Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Extravagant Wishlist

- Never Stop Dreaming -

Living in the midst of nowhere, surrounded by forests and wild life, it`s almost impossible to deter my mind from straying into the depths of insane wishlist. Let`s put it simply, given my techie nature and the appeal of cool gadgets, I have unknowingly sunken into a state of just lustful obsession with these toys.

I want Night Vision Googles (NVGs), Thermal Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) Googles, Laser Range Finders and optimum sniper rifles with complete accessories if it`s possible.
And so inevitably I have stumbled onto these uber cool gadgets by sheer luck.

AN/PVS 7 (USD$6,000) and AN/PVS 14 (USD$3,500) NVGs by ITT Industries, T14 Thermal infrared Monocular (USD$10,000) and other uber cool gadgets. Well having been to army and having handled the NVGs for tanks and armored vehicles, I could understand why those darn officers always stress the importance of handling these fragile equipment with care. And eventhough I do detest going back to army, the appeal and the features offered by these crazy gadgets are unleashing the wild side of me.

Personally I get a weird sense of gratification each time I look or virtually imagine looking through a rifle scope. The lines and distance markers in the scope just send an adrenalin charged, mad rush thru my veins. The feeling is really intense or otherwise, outta this world. So being able to move around efficently at night while being able to "see" and "detect" heat radiation from any threat or friendlies, now that`s simply mind blowing. Stealth and precision aka Predator are deadly skills that I longed to acquire but with the help of these gadgets, childhood dreams and reality are merely distorted by a faint line.

While it`s almost impossible to obtain these stuffs, let`s just say that if you don`t stop dreaming, you`d probably get there someday.

Lawrence my Bro, go ahead and drool for I am already dehydrated from constant drooling.


Unmasked said...

Wah lau, I share your sentiments on using those sensitive equipment. Army was only as fun as we made it to be for ourselves. I pity the fools who complained and chao kenged. The real fun is to Counter-strike it all the way thru. Every mission is the real thing until we're back in our bunks where we'll bitch abt it. For a good 20seconds before we nodded off.

Yeah, drool I did. Nice stuff.

小郎 said...

Yep Bro, totally as we made it...hell as we had it and finally insane when we bitched it.