The 11th day of the 1st month of the year 2008 marks my decade plus 7 human time of existence。 Like what Momo had taught me, I would like to express my gratitude to my mum for going thru the great pains of bringing forth this Sunday child in to the world. You see such an obnoxious verbal“Thank You”would be deemed inappropriate and thus never conveyed to my mum unless via the cyberspace.
This will be a rather lengthy one so bear with me as I take a slow stroll down memory lane.
Looking Back...
The leap from the 19ish to the 20ish back then was filled with enthusiasm, rage and passion as the youth in me was just about to explode. Going into young adulthood was something that I looked forward to as it simply implies that the law that has governed our society has recognized me to be drown in heaps of tobacco, pot and gallons of alcohol.
I have had probably the best years until now besides those national liabilities years where youth of young boys were simply wasted. I have intoxicated every birthday party with alcohol, tobacco, music, brawls, sleaze and the pretty faces that I have come to love. A big thank you to all my wacky friends who share the same weird interests.
Hard work is probably passé as intelligence would be your biggest asset so acquisition of knowledge is essential to get you to where you want. Like how I skived lessons and scrape marks of the platters of examinations but in the end, I made it. I had 2 dreams which I am determined to fulfill since my adolescence years which I have persevered and fulfilled one. Having that said, I did cram all the necessary information I needed to get to my goal unlike some where their words spoke louder than their actions. It’s not like I had an easy time, the journey was arduous but defeat was not an option. I would not stop till I arrive at where I had sought.
So with that in mind, go forth and set out to seek your destiny if you are not bounded by any forms of obligations. Never look back and never stop dreaming till you get till the very end. Like Lawrence who have founded his Venus Doom and will soon take to the skies, like Desiree who despite all odds, held her faith in her relationship and like Benazir Bhutto who held on to her belief till her last drawn breath.
Looking Forward...
This has always been a little more unpredictable than the rest, otherwise why else would I have remained mortal all these while. Alrite, given that the uncertainties that life itself throws at you, all are nothing but a lesson waiting to be learnt. I have evolved over the years to prioritize and also to recluse redundant things. After all everyone has only 24 hours a day so it's not feasible to waste them on trash of nano importance.
Being just a mere 3 years away from the 30th barrier, I have since lost all that adrenalin and rage from my younger days. Right now I am more skeptical and pessimistic for the leap as rationalization and the on going current affairs offers me a gloomy outlook.
And I am not even referring to the global scale, it’s just that the 30th barrier marks career, wisdom, wealth, vision and maybe a soul mate. This is what really concerns me as I would probably be judged more often than before.
However, being here in Japan which was what I had always wanted, things are taking a little breather. It’s not as hectic as compared to the insane paper chase in SG but at the same time, my biological clock has taken a beating too. It’s tuned to the slow lifestyle and seriously affecting my daily functionalities. On the other hand, I have ample time to burn money to fine tune my interests, which is obviously good and the snow that only existed in 2D became a reality.
I am appreciating life and nature and have taken on a new meaning of existence than the usual paper chase but hey, it’s not retirement yet. I am just enjoying life.
Still the same on this one, the world functions as an integrated dimension because everyone wears an illusionary façade. While in social psychology, first impressions are important since there is absolutely no way I can know another stranger’s background, preferences, traits, etc. Therefore everyone would present their best and finest looking self to create an impression even though deception is often involved. That’s where impression management would be a recurring problem receding after the initial impression.
It’s really nice to be able to experience so many different people in life but as all mortal are condemn with sins, GREED is probably my weakest link. Too many wants which are often bounded by the aspect of luxury often superseding my needs which upsets the basic equilibrium of life.
Still that, being brought up in an unspeakable environment, fondness of superficial existence have become my way of life bypassing skin deep and practicality altogether. More often than usual engulfing me in my own illusion but I have no regrets so far but occasionally lust of the past.
However, I would really like to express my great appreciation to all the pretty faces whom I have know or whom have know me. Especially those who have stood by me all these while, withstand my wrath in the darkest hours and embrace me with undying faith, I can’t imagine myself without you guys and gals.
Final Words...
I have never penned so much even for new year resolutions but this one is indeed special. So tonite like always, I will go down with alcohol and God knows what else those great friends of mine will cook up with.
But here’s the list of things that I would love to have if anyone is kind enough to “donate” for a sacred cause.
1. Ipod Touch
2. SOG EOD Powerlock B61
3. Nissan Silvia S15
4. Hercules Mk2 Traktor LE console
5. Timberland “Dookie Rope Pack”Wheat
6. PS3
7. Portable Headphone Amps
And my Birthday wish is...
“For everyone to fulfill their wishes or new year resolution.”

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