Was in Tokyo over the weekends for a dinner party jointly organised by Morris and his ex-student. Distinguished guests gracing the event were more of Morris ex-students and his friends. Yeah I am in Tokyo just for that...and also to pitch my luck in my deprived love interest. Having found a cheaper transit to Tokyo via the Highway Bus (¥2,500 - single way) which will take around 2.5 hours, it's definitely much more worthwhile to save as much as I can in this brewing economic disaster. Lot's of interesting commuters on the bus but taking their pictures at such proximity would be seeking a death wish. I could only eavesdrop their conversation and accomodate the welcoming stares because I had such groovy fashion sense, Ha, tell me about it.
The bus traveled via the mountainous passes with fantastic landscape but I wasn't really into the landscape pictures so no pics. As dusk sets in with half the vast blue sky robbed of clouds and the other half with littered with lucious columns of fluffy whites and greys, they were only further enhanced with streaks of striking gold linings from the setting sun. Splendid scene but again I wasn't really tempted into framing that.
Then the bus stop for the last interimn break where toilets and smokes were lifes' fuel, I thought I had better frame at least 1 picture so here it is...

Then the journey continued in to "uneventful" Tokyo. As usual the 待ち合わせ (meeting place) was the iconic Hachiko Dog symbol in front of Shibuya station where people simply congregate for various reasons.

There I met Morris and Read from Niigata and waited for more of Morris's friends. I was bored so the camera in my hands became my toy while I search for the novelty of unsuspecting targets.

Morris and Read became my first victims where they were caught in their most candid expressions.

Then comes this pretty stressed up random Japanese dude in the crowds.

Testing the camera multiple capabilities...
Ok then the rest of the guests arrived and we had wonderful dinner together where I went savage on the liquor and food. Yeah I don't have to drive so might as well let me self loose. This dinner was a very typical Japanese 合コン (Goukon) which an equal number of guys and an equal number of girls come together for dinner with hopes of hooking up with someone. I knew that from the start but my hopes for seeking more friends were far greater as love is pretty subjective for me. Being one of the 3 foreigners there, of course I was bombarded with questions. Now that is a pretty good thing because I can steal ALL the limelight from the other Japanese blokes (pardon my obnoxious audacity). The 2 other Japanese guys were seeing green because the forth one failed to show up and that I, the other Asian on the table was the crowd's favourite and was dazzling. Only 1 was pretty cool and hey I do like him in a non-gay sorta way. I could feel their eyes gleeming with katanas ready to dice me into nano pieces...haha. Whatever here are the pics, less the magnanimous photographer (as usual).

Then after the dinner it was a short drinking session where most of the fabulous ladies left because of work on the following day. How disapponting...so I made my way to Chiyoko's place to crash for the nite. Hmm Chiyoko (I call her Choco) was someone I met at Hitomi's party who had allowed me to crash at her tiny apartment 20 minutes from Shibuya. Hey it's free so I can't complain much rite? That was it...and then came Sunday where Chiyoko made brunch...*shutter chance*

- The "unglamourous" moment without make up -
Sorry again no pictures but the Tomato rice that she made looks fantastic on a plate with fresh tomatoes and lettuce. Harsh reality sets in on the strangest times...the rice was tasteless, bland and good only for display. Yeah the "off-the-shelf" pre-made gyoza soup had more taste and saved the otherwise punishing lunch. We were cracking up like drunkards over lunch...and then she was late in meeting her gay friend because we were ranting about everything else. Took the train and traded conversations in English and Japanese. Again I was attracting attention from another pretty cute Japanese babe (because of English) thru my Oakley shades. Parted ways with Chiyoko with no harsh words for the lunch and took the Shink back.
Sakudaira station...toilet and then cam whoring. Whoooo...I am beginning to love this whole cam whoring thingy because I am a vanity fashionista. Photoshoped and viola...

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