A while ago, I was whining and throwing my fiery tantrums while struggling to carry out my daily duties at work. All because I wasnt able to get something I wanted, something SHE wanted. A brutal 1 minute online sale for a 1/12 scale robot and after that, just emotions rising and many like myself plagued with not the best internet connection or the fastest fingers cursing and swearing.
Yeah...the one and only toy company in the world that loves seeing hardcore fans cry and fight over emotional sale, 3A.
I could clearly understand the company's perspective since every single of these robots sold would also sent every single cent received to aid the Japanese Earthquake recovery. The more they sell, the more losses they will incur which clearly explains the 1 minute emo sale.
I admit I was late into the "plastic-snorting-cartel" missing out on the membership this year but still I did manage to snag a bunch of stuffs officially from that sacred online store. Excluding those that I had obtained thru black market channels, my 1st official product was due to arrive sometime in August so really the toys wouldnt have come any earlier.
But then...
a couple of mysterious "Failed delivery" notes were left in my snail mail box while I was at work. She, had gotten hold of them and I was told that they were..."from overseas". Ok I am skeptical and I really dont like mysterious parcels from mysterious people. And the last thing I want is to have a new face, new set of hands or an early reincarnation. Though the parcel or parcels might have eluded security checks and were already in the Japanese delivery channel...I wasnt leaving anything to chances because I knew for sure that I hadnt ordered anything recently.
My frown disappeared in an instance once I got hold of the actual delivery note.
The emo sale that I had missed out earlier...turns out that 3A sent every single Japanese customer who had ordered prior to the earthquake, this particular emo robot for absolutely zero yen, dollar, pound, yes totally FREE!
Dont ask me how, why or what the hell that I got 3 of these for free. 1 for me and my brother in Singapore and the last one, well...taken!
"Yep 3 FREAKING Armstrongs!"
So really I take this very opportunity to convey my deepest gratitude and thanks to 3A, the greatest toy company in the world and I am proud to let them rob my yen time and again because no other toy company will listen to the customers and make what they want, let them decide the color, story, etc. and sell prototypes, pictures, ideas, art, concept or nothing before the actual product is made.
And to answer to this great calling, the Japanese faction, the Japanese JDF Legion gathered around 20 odd members who received this sacred treasure for a night of men, grown men, toys, little food, little drinks and more amazing toys and party all in the name of charity. In return, the mighty but small JDF legion customized some gifts and sent them back to the 3A headquarters in Hong Kong.
Of course I was proud to be the only foreigner to travel from my mountain hide out crash the party in the heart of Tokyo with my customized 1/12 scale World War Robot (WWR) JDF Armstrong, The Scared One. The idea was mine but she made the headband and wrote the words. Enjoy...

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