I have never considered myself a saint
I have never considered myself good looking
I have never considered myself smart
I have never considered myself wealthy
I have never considered myself significant
I have never considered myself charismatic
And yet I found myself at times influencing some decent amount of people around me which greatly surprises me.
Maybe I am weird
Maybe I am eccentric
Maybe I am one of a kind
Maybe I am dumb
Maybe I am overated
Maybe I am full of nonsense
And yet I find myself very much loved by some decent amount of people around me which greatly surprises me.
To such an extent I really find myself being just another plain street Joe slaving for a regular day job to make a living. No Brad Pitt looks, no Bill Gates wealth and no Steve Jobs talent but over this course of existence, there are people whom their lives I have came into, seems to be all over me. I depict myself as someone who happens to share a tiny fraction of their lives over their long life story and yet it's within that limited time that these absolutely gorgeous people become pretty attached to me. I guess I give too much freedom, I smile every second, I make people happy, I am full of crap and I have never throw an angst ridden front more than thrice over a decade.
So now that my contract is coming to an end in March, the kids upon hearing some rumors began to worry if I would leave this noble place of knowledge. They began to fill their diaries with their worries about my doubtful departure. I could clearly sense that I have gotten into their good books over the span of 1.5 years. But quite seriously I haven't done anything special because all I did was to talk to them about games, relationships, snowboarding, animations, Singapore and photography. These kids don't confront me though some do but most will pen in their diaries about their thoughts. Yes it's really sweet that everyone is pretty concerned about the rumors that I am leaving but that's beside the whole point. These kids are in their final year before moving on to High School so it's THEY who are graduating and leaving. And yet they are so innocently naive to be overly concern me than to realise their departure in March. Such sweet irony are indeed very very comfortable to a man who have never really done anything impactful to command such gratitude.
Like I have said, I might just be a little more chatty than most people and I might just strike a chord with them. Despite a strong front that I present aka Kim Jong 'is very' Ill, I am really a softee who do yearn for a little warmth like this at times.
So here is one for you marvelous generations of the future...the noble institution of knowledge where we met for the very first time basked in star dust.

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