- Never Stop Dreaming -
Been away for 3 months...for both valid and invalid reasons. Hands were tied, and all minutes that I could possibly squeeze were spent sleeping. Yes, I was indeed tired and no the earthquake, the tsunami and the radiation didnt get any of me and I am still in my prime of health.
I had been really busy with work, slogging every sweat and energy for extra overtime pay. Well, reasons I have to feed my hobbies and also for a whole string of events all lined up both this year and next. On the topic of work, I had pretty much given in to the style and possibly hanging on for only 2 primary reasons, the pay and the clients. I know that quality cant be changed and so all my efforts and energy are channeled to collecting smiles from the various clients allocated to me since it will be my name that will be on their albums. Making impressions like I had always had seems to work marvelously and flawlessly. To sum it up, there are only 3, including myself, professionals among the amateurs. My time will come in the Dec of 2011 where I shall once again claim my freedom but in the meantime, I need the funds to prepare for a new battle, a new beginning.
In fact, I am looking forward everyday to this new journey where I can carve my own path for fame and glory. I will need all the support I can gather in the future...yes you reading this, your support as well. As I strive further here, I began to impress more and this very well gave a good support for my cause.
As I marched forward enthusiastically into the unknown future, I know that I am ready to face all odds that life will throw at me, otherwise I wouldnt be here and would be in sorry SG like most others. On the contrary as I chase new dreams after realizing old ones, a couple of fallen comrades from old times move away from the future to live back into the past. I am here for you brother like old times, we met at the battlefield scarred from emotional wounds, we went thru tobacco, alcohol and the speed demon, I was on 4 and you were on 2...we moved on and found our own dreams. Now that I am living the good life, you seemed to have lost what you hold dearest. Once again time has become an enemy and we are forced to slave for society hoping for a better future or to make an eternal promise to a soulmate. There is not much I can do for you but to hope and pray that you will once again find your path and regain your lost honor.
And besides a fallen pal, I found new ones that I salute with utmost respect because I long to be like them, living away from SG and living the lives that many can only dream of. Soon I too will realize that dream permanently sealing my own fate in a distance land but at the same time collect a path of tears, memories and perhaps even hatred. I can only say that I am sorry that time makes a fool of a man and I shall never live for anyone else but myself because life's greatest creation is my very own life written in a book.
For a long time, almost 5 years, I caught my second ever movie here in the land of the rising sun. Compared to SG, it was indeed expensive but being located in the rural suburbs, less than 10 were the audience on a weekday catching the 3D screening of Jack Sparrow's On Strangers' Tides. Good silence, no crowd, no irritating cellphones and no kicking of chairs, the screening was in pure 3D sensation, something impossible in SG.
It will be a monthly thing from now on I presumed since this new place was just too good to miss out on.
On to updates on my well-being...
Meals are no longer off the shelves of convenience stores or super markets day in and day out. I pay a monthly Y20,000 to get good cooked food from breakfast to dinner on good days and none on bad days. In between, I might get 2 outta 3 meals a day if I am lucky. Work laundry are free and provided by the company but my own personal laundry are also being covered at not cost, not by the company of course. Upgraded my cellphone to a white Iphone 4 which I had been waiting all these while, shame on you apple. A couple of tweaks and I am connecting my Macbook to internet where-ever there is signal on my iphone. Info are all over the net so dont ask me since I was, am and never will be a fan of waking up in the middle of the night with security people knocking on my door. Will be acquiring a high end printer preparing for next year's move. Doing some online toy sale to provide some spare change monthly.
Looking forward to many things down the months ahead.
The earthquake had subsided considerably and rarely wrecks any mental damage recently. Radiation news are stable and both food and water are not in any potential killing zone.
Still all good here but at times have slight urge to head back to SG for a good getaway. Weather is fairly good and cool turning to warm and hot and soon, very soon, all cold and white. Numbers are good to watch out this year as triples which I had missed out 2 years in a row will make the final appearance as I end my status, beginning a new journey.
Screwed up the old car busting a gearbox, mid muffler section beyond repair only to have a better one for dirt cheap to keep me floating for another year. My beloved S15 will have to wait a little while more but I am salivating and lusting over the M3. Might have to expand a few more youthful years before anything can really turn to reality.
That's about it...nothing much but only this much to keep you occupied.