Geez, life's new experiences just seems to be so ever interesting. Yep, it's definitely related to snow is a harbinger of a white christmas. Saturday, 22 December, just 3 days short of Christmas, was a really really special day. It snowed non stop since evening and by late nite, everywhere was SMASHED with snow. Snow was below the ankles in Komoro and way above the ankles outside my little shed. I was overjoyed and beyond reasonable sanity. It was gorgeous and was everything that I ever wanted. Driving thru the heavy snow fall on slippery snow covered white roads...yeah it was dangerous but it was definitely fun. You could feel the car losing traction every 10 to 15 seconds and on slight 10 degree bends, you can only navigate it under 20km.
The experience was outta this world and my soul literally left me. I couldnt think, talk or do anything but to be an effigy of retardance in a dimly lit intersection with snow falling on me. I spread my arms, looked up and spun around...with snow falling on my face, I closed my eyes and imagined the world zooming out from micro to macro. It was the most beautiful experience I had in years. How I wished there were people close to me to share this joy.
The journey home was really slow which was exactly what I wanted as I knew it wouldnt last long. Taking a slow drive home, I couldnt see anything more than 5 metres in front of me even with high beam. Snow as big as 50 cent coins was blanketing everywhere and the roads were rough and slippery to navigate. I felt really secured in my snow encased car... but it would be better if I had a lady paassenger beside me to share my joy. And so I endured thru the chilly nite alone and with only myself and my memories.
Luckily I had my little Canon to register some memories into the cyberspace.
Little Komoro was snow filled...

My little blue Starlet in front of 7 eleven.

A change of the shutter speed and snow was captured in big round pieces...

Fresh tracks in warm lighting amidst heavy snow fall

View from inside my little car in front of my house.

My friend's marshmallowed car...

Days before I lost my sanity...

Thank God the there is still snow outside my house now...
read this bro..
hahaas. Why didnt you build snowman??
It would have been nice. Hahas. I wanna play snow fight!! ahahas
Well my dear Eileen, if you do come over to Japan, you can play as much as you want. Snowman...hmm maybe in Jan or Feb when there is more snow.
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