I have to post this...I knew I have to. As a tribute to who-was-it-who-told-me-about-MSH. Nope the MSH acronym doesn't conceal any identities nor does it relate to the latest games. In fact I simply abbreviated it from Miniature Siberian Husky which is sending me into a state of luminality. Smaller than the usual Husky while sharing everything else in common, this mini version is darn adorable. Redefining my all time favs that alwaya end up in a tie for the top spot between a Golden Retriever and a Husky, this new pup have indeed won hands down.
Darn I have never seen any dog more adorable than this...of course with the exclusion of the usual Japanese ladies going "Ga Ga" over the pug, GOSH, instant insult to the definition of taste. Go Wiki it for more info while I leave you one pic to scream with. And if any one who happens to read this have an ACTUAL PUP, please inform me.

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