- Never Stop Dreaming -
Last weekend was a great snowboarding trip at the ski resort beside Nozawa Onsen. Despite the name Nozawa Onsen, we ended up skipping the fantastic onsens altogether which was a pity. By far this place had the best facilities, overtaking Shirakabako which was great for snowboarding previously. Eventhough Sunday was only my 3rd day of snowboarding, I was flying across the hills and crashing into white, soft snow that keep piling up as it snowed rather heavily from early morning till the time we left at around 4 pm.
Given that fresh snow was stacking up rather rapidly and visibility was greatly reduced, the long runs were mostly abandoned and I had almost the entire run to myself. Ample space to practice and great snow to cushion the fall and this accelerated my improvement from a retard greenhorn to an amateur. It was by far the best snowboarding session of the 3 that I had. The only set back I had was that I had missed the last gondola down and had to take the intermediate route down the mountain. Scary but I made it with all the basics I had...not willing to attempt it again unless I miss the gondola again.
Alrite, here's the more indepth entry...
26 Jan Sunday, the beeping of my Casio's at 0545 hours followed by alarms from various cellphones broke my light sleep. Curled up on a lightly padded seat not wider than my body's width, I went downstair to wash up and prepare myself for the big day. Crashing in the same 2 storey school in Komoro (My Boss's school) was Grant, Eric and Ashley. We had all staked out the nite in Komoro since Sat for the much anticipated snowboarding trip in Nozawa Onsen on Sun.
Maki and Kosuke joined us at around 0630 in Komoro and from there we roll out in 2 cars to Nozawa Onsen. I was riding in Grant's car which was equipped with 3/4 worth of snow tyres as he was too lazy to fit the last one so we were pretty much fine for the journey. Took the Joetsu Highway which was THE fastest route to Nozawa Onsen as we were flying thru 6km long tunnels and greeted by unbelievable Alpine Glows from the mountains in the distance. Cruising at 110 to 130 km per hour, the 2 lanes highway became nothing more than an endless guiding line to our destination. As we approach Nagano City, it began to snow and somewhere along the end of the highway, there was a road block to turn away vehicles not equipped with snow tyres as the last part of the journey, black tarmac roads were simply non existence.
As we exited the highway which took us 1 hour odd and a total damage of ¥1850, it was simply a time VS. money battle as the normal route would have taken us more than 4 hours and God knows how much fuel. Alrite now we are in a little town called Iiyama which will lead us to some of the best ski resorts in Japan, namely Shiga Kogen and Nozawa Onsen and I have come to love this little town more than anywhere else in Japan. The reason being snow of course. There was simply so much snow here in Iiyama, the roads thru towns were sunk between 2 ice walls on both sides of the road towering at a metre odd. Huge Caterpillar machines with wheel diameter above the roof of my car was shoveling the snow off the road which expalins why the metre high snow walls. Other weird machines were dropping salt pellets on the roads to melt any black ice and everywhere else was a scenery of lush white trees, houses and mountains.
As we approach our destination, the raging snow storm refused any mercy and we were forced to drive up the winding mountain passes covered in more snow. And yep I was delighted as usual and I closed my eyes and whispered, "Please don't stop snowing till I tell you to."
As soon as our 2 cars pulled up into the parking lot, I was strapping up in my new boots and ready to fire up with my new bindings and tuned up board. It would be my first time riding in my own set of equipment other than the hefty rental and long queue times. The only essential gear that I was missing were my gloves...you see the mid range gloves that I got from Burton, which supposedly was the best snowboarding company SUCK BIG TIME. And if Jake Burton were to read this I would tell him, "Go back and pitch snowboards. Quit churning out MADE IN CHINA crap that rip!"
Once again I have proven my point and have justified myself that stuffs that are Made in Crap China just don't make the cut. They are simply a waste of time, money and effort so if I can avoid, I would definitely boycott crap like these. My gloves ripped on the 1st day I use them and I had to send them to the shop to get it replace with hopefully not the same crap model.
Yep I am pissed but let's go on...borrowed Eric's mitts (shells only) and took the lift up to the mid section only to find myself getting my ass whipped as going down the winding mountain passes proved too much for me after my 2 weeks break. Finally after much struggling, I managed to reach the mid section where I went to the "Lost and Found" section, first to bluff for a pair of gloves and when it failed, try to pitifully borrow a pair of gloves. Well the bluff failed but the pathetic act worked so I ended up not paying only for the lift tickets and nothing else.
Too bad I can only take the memories of this wonderful place with me as I simply wasn't good enough haul my camera up. But I am pretty sure if anyone who comes visit me in winter would have a chance to come up here...
And so that was it, an entire day of snowboarding in heavy snow to put a nice smile on my face for the entire week. This Sunday I suppose we are going up to Nozawa Onsen for another round of crazy snowboarding...haha.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
White Affiliation
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Snow always seems to fall a ton late at night when the temperature is lower than in the day. So far I have caught numerous night snow fall and only 1 major day snow fall but today I was lucky.
Peered through the window at 0700 hours and was utterly disappointed as the sky was overcast and the ambience was grey. There weren't any rays from the morning sun piercing through the clouds. But at 0730 hours, snow started falling and till now, 0844 hours registered on this computer, everything outside the windows were just acres and acres of white with nothing visible further than a hundred metres. It's still snowing and I am really happy gloating over all the other Japaneses' frowns as they simply hated the snow.
Consolation, consolation and more consolation for me...the snow is falling slowly and constantly in little pellets no bigger than a grain of rice. Yet it's this kind of snow that will continue for a prolonged periods of time which will hopefully reward me with a foot of snow.
There are numerous inferences where the phrase "Be careful of what you wish for" does grip me and instil a sense of fear but at a time like this, I would still say without a slightest second thought, "I wish for a blizzard now!"
Snow had progressed from a mere novelty to a sense of affiliation so strong I simply can't stop yearning for more. Greed would be a serious understatement.
Snow always seems to fall a ton late at night when the temperature is lower than in the day. So far I have caught numerous night snow fall and only 1 major day snow fall but today I was lucky.
Peered through the window at 0700 hours and was utterly disappointed as the sky was overcast and the ambience was grey. There weren't any rays from the morning sun piercing through the clouds. But at 0730 hours, snow started falling and till now, 0844 hours registered on this computer, everything outside the windows were just acres and acres of white with nothing visible further than a hundred metres. It's still snowing and I am really happy gloating over all the other Japaneses' frowns as they simply hated the snow.
Consolation, consolation and more consolation for me...the snow is falling slowly and constantly in little pellets no bigger than a grain of rice. Yet it's this kind of snow that will continue for a prolonged periods of time which will hopefully reward me with a foot of snow.
There are numerous inferences where the phrase "Be careful of what you wish for" does grip me and instil a sense of fear but at a time like this, I would still say without a slightest second thought, "I wish for a blizzard now!"
Snow had progressed from a mere novelty to a sense of affiliation so strong I simply can't stop yearning for more. Greed would be a serious understatement.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
- Never Stop Dreaming -
As a Nimbostratus of uncertainty gathers over my head, I can only brace myself for the recurring aftermath. Things are not within my control, much less are affected by the decisions I make. But precautionary planning before hand would be strongly recommended to eliminate absorbing the full impact of an inevitable disaster. No I am not taking any natural disaster of nature for reference here but rather, man-made disaster probably in just a state of unrest.
It's really out of the blue, sudden, blatant and cardiac-arresting for such uncertainty to befall from nowhere, especially when things are going so smooth. Maybe the phrase "Beware of the calm before the storm" is a more suitable line to represent the situation.
I am gearing up, hopefully enough to tide through this rough storm calmly, rationaly and politely. Afterall, it would definitely be catastophic if I do discard the goody side of me and emerge from within, the ugly and chaotic devil that only see ruthless rampage.
God Bless
As a Nimbostratus of uncertainty gathers over my head, I can only brace myself for the recurring aftermath. Things are not within my control, much less are affected by the decisions I make. But precautionary planning before hand would be strongly recommended to eliminate absorbing the full impact of an inevitable disaster. No I am not taking any natural disaster of nature for reference here but rather, man-made disaster probably in just a state of unrest.
It's really out of the blue, sudden, blatant and cardiac-arresting for such uncertainty to befall from nowhere, especially when things are going so smooth. Maybe the phrase "Beware of the calm before the storm" is a more suitable line to represent the situation.
I am gearing up, hopefully enough to tide through this rough storm calmly, rationaly and politely. Afterall, it would definitely be catastophic if I do discard the goody side of me and emerge from within, the ugly and chaotic devil that only see ruthless rampage.
God Bless
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Budgeting...I can't stress more
- Never Stop Dreaming -
It seems like I seriously have a budgeting issue as at the end of every month, the cashflow statements seems to register more outflow then inflow which is seriously threatening me to come up with a more stringent policy. I will need to work on that fast before my funds are completely depleted due to my random extravagant spending. Seems like the phrase the more you earn, the more you will spend has completely encompass my entire experience.
Nope I really don't wanna go into the details but let's just say I am still surviving fine. Somehow the vast amount of funds are not spend on food in general but rather, entertainment. Maybe I should just stick to a rather selective and specific hobby than to span it across a wide spectrum of interests.
On the other hand, I seem to be scavenging for deals instead of paying the nonsensical and exorbitant prices set by ruthless commercial companies. So I managed to scrape a decent second hand snowboard and a brand new bindings at half price off the net. That's a little consolation to reduce my outflow but I guessed I have to try harder. Until then, I will work on my snowboarding as this insane sport has gripped my so hard I think I am hooked.
It seems like I seriously have a budgeting issue as at the end of every month, the cashflow statements seems to register more outflow then inflow which is seriously threatening me to come up with a more stringent policy. I will need to work on that fast before my funds are completely depleted due to my random extravagant spending. Seems like the phrase the more you earn, the more you will spend has completely encompass my entire experience.
Nope I really don't wanna go into the details but let's just say I am still surviving fine. Somehow the vast amount of funds are not spend on food in general but rather, entertainment. Maybe I should just stick to a rather selective and specific hobby than to span it across a wide spectrum of interests.
On the other hand, I seem to be scavenging for deals instead of paying the nonsensical and exorbitant prices set by ruthless commercial companies. So I managed to scrape a decent second hand snowboard and a brand new bindings at half price off the net. That's a little consolation to reduce my outflow but I guessed I have to try harder. Until then, I will work on my snowboarding as this insane sport has gripped my so hard I think I am hooked.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
なまえのないかいぶつ (The Nameless Monster)
- Never Stop Dreaming -
著★エミル・シェーベ (チェコスロバキア)
『かじやのおじさん ぼくにあなたのなまえをください』
『なまえをくれたら おれいにおじさんのなかにはいって
ぼくをみて ぼくをみて ぼくのなかのかいぶつがこんなにおおきくなったよ
ばりばり ぐしゃぐしゃ ばきばき ごくん
おなかのすいたかいぶつが オットーをなかからたべてしまいました
かいぶつは またなまえのないかいぶつにぎゃくもどり
ばりばり ぐしゃぐしゃ ばきばき ごくん
また なまえのないかいぶつにぎゃくもどり
ばりばり ぐしゃぐしゃ ばきばき ごくん
やっぱり なまえのないかいぶつにぎゃくもどり
かいぶつは おしろのなかにすてきななまえをさがしにいきました
おしろのなかには びょうきのおとこのこがいました
かいぶつは おとこのこのなかにはいっていきました
おとこのこは とてもげんきになりました
”おうじがげんきになった おうじがげんきになった”
かいぶつは おとこのこのなまえがきにいりまいした
おしろのくらしも きにいりました
だから おなかがすいてもがまんしました
まいにちまいにち おなかがぺこぺこでもがまんしました
でも あまりおなかがすいてしまったので
ぼくをみて ぼくをみて ぼくのなかのかいぶつがこんなにおおきくなったよ
おとこのこは おうさまもけらいもみんなたべてしまいました
ばりばり ぐしゃぐしゃ ばきばき ごくん
だれもいなくなってしまったので おとこのこはたびにでました
なんにちも なんにちも あるきつづけて
あるひ おとこのこは にしへいったかいぶつにであいました
『なまえがついたよ すてきななまえなんだ』
わたしたちは なまえのないかいぶつですもの』
にしへいったかいぶつを たべてしまいました
せっかくなまえがついたのに なまえをよんでくれるひとが いなくなりました
ヨハン すてきななまえなのに・・・・・・・・ 。
The Nameless Monster
Author: Emil Scherbe (Czechoslovakia)
A long, long time ago in a land far away,
There was a monster without a name.
The monster wanted a name so badly.
So the monster left to go on a journey to find a name.
But the world was so large that he split into two to make his journey.
One went to the west and the other went towards the east.
The monster who went to the east found a village.
At the entrance of the village there was a blacksmith.
“Mr. Blacksmith, please give me your name,” said the monster.
“You can’t give away your name,” the blacksmith replied.
“If you give me your name, I’ll enter you and give you strength.”
“Really? If you can make me stronger, then I’ll give you my name.”
The monster entered the blacksmith.
The monster became Otto the Blacksmith
Otto the Blacksmith became the strongest man in the village.
But one day he said,
“Look at me. Look at me. Look at how large the monster inside me has become.”
Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
The hungry monster ate Otto from the inside out.
The monster returned to being a nameless monster.
Even when he entered Hans the Shoemaker…
Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
He returned to being a nameless monster.
When he entered Thomas the Hunter…
Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
He once again returned to being a nameless monster.
The monster came to a castle looking for a wonderful name.
In the castle, there was a sick boy.
“If you give me your name, I’ll give you strength.”
“If you can cure this illness and make me strong, I’ll give you my name.”
The monster entered the boy.
The boy became well.
The king was so pleased! “The prince is well! The prince is well!”
The monster liked the boy’s name.
He also liked living in the castle.
So even though he was hungry, he endured.
Every day his stomach growled, but he endured it.
However, he was so hungry that one day he said,
“Look at me. Look at me. Look at how large the monster inside me has become.”
The boy ate the king and even his servents.
Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
Since there was no one there anymore, the boy went on a journey.
He kept on walking for days and days.
One day, the boy met the monster who traveled to the west.
“I have a name. It’s a wonderful name, too.”
The monster who went to the west said,
“I don’t need a name. I’m happy even without a name.”
We just have to accept that we are monsters without a name.
The boy ate the monster who went to the west.
The monster finally had a name,
But all the people who could call him by that name have disappeared.
And Johan was such a wonderful name, too.
著★エミル・シェーベ (チェコスロバキア)
『かじやのおじさん ぼくにあなたのなまえをください』
『なまえをくれたら おれいにおじさんのなかにはいって
ぼくをみて ぼくをみて ぼくのなかのかいぶつがこんなにおおきくなったよ
ばりばり ぐしゃぐしゃ ばきばき ごくん
おなかのすいたかいぶつが オットーをなかからたべてしまいました
かいぶつは またなまえのないかいぶつにぎゃくもどり
ばりばり ぐしゃぐしゃ ばきばき ごくん
また なまえのないかいぶつにぎゃくもどり
ばりばり ぐしゃぐしゃ ばきばき ごくん
やっぱり なまえのないかいぶつにぎゃくもどり
かいぶつは おしろのなかにすてきななまえをさがしにいきました
おしろのなかには びょうきのおとこのこがいました
かいぶつは おとこのこのなかにはいっていきました
おとこのこは とてもげんきになりました
”おうじがげんきになった おうじがげんきになった”
かいぶつは おとこのこのなまえがきにいりまいした
おしろのくらしも きにいりました
だから おなかがすいてもがまんしました
まいにちまいにち おなかがぺこぺこでもがまんしました
でも あまりおなかがすいてしまったので
ぼくをみて ぼくをみて ぼくのなかのかいぶつがこんなにおおきくなったよ
おとこのこは おうさまもけらいもみんなたべてしまいました
ばりばり ぐしゃぐしゃ ばきばき ごくん
だれもいなくなってしまったので おとこのこはたびにでました
なんにちも なんにちも あるきつづけて
あるひ おとこのこは にしへいったかいぶつにであいました
『なまえがついたよ すてきななまえなんだ』
わたしたちは なまえのないかいぶつですもの』
にしへいったかいぶつを たべてしまいました
せっかくなまえがついたのに なまえをよんでくれるひとが いなくなりました
ヨハン すてきななまえなのに・・・・・・・・ 。
The Nameless Monster
Author: Emil Scherbe (Czechoslovakia)
A long, long time ago in a land far away,
There was a monster without a name.
The monster wanted a name so badly.
So the monster left to go on a journey to find a name.
But the world was so large that he split into two to make his journey.
One went to the west and the other went towards the east.
The monster who went to the east found a village.
At the entrance of the village there was a blacksmith.
“Mr. Blacksmith, please give me your name,” said the monster.
“You can’t give away your name,” the blacksmith replied.
“If you give me your name, I’ll enter you and give you strength.”
“Really? If you can make me stronger, then I’ll give you my name.”
The monster entered the blacksmith.
The monster became Otto the Blacksmith
Otto the Blacksmith became the strongest man in the village.
But one day he said,
“Look at me. Look at me. Look at how large the monster inside me has become.”
Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
The hungry monster ate Otto from the inside out.
The monster returned to being a nameless monster.
Even when he entered Hans the Shoemaker…
Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
He returned to being a nameless monster.
When he entered Thomas the Hunter…
Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
He once again returned to being a nameless monster.
The monster came to a castle looking for a wonderful name.
In the castle, there was a sick boy.
“If you give me your name, I’ll give you strength.”
“If you can cure this illness and make me strong, I’ll give you my name.”
The monster entered the boy.
The boy became well.
The king was so pleased! “The prince is well! The prince is well!”
The monster liked the boy’s name.
He also liked living in the castle.
So even though he was hungry, he endured.
Every day his stomach growled, but he endured it.
However, he was so hungry that one day he said,
“Look at me. Look at me. Look at how large the monster inside me has become.”
The boy ate the king and even his servents.
Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
Since there was no one there anymore, the boy went on a journey.
He kept on walking for days and days.
One day, the boy met the monster who traveled to the west.
“I have a name. It’s a wonderful name, too.”
The monster who went to the west said,
“I don’t need a name. I’m happy even without a name.”
We just have to accept that we are monsters without a name.
The boy ate the monster who went to the west.
The monster finally had a name,
But all the people who could call him by that name have disappeared.
And Johan was such a wonderful name, too.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Gradient Amateur
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Finally, I can move my battered body to type this. The weekend last week was quite unimaginable, displaced but rewarding. On Friday which was an occasion to remind me how many human years I have left before I crossed my sacred barrier and Sat was imprinted obstinately in my mind.
Snow started falling in the afternoon of Sat when I was taking my brunch after an overdose of whisky on Friday nite. It continued for like almost 4 to 5 hours until everything was covered in 5 cm of snow and that was when I started to have the snow syndrome relapse again as it had been weeks since the last great snow. Ran to the car, grab my EOS to capture and materialize these bytes of information...

Went to get a decent hair cut in Komoro and got more than I had bargained. If only, yes, IF ONLY SG had this kinda of service, one running the barber shop would have made millions. For a cool SGD$30 odd, my hair was neatly cut, washed and nourished, my face (eyebrows, nostrils, etc.) and ears massaged, warm-lathered and clean shaven, and then my back massaged. What an experience!
Sunday, apparently a well planned snowboarding trip that went disgustingly haywire midway. Went up to Asama 2000 in the morning by my friend's car without 4WD or snow tires and had to pull out before noon as the car simply couldn't gain any traction on the ice frozen uphill roads. Acceleration was at max with the throttle fully depressed, the car was "stationery" sliding left and right with the front tires spinning on an uphill road. Backed out and skidded dangerously downhill to another less mountainous resort. The place was packed with pesky irritants, dirty facilities and offers only 3 lousy runs. That was where I was robbed of my virgin snowboard run. Bad experience, bad falls, battered body but managed to pull it off at the end of the day with just the basics of snowboarding.
Monday, 14th Jan, The Coming of Age Day which is a national holiday in Japan. Went up to one of the most surreal towns in Nagano Prefecture for yet another round of snowboarding but this time round, I drove my little snow-equipped 4WD car instead. Had absolutely no negative influences along the way except the occasional near fatal crashed due to me admiring the fantastic snow covered scenery. Colossal resort, great runs, marvelous scenery hooked me like ecstasy and I am down to visit this place again even for only shutter chances.
At the end of the day, here the gradient amateur's report -
「Snowboarding is not that hard to learn but not that easy to master. I picked it up on my 1st maiden day with only 2 tips given by my semi-pro Sensei with 12 years to his record.
1. Lean on your heels and let gravity do the rest.
2. See you at the bottom.
Yep these are the ONLY 2 tips given to me right at the top of the run, after taking the ski lift to the top of the hill. When I was at the bottom of the hill all strapped up and good to go, my Sensei told me, "The fastest and easiest way to learn is to learn the way I did so just follow me." and I did. Ended up on the top of the hill fully comprehended my Sensei's perspective that is to attack the most vulnerable ambiguity, FEAR, head on. Getting off the ski lift is a bit tricky with one foot strapped in on the board and sliding down the first gradual slope. Falls are imminent and there's no way to get around it unless you are a quitter.
Standing at the edge of the drop I sucked in a whiff of fresh air, took a second to rid any sanity, fear and the mere guilt of my naive decision, looked far and took my first decent. After I got to the bottom, I could already balance despite all the tumbles, bruises and trauma sustained. Immediately went up for a second run, followed by a third and so on...
At the end of the day, my bodily liability was no match for my rigid mind for I wanted to accomplish what I had initially set out for. So the next day of consecutive snowboarding was ever rewarding as I was fully able to weave in and out on my toes and heels which is the entire concept of snowboarding. Took a huge gamble and descended an intermediate level drop wavering at a 80 degrees angle to near vertical plunge which sent my heart racing for the next 1 hour. The intense shock was an accomplishment to take home given that I had only less than 10 hours of amateur snowboarding and it was then I knew I was treading on the brink of life and death. Not a wise decision so I shall carefully analyze and weigh my next move.
Still recovering from the aches which prevent me from standing up for more than 5 minutes or climbing half a flight of steps but I will be fine and awaiting for my next practice run.」
Finally, I can move my battered body to type this. The weekend last week was quite unimaginable, displaced but rewarding. On Friday which was an occasion to remind me how many human years I have left before I crossed my sacred barrier and Sat was imprinted obstinately in my mind.
Snow started falling in the afternoon of Sat when I was taking my brunch after an overdose of whisky on Friday nite. It continued for like almost 4 to 5 hours until everything was covered in 5 cm of snow and that was when I started to have the snow syndrome relapse again as it had been weeks since the last great snow. Ran to the car, grab my EOS to capture and materialize these bytes of information...

Went to get a decent hair cut in Komoro and got more than I had bargained. If only, yes, IF ONLY SG had this kinda of service, one running the barber shop would have made millions. For a cool SGD$30 odd, my hair was neatly cut, washed and nourished, my face (eyebrows, nostrils, etc.) and ears massaged, warm-lathered and clean shaven, and then my back massaged. What an experience!
Sunday, apparently a well planned snowboarding trip that went disgustingly haywire midway. Went up to Asama 2000 in the morning by my friend's car without 4WD or snow tires and had to pull out before noon as the car simply couldn't gain any traction on the ice frozen uphill roads. Acceleration was at max with the throttle fully depressed, the car was "stationery" sliding left and right with the front tires spinning on an uphill road. Backed out and skidded dangerously downhill to another less mountainous resort. The place was packed with pesky irritants, dirty facilities and offers only 3 lousy runs. That was where I was robbed of my virgin snowboard run. Bad experience, bad falls, battered body but managed to pull it off at the end of the day with just the basics of snowboarding.
Monday, 14th Jan, The Coming of Age Day which is a national holiday in Japan. Went up to one of the most surreal towns in Nagano Prefecture for yet another round of snowboarding but this time round, I drove my little snow-equipped 4WD car instead. Had absolutely no negative influences along the way except the occasional near fatal crashed due to me admiring the fantastic snow covered scenery. Colossal resort, great runs, marvelous scenery hooked me like ecstasy and I am down to visit this place again even for only shutter chances.
At the end of the day, here the gradient amateur's report -
「Snowboarding is not that hard to learn but not that easy to master. I picked it up on my 1st maiden day with only 2 tips given by my semi-pro Sensei with 12 years to his record.
1. Lean on your heels and let gravity do the rest.
2. See you at the bottom.
Yep these are the ONLY 2 tips given to me right at the top of the run, after taking the ski lift to the top of the hill. When I was at the bottom of the hill all strapped up and good to go, my Sensei told me, "The fastest and easiest way to learn is to learn the way I did so just follow me." and I did. Ended up on the top of the hill fully comprehended my Sensei's perspective that is to attack the most vulnerable ambiguity, FEAR, head on. Getting off the ski lift is a bit tricky with one foot strapped in on the board and sliding down the first gradual slope. Falls are imminent and there's no way to get around it unless you are a quitter.
Standing at the edge of the drop I sucked in a whiff of fresh air, took a second to rid any sanity, fear and the mere guilt of my naive decision, looked far and took my first decent. After I got to the bottom, I could already balance despite all the tumbles, bruises and trauma sustained. Immediately went up for a second run, followed by a third and so on...
At the end of the day, my bodily liability was no match for my rigid mind for I wanted to accomplish what I had initially set out for. So the next day of consecutive snowboarding was ever rewarding as I was fully able to weave in and out on my toes and heels which is the entire concept of snowboarding. Took a huge gamble and descended an intermediate level drop wavering at a 80 degrees angle to near vertical plunge which sent my heart racing for the next 1 hour. The intense shock was an accomplishment to take home given that I had only less than 10 hours of amateur snowboarding and it was then I knew I was treading on the brink of life and death. Not a wise decision so I shall carefully analyze and weigh my next move.
Still recovering from the aches which prevent me from standing up for more than 5 minutes or climbing half a flight of steps but I will be fine and awaiting for my next practice run.」
Friday, January 11, 2008
No. 27
- Never Stop Dreaming -
The 11th day of the 1st month of the year 2008 marks my decade plus 7 human time of existence。 Like what Momo had taught me, I would like to express my gratitude to my mum for going thru the great pains of bringing forth this Sunday child in to the world. You see such an obnoxious verbal“Thank You”would be deemed inappropriate and thus never conveyed to my mum unless via the cyberspace.
This will be a rather lengthy one so bear with me as I take a slow stroll down memory lane.
Looking Back...
The leap from the 19ish to the 20ish back then was filled with enthusiasm, rage and passion as the youth in me was just about to explode. Going into young adulthood was something that I looked forward to as it simply implies that the law that has governed our society has recognized me to be drown in heaps of tobacco, pot and gallons of alcohol.
I have had probably the best years until now besides those national liabilities years where youth of young boys were simply wasted. I have intoxicated every birthday party with alcohol, tobacco, music, brawls, sleaze and the pretty faces that I have come to love. A big thank you to all my wacky friends who share the same weird interests.
Hard work is probably passé as intelligence would be your biggest asset so acquisition of knowledge is essential to get you to where you want. Like how I skived lessons and scrape marks of the platters of examinations but in the end, I made it. I had 2 dreams which I am determined to fulfill since my adolescence years which I have persevered and fulfilled one. Having that said, I did cram all the necessary information I needed to get to my goal unlike some where their words spoke louder than their actions. It’s not like I had an easy time, the journey was arduous but defeat was not an option. I would not stop till I arrive at where I had sought.
So with that in mind, go forth and set out to seek your destiny if you are not bounded by any forms of obligations. Never look back and never stop dreaming till you get till the very end. Like Lawrence who have founded his Venus Doom and will soon take to the skies, like Desiree who despite all odds, held her faith in her relationship and like Benazir Bhutto who held on to her belief till her last drawn breath.
Looking Forward...
This has always been a little more unpredictable than the rest, otherwise why else would I have remained mortal all these while. Alrite, given that the uncertainties that life itself throws at you, all are nothing but a lesson waiting to be learnt. I have evolved over the years to prioritize and also to recluse redundant things. After all everyone has only 24 hours a day so it's not feasible to waste them on trash of nano importance.
Being just a mere 3 years away from the 30th barrier, I have since lost all that adrenalin and rage from my younger days. Right now I am more skeptical and pessimistic for the leap as rationalization and the on going current affairs offers me a gloomy outlook.
And I am not even referring to the global scale, it’s just that the 30th barrier marks career, wisdom, wealth, vision and maybe a soul mate. This is what really concerns me as I would probably be judged more often than before.
However, being here in Japan which was what I had always wanted, things are taking a little breather. It’s not as hectic as compared to the insane paper chase in SG but at the same time, my biological clock has taken a beating too. It’s tuned to the slow lifestyle and seriously affecting my daily functionalities. On the other hand, I have ample time to burn money to fine tune my interests, which is obviously good and the snow that only existed in 2D became a reality.
I am appreciating life and nature and have taken on a new meaning of existence than the usual paper chase but hey, it’s not retirement yet. I am just enjoying life.
Still the same on this one, the world functions as an integrated dimension because everyone wears an illusionary façade. While in social psychology, first impressions are important since there is absolutely no way I can know another stranger’s background, preferences, traits, etc. Therefore everyone would present their best and finest looking self to create an impression even though deception is often involved. That’s where impression management would be a recurring problem receding after the initial impression.
It’s really nice to be able to experience so many different people in life but as all mortal are condemn with sins, GREED is probably my weakest link. Too many wants which are often bounded by the aspect of luxury often superseding my needs which upsets the basic equilibrium of life.
Still that, being brought up in an unspeakable environment, fondness of superficial existence have become my way of life bypassing skin deep and practicality altogether. More often than usual engulfing me in my own illusion but I have no regrets so far but occasionally lust of the past.
However, I would really like to express my great appreciation to all the pretty faces whom I have know or whom have know me. Especially those who have stood by me all these while, withstand my wrath in the darkest hours and embrace me with undying faith, I can’t imagine myself without you guys and gals.
Final Words...
I have never penned so much even for new year resolutions but this one is indeed special. So tonite like always, I will go down with alcohol and God knows what else those great friends of mine will cook up with.
But here’s the list of things that I would love to have if anyone is kind enough to “donate” for a sacred cause.
1. Ipod Touch
2. SOG EOD Powerlock B61
3. Nissan Silvia S15
4. Hercules Mk2 Traktor LE console
5. Timberland “Dookie Rope Pack”Wheat
6. PS3
7. Portable Headphone Amps
And my Birthday wish is...
“For everyone to fulfill their wishes or new year resolution.”

The 11th day of the 1st month of the year 2008 marks my decade plus 7 human time of existence。 Like what Momo had taught me, I would like to express my gratitude to my mum for going thru the great pains of bringing forth this Sunday child in to the world. You see such an obnoxious verbal“Thank You”would be deemed inappropriate and thus never conveyed to my mum unless via the cyberspace.
This will be a rather lengthy one so bear with me as I take a slow stroll down memory lane.
Looking Back...
The leap from the 19ish to the 20ish back then was filled with enthusiasm, rage and passion as the youth in me was just about to explode. Going into young adulthood was something that I looked forward to as it simply implies that the law that has governed our society has recognized me to be drown in heaps of tobacco, pot and gallons of alcohol.
I have had probably the best years until now besides those national liabilities years where youth of young boys were simply wasted. I have intoxicated every birthday party with alcohol, tobacco, music, brawls, sleaze and the pretty faces that I have come to love. A big thank you to all my wacky friends who share the same weird interests.
Hard work is probably passé as intelligence would be your biggest asset so acquisition of knowledge is essential to get you to where you want. Like how I skived lessons and scrape marks of the platters of examinations but in the end, I made it. I had 2 dreams which I am determined to fulfill since my adolescence years which I have persevered and fulfilled one. Having that said, I did cram all the necessary information I needed to get to my goal unlike some where their words spoke louder than their actions. It’s not like I had an easy time, the journey was arduous but defeat was not an option. I would not stop till I arrive at where I had sought.
So with that in mind, go forth and set out to seek your destiny if you are not bounded by any forms of obligations. Never look back and never stop dreaming till you get till the very end. Like Lawrence who have founded his Venus Doom and will soon take to the skies, like Desiree who despite all odds, held her faith in her relationship and like Benazir Bhutto who held on to her belief till her last drawn breath.
Looking Forward...
This has always been a little more unpredictable than the rest, otherwise why else would I have remained mortal all these while. Alrite, given that the uncertainties that life itself throws at you, all are nothing but a lesson waiting to be learnt. I have evolved over the years to prioritize and also to recluse redundant things. After all everyone has only 24 hours a day so it's not feasible to waste them on trash of nano importance.
Being just a mere 3 years away from the 30th barrier, I have since lost all that adrenalin and rage from my younger days. Right now I am more skeptical and pessimistic for the leap as rationalization and the on going current affairs offers me a gloomy outlook.
And I am not even referring to the global scale, it’s just that the 30th barrier marks career, wisdom, wealth, vision and maybe a soul mate. This is what really concerns me as I would probably be judged more often than before.
However, being here in Japan which was what I had always wanted, things are taking a little breather. It’s not as hectic as compared to the insane paper chase in SG but at the same time, my biological clock has taken a beating too. It’s tuned to the slow lifestyle and seriously affecting my daily functionalities. On the other hand, I have ample time to burn money to fine tune my interests, which is obviously good and the snow that only existed in 2D became a reality.
I am appreciating life and nature and have taken on a new meaning of existence than the usual paper chase but hey, it’s not retirement yet. I am just enjoying life.
Still the same on this one, the world functions as an integrated dimension because everyone wears an illusionary façade. While in social psychology, first impressions are important since there is absolutely no way I can know another stranger’s background, preferences, traits, etc. Therefore everyone would present their best and finest looking self to create an impression even though deception is often involved. That’s where impression management would be a recurring problem receding after the initial impression.
It’s really nice to be able to experience so many different people in life but as all mortal are condemn with sins, GREED is probably my weakest link. Too many wants which are often bounded by the aspect of luxury often superseding my needs which upsets the basic equilibrium of life.
Still that, being brought up in an unspeakable environment, fondness of superficial existence have become my way of life bypassing skin deep and practicality altogether. More often than usual engulfing me in my own illusion but I have no regrets so far but occasionally lust of the past.
However, I would really like to express my great appreciation to all the pretty faces whom I have know or whom have know me. Especially those who have stood by me all these while, withstand my wrath in the darkest hours and embrace me with undying faith, I can’t imagine myself without you guys and gals.
Final Words...
I have never penned so much even for new year resolutions but this one is indeed special. So tonite like always, I will go down with alcohol and God knows what else those great friends of mine will cook up with.
But here’s the list of things that I would love to have if anyone is kind enough to “donate” for a sacred cause.
1. Ipod Touch
2. SOG EOD Powerlock B61
3. Nissan Silvia S15
4. Hercules Mk2 Traktor LE console
5. Timberland “Dookie Rope Pack”Wheat
6. PS3
7. Portable Headphone Amps
And my Birthday wish is...
“For everyone to fulfill their wishes or new year resolution.”

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Juvenile Warfare
- Never Stop Dreaming -
I am not sure if Sanrio Corp who owns Hello Kitty and her cute cuddlies are aware or even supportive of this pink abomination. But nonetheless I would have to give full credit to the ingenuity and creative aspect of this inspiration. Who would even in their wildest dreams ever imagine fusing a harmless character that have charmed millions with an instrument of precision that have claimed millions. It's just too radical and unfathomable to have both Heaven and Hell existing in the same dimension.
At first glance, many would dispel that it's simply just a hipped "Photoshopped" edit but WRONG! It's the real thing, beautifully crafted and painted to be presented as a harmless art piece or simply to be passed off as a novelty item. Torn in between, I am forced to walk the thin line between all out in awe and disgusted with contempt.
It's definitely a magnificient art piece to disguise the hideous nature contrasting bright pink against black. And the sweet emblem of a well armed Kitty does send devious sign of a rebellious side.
Not sure if Kitty endorses war but playing God with this would be hilarious. Can't imagined the headlines, "Harmless Kitty Kills!"
I leave it to your judgement from here but my final say would be, "I want one of these!"

I am not sure if Sanrio Corp who owns Hello Kitty and her cute cuddlies are aware or even supportive of this pink abomination. But nonetheless I would have to give full credit to the ingenuity and creative aspect of this inspiration. Who would even in their wildest dreams ever imagine fusing a harmless character that have charmed millions with an instrument of precision that have claimed millions. It's just too radical and unfathomable to have both Heaven and Hell existing in the same dimension.
At first glance, many would dispel that it's simply just a hipped "Photoshopped" edit but WRONG! It's the real thing, beautifully crafted and painted to be presented as a harmless art piece or simply to be passed off as a novelty item. Torn in between, I am forced to walk the thin line between all out in awe and disgusted with contempt.
It's definitely a magnificient art piece to disguise the hideous nature contrasting bright pink against black. And the sweet emblem of a well armed Kitty does send devious sign of a rebellious side.
Not sure if Kitty endorses war but playing God with this would be hilarious. Can't imagined the headlines, "Harmless Kitty Kills!"
I leave it to your judgement from here but my final say would be, "I want one of these!"

Sunday, January 6, 2008
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Nope, please don't be fooled by the title, it's not the scientific structure of water. That's the letter H followed by the number 20 which represents 2008 in Japanese calender format. H basically denotes Heisei (平成) Era and the number 20 simply denotes the 20th year running for the current Emperor of Japan. So literally when a new Emperor accends the throne, a new era will start beginning with the number 1. Still unclear? Well let Wiki HERE help you.
So I deemed everyone enjoyed their last few moments of 2007 to the fullest and welcomed 2008 with a huge bang? For me, I was in different places in Tokyo with Hudson and Russell. Covered Yokohama's famous Chinatown and bought myself a sweet Chinese costume to flout my Chinese roots dispite being a relatively displaced Asian misfit. Went to Shibuya's CA4LA to grab my winter headgear and finally partied for 3 consecutive days in Shibuya and Shinjuku. To sum it up in one phrase, it had to be "OUTTA CONTROL".
Here's the full report...
「December 30th, upon arriving at Tokyo around 1130 hours, headed straight to Shibuya's CA4LA to acquire my winter headgear and after that, rendevous with Hud and Russ in Shinjuku. Went down to Yokohama, topped the famous 69th storey building, fired away my juiced up EOS for those insane scenery and then headed to Chinatown for the much deserved feast, BAD BAD IDEA! Entire street was crammed both sides with neon lights, intricate carvings, people and food stalls. Different alleys veered from the main street and was equally tempting. Scouted almost the entire place for the ideal feast but was back to square one. Every stall, restaurant, joint looks equally good. Eventually, giving in to satisfying the basic need of survival, we settled for a buffet instead of the regular set meals. Ate almost like there was no tomorrow and drown gallons of beer. Presumably the damage was kept to a conservative estimate of
1. Surplus of at least 5kg per personel (attributing to 2 kg of fat, cholesterol and sodium)
2. 20 gallons of alcohol
After that went on a rampage around Shinjuku's famous Kabuki Street filled with filth and sleaze. Japanese men dressed in full tapered black suits scattered all around to tout innocent victims to nude clubs and bars while the remaining blacks pit it out with "All you can drink, touch, do anything" for a measly ¥4000 while the rest of the porn stores, adult toy stores, underground stores and legitimate food, convienient store and pubs filled in the missing blanks.
Headed down to Shibuya to escape the intense filth and ended up crashing in a rather cool club with Russ. Hud was wasted and no where to be found. Got back to the capsule inn at 0700 hours after catching the morning train on 31st Dec. Slept for a while till 1000 hours and checked out at 1100 hours. Down to just me and Russ with Hud backing out after being wasted the nite before, we wandered around aimlessly, while carefully trying to make sense where the missing cash was all in the midst of extreme alcohol intoxication. Ate a disgusting amount of Indian curry buffet for lunch with the intention to maximize our strength through the nite for the final countdown. Caught AVP 2, crashed into innocently looking porn filled stores and then finally bumping in some comic cafe to catch a 2 hour break. Ended up in Roppongi's GasPanic at nite to bid 2007 farewell. Continued partying all the way till Jan 1st in 2008 and caught the Shinkansen home in the morning.
A well-planned trip gone horribly wrong as fatigue, dehydration and serious respiratory inflammation plagued me on my return to kick start 2008. Yeah, way to go man...
Nope, please don't be fooled by the title, it's not the scientific structure of water. That's the letter H followed by the number 20 which represents 2008 in Japanese calender format. H basically denotes Heisei (平成) Era and the number 20 simply denotes the 20th year running for the current Emperor of Japan. So literally when a new Emperor accends the throne, a new era will start beginning with the number 1. Still unclear? Well let Wiki HERE help you.
So I deemed everyone enjoyed their last few moments of 2007 to the fullest and welcomed 2008 with a huge bang? For me, I was in different places in Tokyo with Hudson and Russell. Covered Yokohama's famous Chinatown and bought myself a sweet Chinese costume to flout my Chinese roots dispite being a relatively displaced Asian misfit. Went to Shibuya's CA4LA to grab my winter headgear and finally partied for 3 consecutive days in Shibuya and Shinjuku. To sum it up in one phrase, it had to be "OUTTA CONTROL".
Here's the full report...
「December 30th, upon arriving at Tokyo around 1130 hours, headed straight to Shibuya's CA4LA to acquire my winter headgear and after that, rendevous with Hud and Russ in Shinjuku. Went down to Yokohama, topped the famous 69th storey building, fired away my juiced up EOS for those insane scenery and then headed to Chinatown for the much deserved feast, BAD BAD IDEA! Entire street was crammed both sides with neon lights, intricate carvings, people and food stalls. Different alleys veered from the main street and was equally tempting. Scouted almost the entire place for the ideal feast but was back to square one. Every stall, restaurant, joint looks equally good. Eventually, giving in to satisfying the basic need of survival, we settled for a buffet instead of the regular set meals. Ate almost like there was no tomorrow and drown gallons of beer. Presumably the damage was kept to a conservative estimate of
1. Surplus of at least 5kg per personel (attributing to 2 kg of fat, cholesterol and sodium)
2. 20 gallons of alcohol
After that went on a rampage around Shinjuku's famous Kabuki Street filled with filth and sleaze. Japanese men dressed in full tapered black suits scattered all around to tout innocent victims to nude clubs and bars while the remaining blacks pit it out with "All you can drink, touch, do anything" for a measly ¥4000 while the rest of the porn stores, adult toy stores, underground stores and legitimate food, convienient store and pubs filled in the missing blanks.
Headed down to Shibuya to escape the intense filth and ended up crashing in a rather cool club with Russ. Hud was wasted and no where to be found. Got back to the capsule inn at 0700 hours after catching the morning train on 31st Dec. Slept for a while till 1000 hours and checked out at 1100 hours. Down to just me and Russ with Hud backing out after being wasted the nite before, we wandered around aimlessly, while carefully trying to make sense where the missing cash was all in the midst of extreme alcohol intoxication. Ate a disgusting amount of Indian curry buffet for lunch with the intention to maximize our strength through the nite for the final countdown. Caught AVP 2, crashed into innocently looking porn filled stores and then finally bumping in some comic cafe to catch a 2 hour break. Ended up in Roppongi's GasPanic at nite to bid 2007 farewell. Continued partying all the way till Jan 1st in 2008 and caught the Shinkansen home in the morning.
A well-planned trip gone horribly wrong as fatigue, dehydration and serious respiratory inflammation plagued me on my return to kick start 2008. Yeah, way to go man...
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