Last year I had a great season of snowboarding because my roommate was a 12 year veteran and some other enthusiasts around me. So anticipating the joy of snowboarding this season as well, I got myself a decent helmet. But never did I expect this winter turned out to be the worst one as compared to last year. To little snow and in fact, it had only snowed decently less than 5 times till now. THe temperature is quite bad because it's not cold enuff for snow but chilly enuff for rain. Like how I had dreaded in the previous post, rain is a huge no no in winter.
Snowfall in Feb is usually forcasted to be the most but now it seems almost like Spring, really really bad. Other reasons for not snowboarding much this season is the lack of decent snowboarders because most around me are pretty much on and off boarders. A little rain is enuff to put them off. So after skipping snowboarding for a scary 3 weeks, I finally got my boarding crave fulfilled on Sunday.
Hooking up with a few other amateur but really enthusiastic boarders, we headed to Koumi resort. Not huge as compared to Nozawa Onsen but the fairly acceptable snow and semi long runs allowed me to pull off some speed and minor jumps. Witnessed a skier launched off a ramp about 2 storeys high and landed tragically after a failed attempt to complete a 360 vertical flip. He basically landed on somewhere between his spine, collar bone or anywhere along his vertebrate. I was cruising down when I saw him launched before me and splated flat on almost concrete ice. He was lifeless and his gear was flung in various direction. Couple of minutes later, the siren of snow patrols were tearing up the slopes to his aid. I simply delisted huge stunts on my to-do list on that day.
After a day of rather pleasant snowboarding, we headed to an Onsen nearby perched on top of the mountain. The blend of soaking naked in a huge outdoor stone pit with chilly winter winds blowing thru and at the same time admiring the different peaks of the distant snow-capped ranges. Splendid indeed but I tend to avoid Onsens because I tend to go dizzy after soaking in hot water...a sign that my body is failing. Mos burger for dinner and some last minute for groceries before I reached home before 2000 hours. With the almost full moon up in the winter sky, I knew I had to dance in the moon light shadow with my KDX once again. Set it all up right outside my house, I orchestrated the play of me being the photographer, choreographer, performer, stage hand and director. Here is one untouched, straight off the RAW pre-proccessed pic.

Right now I am completely drained of any decent energy after that rejuvernating Onsen which sucked my juices dry so that my body can have the necessary recharging capabilities...
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