Have too much holidays and time recently and I didn't spent them on un-productive issues so I decided to seive thru my photos and process as much as I can. I will go thru the photos with a short description beneath each when necessary.

While I was back in SG during my annual Summer break, I went out with E whom I had not seen in flesh and blood for more than 700 days. Wanted to check out Henderson Bridge after seeing the crazy pictures of it but had a rather unusual experience. Didn't went trigger frenzy but rather opted for a more subtle chilling session. This one shot of E's beautiful eyes did yielded some magic.

You see upon closer inspection of the file taken by the monster 5Dmk2, reflections of life was artistically painted on E's soul window. A silhouette of a stranger, trees and the horizon seperating the skies. I personally really like this picture because E's eyes were fantastic to begin with.

These insane pictures was the obvious brain child of me and so I shall take all shameless credit from there! Well, the inspiration came when some of my friends were playing with it in a bar making the usual palm shapes. The uber famous Han Solo in carbonite scene came zapping into my head like a laser and viola. Let's start with the last one as representing Yours Truly, me. The second last one morphing into a devil and the third last one from The Frighteners.

M was the sister of a Japanese friend, E, and though she was only 18 going 19, she had the traits of a potential model. So I decided to zap her once for lens food and boy was I delighted that I did.
And the one(s) below was a recent "Mini Photoshoot" that I did using the umbrella, colored gels and wireless triggers. The tunnel that I had travelled thru numerous time was always the place that I wanted to do a shoot and this was a fairly nice chance. Outside it was raining non stop and the weather was rather chilly but everything went on smoothly and boy was it fun. The model was A, a fellow photographer but she does wedding using a Canon setup as well. She was extremely fun to work with and wasn't critical of my amateurish 5Dmk2 toys.

One of my kids in her "Concentration" moments!

Another one of my younger kids (she is only 12 in 2009) with a HUGE potential to be a future model.

Ha, this is one really really adorable son of the current principal of Tenrikyo Singapore. Caught him eyeing the colorful mind fuel while I was back in SG.
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