Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ashley Wood X Threezero = 3A

- Never Stop Dreaming -

Recently while screwing around the net due to too much free time, I found that the old Threezero company based in Hong Kong which had collaborations with Michael Lau that made awesome 1/6 toys had now partnered with an iconic artist, Ashley Wood. If you do not have any idea who this Ashley dude is, WIKI HERE will help you out.

This dude here has got some amazing talent and his paintings are really appealing to me because they are gritty, dark and mysterious. But too bad I found out about this piece of info a bit too late. The partnership bewteen Ashley and Threezero formed a new toy company named 3A which puts out Ashley's concepts and paintings into playthings.

I have a soft spot for gas mask, especially the German M38 series of WWII gas masks or the American "dough boy" ones. Then Ash created the "de Plume" series of 1/6 figures which are all handmade and weathered nicely and they ALL don the iconic gas mask resembling the M38(s). I can only say drooling is what I can do because these figures are released world wide to either 50 or 75 pieces from the Bambaland store. While the store sells them for less than US$250, they were snapped up like withing 2 minutes or sometimes even less. Occasionally, you can find them on Ebay at US$850 or US$1000. I really dig these "de Plume" figures but no way will I fork out that kinda moo neh.

Damn these figures are giving me sleepless nights...

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