- Never Stop Dreaming -
So I am obsessed with 3A toys and most updates are on them...? Quite true but this one is on me...
Having given chances and chances to myself telling myself to go on, I have finally reached the end. The end because I chose the end myself for there was no more reason to carry on.
With knowledge, determination and lotsa guts, I knew that limitations on my work VISA here in Japan will be over soon. And then I will finally fulfill my own prophecy and complete my own oracle. I chose my dream, I walked my own path and so I will be the one writing my own adventure.
I was here slogging my sorry ass off and not only were my efforts not recognized, I had to take orders from idiots and live in constant fear because the environment was like North Korea, deserters will be shot. The one supposedly to be the appointed superior was always watching the troops in secret and sending top secret mails to all the other officials detailing the flaws of each troop in his unit. There was zero moral and absolutely no motivation to fight or carry on. The pay wasnt all that fantastic as well so in the end, I chose to give up in such a lousy environment as well. I shall take my chances out there because at least my efforts will be recognized someday. At the end of the day, I was even told that whether I would be able to continue my contract would be dependent on how idiots evaluate me.
As soon as the news of my leaving reached his sorry ears, only then did he realized my potential and impact. Instead I was offered to pursue for another year but really no thanks, I get to keep my arrogant pride this time than to work with a bunch of idiots.
Sometimes in life, second chances just doesnt count so I am outta here. Imagine amateur doctors killing patients if surgery is fucked up, economists screwing up the country's financial status if they fucked up, ministers fucking up government cabinets...so by my own conscience, for the low pay, for the shitty amount of work and for the redundant amount of effort I put in, I get nothing in the end.
As soon as I got my wings of freedom, going to work each day is no longer a hassle. I was literally "UNTOUCHABLE", walking with anti gravity energy! He just gives me that really disgusting smile and I just pretend that I noticed. But in the meantime before I expire...I am determined to milk as much as I can, willingly sacrificing my energy, youth and time so that I can tide the risk next year which I will have a hell lot of opportunities coming.
Oh...the my oracle will be complete in a series of binaries less the ZEROs.
Ciao for now...
Sunday, September 4, 2011
The Sacred JDF Armstrong
- Never Stop Dreaming -
A while ago, I was whining and throwing my fiery tantrums while struggling to carry out my daily duties at work. All because I wasnt able to get something I wanted, something SHE wanted. A brutal 1 minute online sale for a 1/12 scale robot and after that, just emotions rising and many like myself plagued with not the best internet connection or the fastest fingers cursing and swearing.
Yeah...the one and only toy company in the world that loves seeing hardcore fans cry and fight over emotional sale, 3A.
I could clearly understand the company's perspective since every single of these robots sold would also sent every single cent received to aid the Japanese Earthquake recovery. The more they sell, the more losses they will incur which clearly explains the 1 minute emo sale.
I admit I was late into the "plastic-snorting-cartel" missing out on the membership this year but still I did manage to snag a bunch of stuffs officially from that sacred online store. Excluding those that I had obtained thru black market channels, my 1st official product was due to arrive sometime in August so really the toys wouldnt have come any earlier.
But then...
a couple of mysterious "Failed delivery" notes were left in my snail mail box while I was at work. She, had gotten hold of them and I was told that they were..."from overseas". Ok I am skeptical and I really dont like mysterious parcels from mysterious people. And the last thing I want is to have a new face, new set of hands or an early reincarnation. Though the parcel or parcels might have eluded security checks and were already in the Japanese delivery channel...I wasnt leaving anything to chances because I knew for sure that I hadnt ordered anything recently.
My frown disappeared in an instance once I got hold of the actual delivery note.
The emo sale that I had missed out earlier...turns out that 3A sent every single Japanese customer who had ordered prior to the earthquake, this particular emo robot for absolutely zero yen, dollar, pound, yes totally FREE!
Dont ask me how, why or what the hell that I got 3 of these for free. 1 for me and my brother in Singapore and the last one, well...taken!
"Yep 3 FREAKING Armstrongs!"
So really I take this very opportunity to convey my deepest gratitude and thanks to 3A, the greatest toy company in the world and I am proud to let them rob my yen time and again because no other toy company will listen to the customers and make what they want, let them decide the color, story, etc. and sell prototypes, pictures, ideas, art, concept or nothing before the actual product is made.
And to answer to this great calling, the Japanese faction, the Japanese JDF Legion gathered around 20 odd members who received this sacred treasure for a night of men, grown men, toys, little food, little drinks and more amazing toys and party all in the name of charity. In return, the mighty but small JDF legion customized some gifts and sent them back to the 3A headquarters in Hong Kong.
Of course I was proud to be the only foreigner to travel from my mountain hide out crash the party in the heart of Tokyo with my customized 1/12 scale World War Robot (WWR) JDF Armstrong, The Scared One. The idea was mine but she made the headband and wrote the words. Enjoy...
A while ago, I was whining and throwing my fiery tantrums while struggling to carry out my daily duties at work. All because I wasnt able to get something I wanted, something SHE wanted. A brutal 1 minute online sale for a 1/12 scale robot and after that, just emotions rising and many like myself plagued with not the best internet connection or the fastest fingers cursing and swearing.
Yeah...the one and only toy company in the world that loves seeing hardcore fans cry and fight over emotional sale, 3A.
I could clearly understand the company's perspective since every single of these robots sold would also sent every single cent received to aid the Japanese Earthquake recovery. The more they sell, the more losses they will incur which clearly explains the 1 minute emo sale.
I admit I was late into the "plastic-snorting-cartel" missing out on the membership this year but still I did manage to snag a bunch of stuffs officially from that sacred online store. Excluding those that I had obtained thru black market channels, my 1st official product was due to arrive sometime in August so really the toys wouldnt have come any earlier.
But then...
a couple of mysterious "Failed delivery" notes were left in my snail mail box while I was at work. She, had gotten hold of them and I was told that they were..."from overseas". Ok I am skeptical and I really dont like mysterious parcels from mysterious people. And the last thing I want is to have a new face, new set of hands or an early reincarnation. Though the parcel or parcels might have eluded security checks and were already in the Japanese delivery channel...I wasnt leaving anything to chances because I knew for sure that I hadnt ordered anything recently.
My frown disappeared in an instance once I got hold of the actual delivery note.
The emo sale that I had missed out earlier...turns out that 3A sent every single Japanese customer who had ordered prior to the earthquake, this particular emo robot for absolutely zero yen, dollar, pound, yes totally FREE!
Dont ask me how, why or what the hell that I got 3 of these for free. 1 for me and my brother in Singapore and the last one, well...taken!
"Yep 3 FREAKING Armstrongs!"
So really I take this very opportunity to convey my deepest gratitude and thanks to 3A, the greatest toy company in the world and I am proud to let them rob my yen time and again because no other toy company will listen to the customers and make what they want, let them decide the color, story, etc. and sell prototypes, pictures, ideas, art, concept or nothing before the actual product is made.
And to answer to this great calling, the Japanese faction, the Japanese JDF Legion gathered around 20 odd members who received this sacred treasure for a night of men, grown men, toys, little food, little drinks and more amazing toys and party all in the name of charity. In return, the mighty but small JDF legion customized some gifts and sent them back to the 3A headquarters in Hong Kong.
Of course I was proud to be the only foreigner to travel from my mountain hide out crash the party in the heart of Tokyo with my customized 1/12 scale World War Robot (WWR) JDF Armstrong, The Scared One. The idea was mine but she made the headband and wrote the words. Enjoy...

Thursday, June 23, 2011
3rd Anniversary Bambaboss - the last of the 1/6th
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Going on sale on the 25th of June at 0900 HK time at BAMBALANDSTORE is the last of the 1/6 Bambaboss in full black glory, decorated with 3 circles paying respect to the parent 3zero company? Dont quote me but I presume it's there to celebrate the 3rd year anniversary instead. Be there or be square this one is not to be missed...not only myself, but the female feline loving one calls it Mr Bubbles, think Bambaboss is cute and wants a piece of the plastic action as well. Dont say I didnt warn you but sitting this one out for watever reason will only lead to regret in the future since there will not be anymore 1/6 Bambaboss for all I know.

This is the Boss I am talking about and be sure to get him if you can. A semi emo battle was mentioned so be early and be weary.
Going on sale on the 25th of June at 0900 HK time at BAMBALANDSTORE is the last of the 1/6 Bambaboss in full black glory, decorated with 3 circles paying respect to the parent 3zero company? Dont quote me but I presume it's there to celebrate the 3rd year anniversary instead. Be there or be square this one is not to be missed...not only myself, but the female feline loving one calls it Mr Bubbles, think Bambaboss is cute and wants a piece of the plastic action as well. Dont say I didnt warn you but sitting this one out for watever reason will only lead to regret in the future since there will not be anymore 1/6 Bambaboss for all I know.

This is the Boss I am talking about and be sure to get him if you can. A semi emo battle was mentioned so be early and be weary.
90 days of consolidation
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Been away for 3 months...for both valid and invalid reasons. Hands were tied, and all minutes that I could possibly squeeze were spent sleeping. Yes, I was indeed tired and no the earthquake, the tsunami and the radiation didnt get any of me and I am still in my prime of health.
I had been really busy with work, slogging every sweat and energy for extra overtime pay. Well, reasons I have to feed my hobbies and also for a whole string of events all lined up both this year and next. On the topic of work, I had pretty much given in to the style and possibly hanging on for only 2 primary reasons, the pay and the clients. I know that quality cant be changed and so all my efforts and energy are channeled to collecting smiles from the various clients allocated to me since it will be my name that will be on their albums. Making impressions like I had always had seems to work marvelously and flawlessly. To sum it up, there are only 3, including myself, professionals among the amateurs. My time will come in the Dec of 2011 where I shall once again claim my freedom but in the meantime, I need the funds to prepare for a new battle, a new beginning.
In fact, I am looking forward everyday to this new journey where I can carve my own path for fame and glory. I will need all the support I can gather in the future...yes you reading this, your support as well. As I strive further here, I began to impress more and this very well gave a good support for my cause.
As I marched forward enthusiastically into the unknown future, I know that I am ready to face all odds that life will throw at me, otherwise I wouldnt be here and would be in sorry SG like most others. On the contrary as I chase new dreams after realizing old ones, a couple of fallen comrades from old times move away from the future to live back into the past. I am here for you brother like old times, we met at the battlefield scarred from emotional wounds, we went thru tobacco, alcohol and the speed demon, I was on 4 and you were on 2...we moved on and found our own dreams. Now that I am living the good life, you seemed to have lost what you hold dearest. Once again time has become an enemy and we are forced to slave for society hoping for a better future or to make an eternal promise to a soulmate. There is not much I can do for you but to hope and pray that you will once again find your path and regain your lost honor.
And besides a fallen pal, I found new ones that I salute with utmost respect because I long to be like them, living away from SG and living the lives that many can only dream of. Soon I too will realize that dream permanently sealing my own fate in a distance land but at the same time collect a path of tears, memories and perhaps even hatred. I can only say that I am sorry that time makes a fool of a man and I shall never live for anyone else but myself because life's greatest creation is my very own life written in a book.
For a long time, almost 5 years, I caught my second ever movie here in the land of the rising sun. Compared to SG, it was indeed expensive but being located in the rural suburbs, less than 10 were the audience on a weekday catching the 3D screening of Jack Sparrow's On Strangers' Tides. Good silence, no crowd, no irritating cellphones and no kicking of chairs, the screening was in pure 3D sensation, something impossible in SG.
It will be a monthly thing from now on I presumed since this new place was just too good to miss out on.
On to updates on my well-being...
Meals are no longer off the shelves of convenience stores or super markets day in and day out. I pay a monthly Y20,000 to get good cooked food from breakfast to dinner on good days and none on bad days. In between, I might get 2 outta 3 meals a day if I am lucky. Work laundry are free and provided by the company but my own personal laundry are also being covered at not cost, not by the company of course. Upgraded my cellphone to a white Iphone 4 which I had been waiting all these while, shame on you apple. A couple of tweaks and I am connecting my Macbook to internet where-ever there is signal on my iphone. Info are all over the net so dont ask me since I was, am and never will be a fan of waking up in the middle of the night with security people knocking on my door. Will be acquiring a high end printer preparing for next year's move. Doing some online toy sale to provide some spare change monthly.
Looking forward to many things down the months ahead.
The earthquake had subsided considerably and rarely wrecks any mental damage recently. Radiation news are stable and both food and water are not in any potential killing zone.
Still all good here but at times have slight urge to head back to SG for a good getaway. Weather is fairly good and cool turning to warm and hot and soon, very soon, all cold and white. Numbers are good to watch out this year as triples which I had missed out 2 years in a row will make the final appearance as I end my status, beginning a new journey.
Screwed up the old car busting a gearbox, mid muffler section beyond repair only to have a better one for dirt cheap to keep me floating for another year. My beloved S15 will have to wait a little while more but I am salivating and lusting over the M3. Might have to expand a few more youthful years before anything can really turn to reality.
That's about it...nothing much but only this much to keep you occupied.
Been away for 3 months...for both valid and invalid reasons. Hands were tied, and all minutes that I could possibly squeeze were spent sleeping. Yes, I was indeed tired and no the earthquake, the tsunami and the radiation didnt get any of me and I am still in my prime of health.
I had been really busy with work, slogging every sweat and energy for extra overtime pay. Well, reasons I have to feed my hobbies and also for a whole string of events all lined up both this year and next. On the topic of work, I had pretty much given in to the style and possibly hanging on for only 2 primary reasons, the pay and the clients. I know that quality cant be changed and so all my efforts and energy are channeled to collecting smiles from the various clients allocated to me since it will be my name that will be on their albums. Making impressions like I had always had seems to work marvelously and flawlessly. To sum it up, there are only 3, including myself, professionals among the amateurs. My time will come in the Dec of 2011 where I shall once again claim my freedom but in the meantime, I need the funds to prepare for a new battle, a new beginning.
In fact, I am looking forward everyday to this new journey where I can carve my own path for fame and glory. I will need all the support I can gather in the future...yes you reading this, your support as well. As I strive further here, I began to impress more and this very well gave a good support for my cause.
As I marched forward enthusiastically into the unknown future, I know that I am ready to face all odds that life will throw at me, otherwise I wouldnt be here and would be in sorry SG like most others. On the contrary as I chase new dreams after realizing old ones, a couple of fallen comrades from old times move away from the future to live back into the past. I am here for you brother like old times, we met at the battlefield scarred from emotional wounds, we went thru tobacco, alcohol and the speed demon, I was on 4 and you were on 2...we moved on and found our own dreams. Now that I am living the good life, you seemed to have lost what you hold dearest. Once again time has become an enemy and we are forced to slave for society hoping for a better future or to make an eternal promise to a soulmate. There is not much I can do for you but to hope and pray that you will once again find your path and regain your lost honor.
And besides a fallen pal, I found new ones that I salute with utmost respect because I long to be like them, living away from SG and living the lives that many can only dream of. Soon I too will realize that dream permanently sealing my own fate in a distance land but at the same time collect a path of tears, memories and perhaps even hatred. I can only say that I am sorry that time makes a fool of a man and I shall never live for anyone else but myself because life's greatest creation is my very own life written in a book.
For a long time, almost 5 years, I caught my second ever movie here in the land of the rising sun. Compared to SG, it was indeed expensive but being located in the rural suburbs, less than 10 were the audience on a weekday catching the 3D screening of Jack Sparrow's On Strangers' Tides. Good silence, no crowd, no irritating cellphones and no kicking of chairs, the screening was in pure 3D sensation, something impossible in SG.
It will be a monthly thing from now on I presumed since this new place was just too good to miss out on.
On to updates on my well-being...
Meals are no longer off the shelves of convenience stores or super markets day in and day out. I pay a monthly Y20,000 to get good cooked food from breakfast to dinner on good days and none on bad days. In between, I might get 2 outta 3 meals a day if I am lucky. Work laundry are free and provided by the company but my own personal laundry are also being covered at not cost, not by the company of course. Upgraded my cellphone to a white Iphone 4 which I had been waiting all these while, shame on you apple. A couple of tweaks and I am connecting my Macbook to internet where-ever there is signal on my iphone. Info are all over the net so dont ask me since I was, am and never will be a fan of waking up in the middle of the night with security people knocking on my door. Will be acquiring a high end printer preparing for next year's move. Doing some online toy sale to provide some spare change monthly.
Looking forward to many things down the months ahead.
The earthquake had subsided considerably and rarely wrecks any mental damage recently. Radiation news are stable and both food and water are not in any potential killing zone.
Still all good here but at times have slight urge to head back to SG for a good getaway. Weather is fairly good and cool turning to warm and hot and soon, very soon, all cold and white. Numbers are good to watch out this year as triples which I had missed out 2 years in a row will make the final appearance as I end my status, beginning a new journey.
Screwed up the old car busting a gearbox, mid muffler section beyond repair only to have a better one for dirt cheap to keep me floating for another year. My beloved S15 will have to wait a little while more but I am salivating and lusting over the M3. Might have to expand a few more youthful years before anything can really turn to reality.
That's about it...nothing much but only this much to keep you occupied.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Help Japan and snag a cool figure
- Never Stop Dreaming -
3A ahh...what more can I say, an uber cool toy company founded by world reknown artist Ashley Wood and Toy King Kim are gonna churn out an exclusive Armstrong figure to aid the cause of helping Japan. Yeah we all love Japan so now it's your turn to do your part.
Instead of donating just money, why not snag an figure and let 3A do the donation for you. A splendid Win Win for all.
Figure will go on sale on 29th Mar at BAMBALANDSTORE so make sure you grab at least one of these exclusive figs by 3A.

for more info and updates please visit the OFFICIAL 3A PRODUCTION BLOG.
3A ahh...what more can I say, an uber cool toy company founded by world reknown artist Ashley Wood and Toy King Kim are gonna churn out an exclusive Armstrong figure to aid the cause of helping Japan. Yeah we all love Japan so now it's your turn to do your part.
Instead of donating just money, why not snag an figure and let 3A do the donation for you. A splendid Win Win for all.
Figure will go on sale on 29th Mar at BAMBALANDSTORE so make sure you grab at least one of these exclusive figs by 3A.

for more info and updates please visit the OFFICIAL 3A PRODUCTION BLOG.
Glowing green man?
- Never Stop Dreaming -
No God didn't pick Japan as noted by Dick Head Shahril Beck my ass Ham from Singapore. An official in the Singapore Armed Forces...my god are we breeding more idiots in the future?
Ok ok...nothing to worry at the moment, I am not glowing green and all is still good here in my mountain stronghold. Tokyo's water supply is tainted with radiation which are unsafe for ages below one but still alrite for adults. 3 bottles of 1.5L water are being distributed to those with kids below one. Vegetables from a couple of Tohoku regions are being banned due to high level of radiation but that's about it.
Oh so the earthquake you say...yeah this earthquake is one long overdue shit that had gained all the steam and then finally BOOM! 28 metres tsunami that leveled all the coastal towns in Miyagi, Iwate, Fukushima and some parts of Chiba. When God claim lives by the thousands, no one is to be blame but with the crisis going on in Libya, gasoline prices had sky rocketed and everyone here is restricted to either a 20L cap or a ¥2,000 cap. I am on a small car so a 20L cap is fine but can't say the same for the rest.
As panic of a nuclear meltdown sent most foreigners fleeing, sadly I am here to stay. Despite friends, parents, familiar faces worrying and urging me to come home, I must say now is not my time to leave yet. Yeah as they say by the time the worst come, I will not be able to leave but still I am staying.
Here are my reasons...
Good times, I shit and I played here along with so many others...
Bad times, I flee and watch as everything else disappears...
Can't do...just can't do it.
There are people here I know as well, faces who had walked thru thick and thin with me and Japan has been kind to me all these while. I really can't walk out in dire times like this. While knowing that everyone else outside here is safe, I will continue to my tour here and aid when necessary. This is me saying my gratitude to the land, the people and everything else here that I hold dearly.
I am not stupid as well and I know when to fly my ass out when the time comes but as for now...not yet.
And with everyone leaving, it might be a good time to scout new opportunities, help out and tide it thru with everyone else. Nagano is still good and so really, thank you all but no thks...I am still staying. Almost 2 weeks into the tragedy and I am still alive here...fingers crossed that the radiation will not turn Japan into Resident Evil land...heehee joking.
This devastation had brought me new meanings and I really hope you can understand them as well.
No God didn't pick Japan as noted by Dick Head Shahril Beck my ass Ham from Singapore. An official in the Singapore Armed Forces...my god are we breeding more idiots in the future?
Ok ok...nothing to worry at the moment, I am not glowing green and all is still good here in my mountain stronghold. Tokyo's water supply is tainted with radiation which are unsafe for ages below one but still alrite for adults. 3 bottles of 1.5L water are being distributed to those with kids below one. Vegetables from a couple of Tohoku regions are being banned due to high level of radiation but that's about it.
Oh so the earthquake you say...yeah this earthquake is one long overdue shit that had gained all the steam and then finally BOOM! 28 metres tsunami that leveled all the coastal towns in Miyagi, Iwate, Fukushima and some parts of Chiba. When God claim lives by the thousands, no one is to be blame but with the crisis going on in Libya, gasoline prices had sky rocketed and everyone here is restricted to either a 20L cap or a ¥2,000 cap. I am on a small car so a 20L cap is fine but can't say the same for the rest.
As panic of a nuclear meltdown sent most foreigners fleeing, sadly I am here to stay. Despite friends, parents, familiar faces worrying and urging me to come home, I must say now is not my time to leave yet. Yeah as they say by the time the worst come, I will not be able to leave but still I am staying.
Here are my reasons...
Good times, I shit and I played here along with so many others...
Bad times, I flee and watch as everything else disappears...
Can't do...just can't do it.
There are people here I know as well, faces who had walked thru thick and thin with me and Japan has been kind to me all these while. I really can't walk out in dire times like this. While knowing that everyone else outside here is safe, I will continue to my tour here and aid when necessary. This is me saying my gratitude to the land, the people and everything else here that I hold dearly.
I am not stupid as well and I know when to fly my ass out when the time comes but as for now...not yet.
And with everyone leaving, it might be a good time to scout new opportunities, help out and tide it thru with everyone else. Nagano is still good and so really, thank you all but no thks...I am still staying. Almost 2 weeks into the tragedy and I am still alive here...fingers crossed that the radiation will not turn Japan into Resident Evil land...heehee joking.
This devastation had brought me new meanings and I really hope you can understand them as well.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The spirits have wavered...and so do I
- Never Stop Dreaming -
These days I really couldn't say the same shit that I used to preach every single day of my life. Back then I was determined to give, forgive, open up my path and accept everything but as I began realize that my ultimate dream is about to be fulfilled, I say F#$% everything else.
People...yeah, those that I wouldn't hesitate to waste given a chance are obstructing my pursuit of perfection. I strive as much as I could, fought it all out to give the clients nothing but the best experience on the big day. Sadly, there is this one particular F@#$tard that is becoming a problem. Too bad the useless Boss is as intellectually challenged as this F#$%tard.
When concerning equipment that we depend our dear lives on, there was a discussion on whether we look professional or not. Man, that's clearly amateurs...like the F$%^ I would care how others looked at me when I am in the midst of an important photoshoot.
Anyway yeah I am pretty messed up over such F#$%tards at work but if events go as planned, I shall regain my freedom at the end of this year.
Once again I have proven myself that I can't work with brainless F#$%tards, including the useless Boss.
These days I really couldn't say the same shit that I used to preach every single day of my life. Back then I was determined to give, forgive, open up my path and accept everything but as I began realize that my ultimate dream is about to be fulfilled, I say F#$% everything else.
People...yeah, those that I wouldn't hesitate to waste given a chance are obstructing my pursuit of perfection. I strive as much as I could, fought it all out to give the clients nothing but the best experience on the big day. Sadly, there is this one particular F@#$tard that is becoming a problem. Too bad the useless Boss is as intellectually challenged as this F#$%tard.
When concerning equipment that we depend our dear lives on, there was a discussion on whether we look professional or not. Man, that's clearly amateurs...like the F$%^ I would care how others looked at me when I am in the midst of an important photoshoot.
Anyway yeah I am pretty messed up over such F#$%tards at work but if events go as planned, I shall regain my freedom at the end of this year.
Once again I have proven myself that I can't work with brainless F#$%tards, including the useless Boss.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Useless and redundant
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Back when I was a kid, I had always dreaded attending lame ice-breaker games or the get-to-know the new school mates shit. The worst was possibly when I started poly when I had to break away from pals that I had gone thru shits together and try to fit or adjust myself to total strangers. The orientation or whatever the hell it was, was just full of redundant, useless rubbish that I had wasted my precious youth to start everything all over again. To me it was like dying and then re-birth and redo every single shit again and I seriously hate it.
Fast forward that a million hours later, at 30 years of age, I was once again put thru this irritating situation when most if not everyone else were idiots. A lot of precious time to waste, a lot of effort to do absolutely nothing productive. But still I went thru it like a rebellious kid once again doing all those stupid and retarded stuffs.
30 good and bad years of existence had not only confirmed but slapped right across my face that I am not good working with people or rather idiots. I do not deny that when it comes down to doing things that I have a passion in, I am a perfectionist in such a way that I only trust my own skill, my judgment and my own expertise because everyone else is not capable of producing what I want. Unless I am inspired by genuine works of art and rare talents, everyone else is pretty much not up to my insane standards. Not that I am in any way trying to be rude or to degrade anyone else but this is just me admitting my disease, a disease for perfection.
So if all goes well, I may have something good coming up late this year towards next and every year there after to serve, to honor and to commit.
Back when I was a kid, I had always dreaded attending lame ice-breaker games or the get-to-know the new school mates shit. The worst was possibly when I started poly when I had to break away from pals that I had gone thru shits together and try to fit or adjust myself to total strangers. The orientation or whatever the hell it was, was just full of redundant, useless rubbish that I had wasted my precious youth to start everything all over again. To me it was like dying and then re-birth and redo every single shit again and I seriously hate it.
Fast forward that a million hours later, at 30 years of age, I was once again put thru this irritating situation when most if not everyone else were idiots. A lot of precious time to waste, a lot of effort to do absolutely nothing productive. But still I went thru it like a rebellious kid once again doing all those stupid and retarded stuffs.
30 good and bad years of existence had not only confirmed but slapped right across my face that I am not good working with people or rather idiots. I do not deny that when it comes down to doing things that I have a passion in, I am a perfectionist in such a way that I only trust my own skill, my judgment and my own expertise because everyone else is not capable of producing what I want. Unless I am inspired by genuine works of art and rare talents, everyone else is pretty much not up to my insane standards. Not that I am in any way trying to be rude or to degrade anyone else but this is just me admitting my disease, a disease for perfection.
So if all goes well, I may have something good coming up late this year towards next and every year there after to serve, to honor and to commit.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Ashley Wood and the Grunts
- Never Stop Dreaming -
A while ago, I had an entry regarding 3A (previously Threezero), a HK toy company that had partnered with world renown artist, Ashley to form the 3A corp. The toy line distributed by 3A are something that I had always dream of, Gas masks, katanas, weathered robots, etc.
Despite my earlier miss on the exclusive de Plume figures, this time round I was lucky to pick up a 4 pack Grunt which of course is already SOLD OUT by the time you are reading this. Grunts...low rank newly recruits that are sent out in the hordes to the battle field to be fed to Death.
3A items are exclusive to their very own webstore Bambaland and most items will never see the light of retail shelves. Items are released on a periodical basis updated with info on their site. Usually sale last from minutes for limited production items to a day for some items. Given the strong Yen, they are considered relatively affordable for me. All 3A items are tediously handmade so the sale is usually a pre-order which the final item, usually better then the prototype pictures will ship at a later date.
Looking forward to my 1st designer 3A figure and more to come. I decided to pick up a 4 pack Grunt set since not only was it cheaper, it will include a WWR poster from Ashley himself.

A while ago, I had an entry regarding 3A (previously Threezero), a HK toy company that had partnered with world renown artist, Ashley to form the 3A corp. The toy line distributed by 3A are something that I had always dream of, Gas masks, katanas, weathered robots, etc.
Despite my earlier miss on the exclusive de Plume figures, this time round I was lucky to pick up a 4 pack Grunt which of course is already SOLD OUT by the time you are reading this. Grunts...low rank newly recruits that are sent out in the hordes to the battle field to be fed to Death.
3A items are exclusive to their very own webstore Bambaland and most items will never see the light of retail shelves. Items are released on a periodical basis updated with info on their site. Usually sale last from minutes for limited production items to a day for some items. Given the strong Yen, they are considered relatively affordable for me. All 3A items are tediously handmade so the sale is usually a pre-order which the final item, usually better then the prototype pictures will ship at a later date.
Looking forward to my 1st designer 3A figure and more to come. I decided to pick up a 4 pack Grunt set since not only was it cheaper, it will include a WWR poster from Ashley himself.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Goodbye my friend...in the loving memory of Novem
- Never Stop Dreaming -
In this 30 years of short lived existence, God, or whoever is in charge had taken 4 of my beloved friends, and they were all below 30. When the 1st one went, she was only 19...then 2 other left in their twenties. Now the 4th, at 29 years of age, left suddenly like the previous 3...leaving far too many questions open to imagination. Of the 4, 2 were taken due to traffic accident but the other 2 were whisked away like the wind.
This entire post is dedicated to the memory of my friend, Novem who left us on the 31st of Jan in the year 2011 at 29 years of age.
I met her thru my friend Cindy years back when we were, or rather, I was still an advocate of the Japanese Langauge following. The impression that she gave anyone who was new to here was a sweet, fun-loving party girl. Then slowly as I got to know her better, I was quite surprised how well she had concealed her dominant character beneath. She had a strong character leaning towards the masculine side capable of attempting any challenges put across to her, coupled with her sweet demeanor, she was a figure worth much respect.
As I found about more about her, we seemed to realize that both she and I shared a lot of interesting past adventures alike. Life on the fast lane, booze, brawls, gasoline, tarmac...and it was the very beginning of our very unique friendship. From there we crashed all sorts of parties and danced out youth away into the brink of the morning light.
The most memorable event that I could never ever forget was the one at Zouk. It started out when I was invited by my friends to crash a birthday party at Zouk and there I was happily studying the strangers in the VIP lounge with my horde of friends where Novem showed up with her group of friends apparently crashing a birthday party as well. Surprises and coincidences come hand in hand in situations like this and there we were checking out each others' private group of friends. Once the merry making kicks in, booze were coerced by everyone to everyone else in an attempt to keep the party spirit alive. Novem was back to back against me with each of our groups of friends in opposites sides. Sneakily she would hand alcohol offered to her to me where I would coerced them to my friends and then do the exact same to alcohol offered to me to Novem. That way not only did we not flipped and puke our guts out like the rest, the music warmed our souls as we danced and partied till the morning light.
Somewhere along the night of the party, Novem got pissed at some drunk ass and even offered to throw him off the second floor balcony. It was a huge commotion but I was certain she would had done it given the nature of the situation and her character. As usual I did my stint and saw her sweet smile once again before heading for supper. We grew our friendship deeper after that incident and I realized that she was becoming more of my idol than a friend.
Not long after, I left for Japan to accomplish my dreams that I had carved since the beginning of a long journey and it was then Novem and I slowly drifted apart as the lands and oceans separated us. Not we were not a couple and no we weren't dating but we were just really amazing friends with great respect for each other. She was definitely one very unique character that I will never forget because for once, to find a fine lady of such caliber who not only shared the same amazing past as me but to earn such deep respect from me.
Initially my intentions were to fly home on 29th of Jan to attend a wedding on the 30th but just days before I flew, this sad news came so sudden that Novem was in ICU and her condition was very critical. Though I do not know what exactly the cause was and never will, I wasn't prepared in any way to handle the situation. All I could do was to visit her for the very last time, while she was still breathing thru a machine in a small glass cubicle. Her brother had swollen eyes from all the crying and so were her friends.
She looked really frail but still I tapped the button, the glass door opened and I walked in. There I held her warm hands and said, "My friend, I know you can hear me sub-consciously and I am here to tell you that I have flown a long way from Japan to see you. I am not sure if you would ever wake up from this eternal slumber but I still hope that you will. " Silence endured for a long time while I stared at my friend for the very last time, trying to remember every detail about her.
Went home to get changed and then attended the wedding with the most pretentious smile since in the back of my head, I was still worrying about her since every passing second would be her last. After the wedding, I went to have a chat with my friends till the early hours of the morning of the 31st. Came home to check Novem's FB page and the update was, "She has departed and thank you all who have came to see her..."
This was where my brain froze and all the memories of the good times came flashing in my head. Not sure if God or religion or heaven really exist but someday if we meet again Novem, I would be dead envious since you will still be all young and pretty while I would be a frail old man.
It is here I say my final goodbye to you my dearest friend and till we meet again. Thank you so much for being a very special part of my life...have a safe journey and watch over us sometime when you are free.
In this 30 years of short lived existence, God, or whoever is in charge had taken 4 of my beloved friends, and they were all below 30. When the 1st one went, she was only 19...then 2 other left in their twenties. Now the 4th, at 29 years of age, left suddenly like the previous 3...leaving far too many questions open to imagination. Of the 4, 2 were taken due to traffic accident but the other 2 were whisked away like the wind.
This entire post is dedicated to the memory of my friend, Novem who left us on the 31st of Jan in the year 2011 at 29 years of age.
I met her thru my friend Cindy years back when we were, or rather, I was still an advocate of the Japanese Langauge following. The impression that she gave anyone who was new to here was a sweet, fun-loving party girl. Then slowly as I got to know her better, I was quite surprised how well she had concealed her dominant character beneath. She had a strong character leaning towards the masculine side capable of attempting any challenges put across to her, coupled with her sweet demeanor, she was a figure worth much respect.
As I found about more about her, we seemed to realize that both she and I shared a lot of interesting past adventures alike. Life on the fast lane, booze, brawls, gasoline, tarmac...and it was the very beginning of our very unique friendship. From there we crashed all sorts of parties and danced out youth away into the brink of the morning light.
The most memorable event that I could never ever forget was the one at Zouk. It started out when I was invited by my friends to crash a birthday party at Zouk and there I was happily studying the strangers in the VIP lounge with my horde of friends where Novem showed up with her group of friends apparently crashing a birthday party as well. Surprises and coincidences come hand in hand in situations like this and there we were checking out each others' private group of friends. Once the merry making kicks in, booze were coerced by everyone to everyone else in an attempt to keep the party spirit alive. Novem was back to back against me with each of our groups of friends in opposites sides. Sneakily she would hand alcohol offered to her to me where I would coerced them to my friends and then do the exact same to alcohol offered to me to Novem. That way not only did we not flipped and puke our guts out like the rest, the music warmed our souls as we danced and partied till the morning light.
Somewhere along the night of the party, Novem got pissed at some drunk ass and even offered to throw him off the second floor balcony. It was a huge commotion but I was certain she would had done it given the nature of the situation and her character. As usual I did my stint and saw her sweet smile once again before heading for supper. We grew our friendship deeper after that incident and I realized that she was becoming more of my idol than a friend.
Not long after, I left for Japan to accomplish my dreams that I had carved since the beginning of a long journey and it was then Novem and I slowly drifted apart as the lands and oceans separated us. Not we were not a couple and no we weren't dating but we were just really amazing friends with great respect for each other. She was definitely one very unique character that I will never forget because for once, to find a fine lady of such caliber who not only shared the same amazing past as me but to earn such deep respect from me.
Initially my intentions were to fly home on 29th of Jan to attend a wedding on the 30th but just days before I flew, this sad news came so sudden that Novem was in ICU and her condition was very critical. Though I do not know what exactly the cause was and never will, I wasn't prepared in any way to handle the situation. All I could do was to visit her for the very last time, while she was still breathing thru a machine in a small glass cubicle. Her brother had swollen eyes from all the crying and so were her friends.
She looked really frail but still I tapped the button, the glass door opened and I walked in. There I held her warm hands and said, "My friend, I know you can hear me sub-consciously and I am here to tell you that I have flown a long way from Japan to see you. I am not sure if you would ever wake up from this eternal slumber but I still hope that you will. " Silence endured for a long time while I stared at my friend for the very last time, trying to remember every detail about her.
Went home to get changed and then attended the wedding with the most pretentious smile since in the back of my head, I was still worrying about her since every passing second would be her last. After the wedding, I went to have a chat with my friends till the early hours of the morning of the 31st. Came home to check Novem's FB page and the update was, "She has departed and thank you all who have came to see her..."
This was where my brain froze and all the memories of the good times came flashing in my head. Not sure if God or religion or heaven really exist but someday if we meet again Novem, I would be dead envious since you will still be all young and pretty while I would be a frail old man.
It is here I say my final goodbye to you my dearest friend and till we meet again. Thank you so much for being a very special part of my life...have a safe journey and watch over us sometime when you are free.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A new year...
- Never Stop Dreaming -
So where do I begin...most of my pictures are hosted on the evil and poisonous Facebook instead of here. Missed all the Christmas, New Year updates, etc. Not that I was really like 24 hour busy but since late towards the 4th quarter of last year, I had began to lead a different kind of life. One that kept me occupied more than my job, my passion and everything else when I decided to say goodbye to 4 harsh years of cold solitary winter.
In 2010, I found a new job which I thought was the beginning of my break but very soon I found out how bad it actually was. Gain everything and took everything I could and gave nothing back because I had a bigger dream to fulfill than waste my talent here. Despite all blessings, visions and dreams...I was tied down by working VISA constraints to attempt my leap of faith. Now I am holding on for at least 1 more year while building up a healthy bank account incase I should fall. Late towards the 4th quarter, I moved on to home-cooked meals since they were cheaper and that was simply the beginning of an addiction. I had also secured a couple of deals and a decent model to work with.
Acquired 1 more additional film camera + lens for my personal collection totaling my entire collection to somewhat 5 cameras I think. Along the way I hope to pick up a couple of Leica(s), a Hassey and a Rollei but first, a decent printer.
Still snowboarding this season though not as much as I would like to since I need to save as much as I can for my huge rebellion. Making a trip back home for Chinese New Year, crash a wedding and to meet up with the familiar faces.
Really and seriously, I hate my job since most of the time I find myself working with idiots including the Boss of course. No doubt I do not deny that this company is amazing but the unit that I am in...would be my ultimate downfall. Professionals are capped from their full potential and the company is cutting corners to reduce cost.
Still very much alive despite being 30...so much for now
So where do I begin...most of my pictures are hosted on the evil and poisonous Facebook instead of here. Missed all the Christmas, New Year updates, etc. Not that I was really like 24 hour busy but since late towards the 4th quarter of last year, I had began to lead a different kind of life. One that kept me occupied more than my job, my passion and everything else when I decided to say goodbye to 4 harsh years of cold solitary winter.
In 2010, I found a new job which I thought was the beginning of my break but very soon I found out how bad it actually was. Gain everything and took everything I could and gave nothing back because I had a bigger dream to fulfill than waste my talent here. Despite all blessings, visions and dreams...I was tied down by working VISA constraints to attempt my leap of faith. Now I am holding on for at least 1 more year while building up a healthy bank account incase I should fall. Late towards the 4th quarter, I moved on to home-cooked meals since they were cheaper and that was simply the beginning of an addiction. I had also secured a couple of deals and a decent model to work with.
Acquired 1 more additional film camera + lens for my personal collection totaling my entire collection to somewhat 5 cameras I think. Along the way I hope to pick up a couple of Leica(s), a Hassey and a Rollei but first, a decent printer.
Still snowboarding this season though not as much as I would like to since I need to save as much as I can for my huge rebellion. Making a trip back home for Chinese New Year, crash a wedding and to meet up with the familiar faces.
Really and seriously, I hate my job since most of the time I find myself working with idiots including the Boss of course. No doubt I do not deny that this company is amazing but the unit that I am in...would be my ultimate downfall. Professionals are capped from their full potential and the company is cutting corners to reduce cost.
Still very much alive despite being 30...so much for now
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