This post have been unintentionally delayed for reason like sunless weather where everyday is overcast skies and raining (hmmm sounds funny...). Anyway I was simply basking in the awesome weather than to do anything else. Been out pretty often lately and becoming a bit lazy to update especially when intensely addictive games like Patapon is on my PSP.
Hey it's not really that late of a post so why am I redeeming myself to such an extent...ok here we go.
I was out at the local supply store to solve my dinner woes and these colorful meanies caught my eye.

Peaches from Yamanashi Prefecture are unlike any other peaches that I have eaten (mainly from cans with syrup...haha). The peaches here are white peaches unlike the orange ones. They are slightly about the size of a baseball and have a velvet like texture. These peaches are really delicate so any slight pressure of the fingers will actually put a dent on the fruit. The skin slide off easily to reveal the white flesh and a semi-tranlucent liquid-like appearence near the bottom of the peach. It is this part of the peach that melts like rock sugar in your mouth. It is so soft to sink yout teeth into the flesh and the goodness of nature simply slows your heartbeat and breathing like an anti-depressant. Doesn't leave an acidic taste like most fruits but only sweetness like pure raw honey. These peaches have one huge seed inside but after you chomped down the entire peach, the size of the seed doesn't really matter anymore. These are insanely addictive peaches because they are about SGD$8 for 3 and you can only eat them during summer.

Alrite moving on to the next dish, this is Bonito sashimi that have been slightly seared on the outside to roughly about 0.2mm. Available reagularly around the year and prices range from a measely SGD$3 (Pictured) to SGD$14 for a big catch. I think the prices also depend on which part of the Bonito the sashimi comes from, how much meat you get and the type of Bonito. Not that I have actually seen the Master slice and dice the fish alive but the redness of the flesh, the shape of the flesh and the skin texture are some signs that I have seen to come to such a conclusion. Anyway most usual ones are so good you wanna take a bite straight without paying. If you like sashimi you have got to try this one. The seared portion flakes into your mouth but it doesn't actually mask the taste of the actual sashimi. Then grinding the rest of the sashimi and in your mouth, the blend of both cooked and uncooked taste will linger as it slowly goes down your gut. Mmmmm...yummy! This one goes onto my dinner table quite often.

Nothing pretty spectacular about the next dish except that I usually do not fry anything in my house because it's too troublesome and meticulous to clean up. This is simply handmade Karaage from the supermarket near my house which adds the much needed OMPH to my meals. It's those times when you simply crave for a few extra pounds of bad cholesterol, or you just wanna get fat or whatever. For me...I am beefing myself up for the hibernation during winter...

So what ARE you eating in Singapore? Pirated Chinese food? Tell me about it...
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