I do hope you people remember the Gremlins movie back in the 80s...well if you do happen to go around Singapore and see the Gizmo gremlin plushies, you will soon find that those sold in Singapore have a slightly deformed face and are not really depicted from the actual prop in the movie. And those of you who have been to my little den in Singapore, you'd have seen the actual Gizmo plush that I have is so much cuter than those you see in Singapore...here's my Gizmo pic

See that...? My Gizmo have a much proportionate face and slightly curly and longer fur and here is the actual movie prop...

So if you are cursing and swearing how come I could get the cutest Gizmo plushie, well I paid a almost SGD$300 for it like 10 years ago from a shop in Far East Plaza which have ceased operation some 8 years ago.
But fret not, all is not not lost, I have found the company that actually produces these super cute plushies...and they are still selling it...but they dun come cheap. They are retailing at SGD$270 a piece and this might just be your last chance to get them...Here's the pic

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