Uploading photos into blogger has become a much dreaded affair since I came to know Facebook. Indeed I used to wonder why I have to put myself thru such hassles setting up different account on different sites like Fiendster, Facebook, MeSpace, etc. But all thanks to a very special girl Des, who enlightened me with the marvels of Facebook, I have never been more delighted. Not only is it a sick community space, photos uploading is lightning fast.
60 photos took blogger like 30 minutes while Facebook took less than 10 so you do the math.
Anyway My Brain Hurts is a cool song from Screeching Weasel so do check it out. This post has everything to do with head gear. Yep like I have said the photos of Kangol Furgora Trilby and Bern Baker.

Alrite I took the hat out and paraded it before I took the photos. So the box is pretty much shredded. Anyway imagined it being magically sealed and dropped off my door by FedEx.

This conspicuous brown envelope with bold letters makes this one hell of an interesting parcel. First for me to see such declaration letters.

Box shots...

More box shots...

Ahhh...the "Box Full of Kangol" surprise. In fact I do like this catchline.

The moment of truth...Ta-Daa! Invoice, product tags and the Angolan Bunny.

Reaching my hands into the box...

"Poof!" it's gone! Notice how much cushion Kangol had packed for the hat to enjoy the journey.

The hat was fitted on a plastic container to retain the shape and encased in a crease free plastic bag. That's truly customer satisfaction...way to go Kangol. (Edit. The bag was creased because I folded it)

There...the perfect pride and joy of a true Angolan Fur Hat by Kangol in all it's glory.
In my humble opinion, this box of Kangol that I got off the Kangol Store was even better than my expectations. Right from the box being delivered in 1 perfect piece without dents, to the crease-free almost as if it was being ironed plastic bag that contain the hat. Kangol had put in incredible effort to deliver the products in pristine condition and I am a truly satisfied customer.
Bern Baker Hard Hat

The Bern Baker box.

Nothing much...box shots

More box shots...

Yeah it's for Men and not boys, ladies, girls, etc

Upclose Helmet report?

Helmet encased in bubble wrap, product tag that reads, "HARD HAT" and not a helmet, the middle one is actually a Bern Logo sticker.

Behind the Hard Hat tag the warning explains that this Hard Hat have not pass any safety standards and is to be worn on one's own risk.

A nice looking and extra large Bern plastic bag containing a tiny instruction booklet and a spare goggle clip.

Helmet in bubble wrap and silica gel satchets.

The helmet without the scratches, cuts and evidence of abuse.

The inner knitted liner actually snaps onto 4 points on the helmet. Not a full covered liner though...just a little on the forehead, around the back of the head, around the ears leaving the top of the head expose.

Back where I have moved the goggle clip on the bottom setting instead of the top setting.

Front view.

Inside the lid.

Upclose, there isn't much of an expose area without protection except for the vents on the top.

The foam protection upclose show serious assembly flaws. Well what can you expect...stuff from China.
The box had Hard Hat splated across it to warn people that Bern sells sub standard caps for extreme sports. This makes Bern a joke for taking protection to such levels. If you are not gonna get your products tested for various safety certifications, don't even release them into the market. The helmet do look good I and for that I give Bern the points. Construction wise is also compromised given that this lid is MADE IN LOUSY CHINA. Disappointed. The up close shots of the foam revealed that this is in fact the EPS foam and not the Brock Foam but there is nothing on the box, product tags or in fact anything to verify this. Eventhough on Bern's site, it is stated that the EPS version of the Baker have passed the necessary standards and can be classified as a helmet. The box says otherwise with Hard Hat scrawled all over it.
All in all this helmet looks great on the outside but the ambiguous safety concerns regarding the type of foam used and the construction flaws put the Bern Baker a unsatisfactory item.
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