Although I am a little late in posting this, I believe that this new cancer stick is not available outside Japan. Released on Dec 1, 2008, Salem introduced this new cancer stick probably to level the playing field against the Marlboro Black and Ice Mint in the war of the Menthols.

The all white packaging featuring the horns of a reindeer or some hoofed animal is pretty classy as compared to the black but pretty outdated Marlboro design. Besides that, the freebies that comes with the Salem are white fur pouches and other useless lighters. Thanks to my friend, I shall pass him the cancer sticks and keep the pouches for myself. It funny how I constantly buy these cancer sticks for my friends (they pay me for it) solely for keeping the freebies ONLY. Because the cancer sticks are the same price with or without the freebies so I would always offer myself to purchase for them for my friends and pocket the freebies. Haha...welcome to Japan.
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