August 22, my pal Grant's we met up with Eric at JUSCO, and later in the nite, Shane and Ashley. Crashed at Kuroshishi which the dudes and babes there are still sweet as honey. But before that, Grant and me went to JUSCO to walk around as we had like 30 minutes before Eric there is this Namco arcade in JUSCO...and here are the pics of this really cute horse betting machine...

So here we are at Kuroshishi with the usual wacky bunch...haha and me as usual screwing up otherwise perfect pictures. Alrite so Shane's taking the pictures, Ashley is not in the pic, Eric right at the back with a cycling cap and Grant on the extreme left back. The cute waitress that I went to the beach with and the cool waiter beside her, the chef in front of them, the bartender on my lap with another chef in bandana beside him...

And the bartender and the cute waitress pulled me away half way to confirm Grant's name and his age...then they off the lights which gave everyone at Kuroshishi including other guests a fright. The birthday song came with the bartender leading a convoy of the rest of the staffs with this magnificient creation in his hands...the rest of the guests just cajoled along with the birthday song...probably the first time that I heard many Japanese actually sing an English song in unison.

Now almost all the pics are up...just lagging behind with 2 dates of works...the Harley event at Parada and the 1st graders party in Asashina Junior High...
Now that the nite is cool and my bed is snuggly, please forgive me as I cannot resist the temptation as resistence is futile...haha
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