The Jumangoku Matsuri (十万石祭り) on October 8 in a small town of Matsushiro (松代) in Nagano Prefecture is held annually to commemerate the famous Battle of Kawanakajima where Uesugi Kenshin fought Takeda Shingen. The most famous scene of this historical battle is best depicted where Takeda Shingen parried Uesugi Kenshin's sword attacks from his horse with an iron fan. The event is held in a small open park directly in front of Matsushiro Castle where the famous Sanada Clan used to reside. The Fu Rin Ka Zan (風林火山) series by NHK was also flimed here at Matsushiro Castle.
I was super luckily to be informed of such an event due to my wide spread influence, I was able witness the re-enactment of the famous battle and with my camera fully juiced up and memory card cleanly formatted, I was ready to fire away. Arriving at the small town of Matsushiro after changing trains at a rustic station (Yashiro 屋代) chucked away with time on a Sunday morning, I arrived at Matsushiro Station which is right next to Matsushiro Castle. People were already gathering here and there with heaps of cars neatly parked outside the castle. Mobile stables were seen and huge props and equipment were all ready to be unpacked. Occasionally I could see horses being lead away to prepare for the huge event. As usual, the charm here in this secluded little town encased by mountains simply whisked my soul away...marvelous scenery that were soOoooO good, I totally missed out capturing them on my camera which was strapped by my side all this while. Here are the pictures of the day...

And this girl here was the highlight of the while event (for me) for she totally got me smitten. Throughout the entire event, she never once smiled and was so into it, her composure and intensity made her resembled the actual samurais in history and that was what that captured my heart. No no don't get me wrong but it was just really unusual that she was not actually depicting the famous samurais but I guessed she was just a high ranking general or official of Uesugi Kenshin and yet she was the only one who took the role seriously to the extent that it WAS REAL. The camera flashes and occasional "haressment" of the TV crew did not affect her the slightest bit. She never posed for any cameras or videos and she was just herself in that sleek black suit of armour with her palm on the handle of the sword at all times. It has been long since I last admired a sweet looking lass that much, well today I really took my hat off her...if only I could get her name and know her personally.

Takeda Shingen in his famous white mane splendor.

Uesugi Kenshin in his famous "Arab" suit and steed.

Here is another really pretty looking lady who look gorgeous in her red Sanada Clan's armour. Geez, these ladies seems to be exceptionally appealing in those tough, bad ass armour which was once donned only by males. Maybe Little Princess Aiko should be the next heir to the Chrysanthemum Throne if the Japanese ladies could wield such confidence and grace in the things they do.

Here comes funny Takeda Shingen with specs during the street parade after the battle...haha

No and she's still not smiling even when parading the streets with lot's of flashes and yes her palm is still on the sword's handle...I am literally blown away by her aura...

Last all the guys (you know who you are) who are reading this, pls stop asking me if I have a Japanese girlfriend each time you MSN me...I am getting a bit irritated. For your information, I am here in Japan for a hell lot of other stuffs other than the sweet looking girls which I do not deny are part of the reason why I am here but it's not the main reason. Food, toys, games, cars, history, gadgets, party, booze, snowboarding, samurais, girls, etc...the list goes on so please, I know it's hard to accept that I am constantly surrounded by sweet looking girls, but please refrain from asking me time and again that question. I like to appreciate and respect people who I look up to for various reasons and I have weird taste in girls if you know what I mean.
That's all...hope you like it.
Yo Tofu.
So do you have a Japanese girlfriend?
Thanks for the dolls and sweater. I'm glad you got the money fine. Else I'd have kicked up a big fuss at the bank. Let me know how much is shipping ok?
By the way, great pics.
And no, you do not have weird taste in women. I think the same girls are hot too.
Brother Law---> I could literally change the picture on your jacket to a cow or an elephant instead of a koi...LOL...Haha
Well if I do have one, you tink I will keep it from you?
Well as for weird taste I was simply isolating the usual surface appeal from the indepth delirious excitement that I get from admiration, respect and obeisance. Not that in any way I would actually deny their heat scale...They ARE HOT!
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