On this day I was so down on luck that I broke my head, left me with a 5 stitch gash. The reason was stupid so I shall skipped it altogether. And that's not the end, I got my beloved PSP, my headphones and my treasured flashlight stolen. Talk about bad luck, it just keeps piling up. Walking into a nearby convenient store with half a bloodied face and an arm full of blood, I became the horrid sight of a massive gang fight victim. No it's just my stupidity and not a nasty gang clash and I was pretty guilty of messing up the entire convenient with my fresh red blood.
The little trickles of fresh blood bear so much red that I had witnessed in my life, I can only say those droplets were the most beautiful colors of red I have seen. An ambulance was called because I looked as if I was about to pass out with that much blood oozing out. I survived but I am trashed because the unnecessary hospital bills, ambulance bills, and other emotional injuries...*sigh*
What have I done to deserve such a nasty fate...if God is seriously around, then perhaps he was busying playing his PS3 when I got injured. Or can I attribute it to karma for all those little pesky ants, insects and mosquitos that I have innocently killed.
Whatever the case, I am really really down right not. I am not alright and I am not fine but then again I do not want anyone to send me any well wishes and such asking me if I am alrite. I will survive for now but I will seriously miss those food that I must refrain in the course to recovery.
God doesn't bless, he just hangs around and drink Kilkenny.

I have lost my beautiful face and my pride...

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