chan and her friend.

Normal "undressed" "uncostumed" party crashers.

The party before everyone get wasted.

Hana Chan donning a retard hat which the green implications does not apply to Japanese who doesn't know the Chinese meaning. Bad for guys...

Sailormoon failed transformation turned witches high on pot.

This unknown DJ who dishes out sick tunes that send vibes across the dance floor. Boy he is GOOD and perhaps a representation of his T-shirt slogan, BEST!

DJs and guests chill lounge...

If you are expecting to see drunkard clashes between vampires and werewolves than I am really sorry to disappoint. Nothing too spectacular this halloween. Wasn't really in the festive mood to scare the shits outta little kids...so a simple party crasher I became with no costume watever, I walked right in to Spider's Thread, a darts bar located in Miyota Town in Nagano Prefecture. Literally within a 200 mile radius of where my home base is located. As usual the photographer chose not to be featured in his own works...so here are the thrills and spills of young ladies, old ladies, army men wannabe, afro DJs, and a whole string of denizens from below.

The Bartender affectionately labeled as "Oni Chan" that loosely translate to everyone's elder brother. Has ridiculous long tresses and a hair stylist day job.

Unknown Afro DJ and DJ Mitsu who also bartends at Kuroshishi.

Some random shutter chance of a conspicuous glowing bottle.

More of Afro DJ.

Teddy Mummies before getting dragged out at 2 am, drunk and Merlion-ing.

More random PJs denizens.

Mr Count Batman abomination from Sesame Street.

Hana Chan and her friend.

Normal "undressed" "uncostumed" party crashers.

The party before everyone get wasted.

Hana Chan donning a retard hat which the green implications does not apply to Japanese who doesn't know the Chinese meaning. Bad for guys...

Sailormoon failed transformation turned witches high on pot.

This unknown DJ who dishes out sick tunes that send vibes across the dance floor. Boy he is GOOD and perhaps a representation of his T-shirt slogan, BEST!

DJs and guests chill lounge...

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