Friday, October 8, 2010

The dawn of a new era

- Never Stop Dreaming -

Being away for sometime, I found that I do owe my blog some sort of apology for neglecting the timely update of new and relevant information. However if I may add, my 24 hours a day are not very well spaced out or utilized and in the end, I simply cave in to my infinite non-exhaustive list of reasons for not doing so. Work may have been really busy but I am simply in for the money only so not much to update as well unless the daily routine boring shits that I dished out tickles your interests. My passion, the raging creative juice when I first got started, somehow had died along the way when I am forced to conform to their sub standard levels knowing very well that my talent will never be recognised.

Work aside, I spent most of my free time sleeping, watching ridiculous episodes of South Park, the occasional catch up(s) on MSN with some of my best friends or just crashing wedding parties. All in all on most off days, I am just too wear out with fatigue to do anything else that requires me to move away from my bed. Amidst all these super facial routines, something huge and definitely much more serious than skin deep is brewing, hot from the oven! Indeed even I myself am very reluctant to spill anything about it which explains why no one heard anything...let's just say that I am giving myself a shot to end those cold, lonely winter nights and all is looking good at the moment.

Sipping on a hot cuppa of freshly brewed coffee on a chilly autumn morning, I recalled how it all started...with that infamous scene of her staring at the rain while I stole glimpses of her thru the reflection on the window glass.

That is it for now while I leave your hungry hearts for the devil to fester and grow.

10.4 had confirmation of the hunter being hunted.

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