- Never Stop Dreaming -
No God didn't pick Japan as noted by Dick Head Shahril Beck my ass Ham from Singapore. An official in the Singapore Armed Forces...my god are we breeding more idiots in the future?
Ok ok...nothing to worry at the moment, I am not glowing green and all is still good here in my mountain stronghold. Tokyo's water supply is tainted with radiation which are unsafe for ages below one but still alrite for adults. 3 bottles of 1.5L water are being distributed to those with kids below one. Vegetables from a couple of Tohoku regions are being banned due to high level of radiation but that's about it.
Oh so the earthquake you say...yeah this earthquake is one long overdue shit that had gained all the steam and then finally BOOM! 28 metres tsunami that leveled all the coastal towns in Miyagi, Iwate, Fukushima and some parts of Chiba. When God claim lives by the thousands, no one is to be blame but with the crisis going on in Libya, gasoline prices had sky rocketed and everyone here is restricted to either a 20L cap or a ¥2,000 cap. I am on a small car so a 20L cap is fine but can't say the same for the rest.
As panic of a nuclear meltdown sent most foreigners fleeing, sadly I am here to stay. Despite friends, parents, familiar faces worrying and urging me to come home, I must say now is not my time to leave yet. Yeah as they say by the time the worst come, I will not be able to leave but still I am staying.
Here are my reasons...
Good times, I shit and I played here along with so many others...
Bad times, I flee and watch as everything else disappears...
Can't do...just can't do it.
There are people here I know as well, faces who had walked thru thick and thin with me and Japan has been kind to me all these while. I really can't walk out in dire times like this. While knowing that everyone else outside here is safe, I will continue to my tour here and aid when necessary. This is me saying my gratitude to the land, the people and everything else here that I hold dearly.
I am not stupid as well and I know when to fly my ass out when the time comes but as for now...not yet.
And with everyone leaving, it might be a good time to scout new opportunities, help out and tide it thru with everyone else. Nagano is still good and so really, thank you all but no thks...I am still staying. Almost 2 weeks into the tragedy and I am still alive here...fingers crossed that the radiation will not turn Japan into Resident Evil land...heehee joking.
This devastation had brought me new meanings and I really hope you can understand them as well.