More late picture updates since it's a known hassle to upload pictures to blogger. These are about 3 weeks old on Facebook but still eagering trying to gain my attention while sitting on the desktop.

This gentleman speaks amazing English for a Japanese and that's because he was abroad in the states for some good period of time. Met him at a party and found out that he is a DJ by the accronym Dice at a loacl town. Nice chap, laid back and funny which went pretty well with my eccentric nature. Oh yeah, that was his bday party sometime in late Jan and he is single and have a nice pension business in the snowy regions, run by his family.

These are my friends who are also hair stylist that are on the top of the awesome scale...and indeed the lighting would suggest that this was taken at Dice bday party as well.

Saturday, 6th Feb...was laying low to avoid monetary radar detection but nonetheless, the splendid weather shoved me outta the house for some pictures. The wintery white washout coupled with the strong chilly winds paved a perfect setting for some natural soft touch to it. Stucked the 5D on the tripod and waited for the shutter to trip while listening to the trembling collision of my teeth. My School framed...!

The path leading to my soon-to-be-goodbye-after-3-years school wasn't too bad either so snapped!

Couldn't help falling in love with the reflections behind the dirty school glass and there I wondered why the hell I couldn't and could never understand the strange person I see in every reflections.

Still on Saturday, went "shopping" for "eye candies" and found these 2 cute high school girls who agreed to have their pictures taken by some weird stranger. If chance permits, I might have more of them in the future...potential clients :p
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