- Never Stop Dreaming -
With a better mastery of the vid editing program, FCP, loaded with 3rd party filters, a faster Mac (thks to my bro Mike), I am set for some serious filming. Possibly a short film no longer than 5 minutes and it will be my debut short film. Plans are in the way to film some of the most beautiful locations in Nagano which of course will have me travel great distances to bring this breath-taking visual treat to my fellow readers. I will try to cover these places in late autumn where the colors of nature are in rich red, orange and yellow and also in winter where white is pure bliss to the eyes. If possible I would want to travel to Niigate before it gets too cold in autumn. Solo mission I guess but will be worth it since I get to plan everything from start to end. The only thing I need at the moment might be a bigger CF card.
Hmmm...this will be my huge plan for this year!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Past and upcoming events
- Never Stop Dreaming -
When I first got back to Japan some 1 week ago on the 17th of Aug, there were already 2 events awaiting my reply on facebook. In the end I didn't replied to both and I skipped the 1st event after some serious considerations. The first event was a BBQ cum overnight party at Nojiriko Lake in Nagano. It was about an hour odd to drive up there but quite simply I see no attractions there luring me to go. With regards to lakes, the 1st thing that come to my mind is photography. I want to bring umbrellas, strobes, stands, etc to get the perfect afternoon and dusk shot but I weren't sure if I could accomplish this feat for this particular event. I also do not have the necessary models for this event as well since I am pretty picky about them.
The next event that I am actually contemplating over now is the one that requires me to HIKE up Mt. Fuji. The reasons that are urging me to go are my camera gears and myself while the reasons that are urging me NOT to go are my flabby condition and the lack of proper shoes. The last hike 2 years ago up Mt. Asama, I took my Altama Desert boots up and ended up with blisters on my toes and heels so I am not really sure if I would want to do it again. I am really enthusiasic about this hike...might wanna do some time lapse photography up there as well...so I might be hauling up some pretty nifty gears.
(UPDATE!) I have just RSVP to this event on facebook and there is a high chance that I might go.
The next 2 on the lists are the drive to Gunma and visit the actual Initial D places and the drive to Niigata to witness the beaches...
Wish me luck and God bless.
When I first got back to Japan some 1 week ago on the 17th of Aug, there were already 2 events awaiting my reply on facebook. In the end I didn't replied to both and I skipped the 1st event after some serious considerations. The first event was a BBQ cum overnight party at Nojiriko Lake in Nagano. It was about an hour odd to drive up there but quite simply I see no attractions there luring me to go. With regards to lakes, the 1st thing that come to my mind is photography. I want to bring umbrellas, strobes, stands, etc to get the perfect afternoon and dusk shot but I weren't sure if I could accomplish this feat for this particular event. I also do not have the necessary models for this event as well since I am pretty picky about them.
The next event that I am actually contemplating over now is the one that requires me to HIKE up Mt. Fuji. The reasons that are urging me to go are my camera gears and myself while the reasons that are urging me NOT to go are my flabby condition and the lack of proper shoes. The last hike 2 years ago up Mt. Asama, I took my Altama Desert boots up and ended up with blisters on my toes and heels so I am not really sure if I would want to do it again. I am really enthusiasic about this hike...might wanna do some time lapse photography up there as well...so I might be hauling up some pretty nifty gears.
(UPDATE!) I have just RSVP to this event on facebook and there is a high chance that I might go.
The next 2 on the lists are the drive to Gunma and visit the actual Initial D places and the drive to Niigata to witness the beaches...
Wish me luck and God bless.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Another victim falls prey...
- Never Stop Dreaming -
Yes...another victim whom I know personally had recently fallen prey to this highly demanding both financially and time consuming, lavish hobby of photography. He had got himself a Canon 500D which is 2 models from the one where I started almost 3 years back. A great camera to start out I would say and this new baby even feature HD vid recording and live view which were concepts of the distant future when I started years back. Nonetheless I am more than glad that he had jumped onto the bandwagon of the Canon system since the prices of DSLRs are becoming more affordable as compared to the past. This makes the photography more viable to the masses and not restricted just to the Pros. However, this also makes the photograhy circle more crowded and thus generating more competition in the industry as a whole. Look at it in a good way and one will probably improve one's skills to keep up. Look at it in a negative way and one will start hating the newbies and lashing out harsh critics.
Afterall photography is a never ending learning experience. With such an instrument of precision engineering, anyone can take pictures even in the hands of a kid, noob or amateur. It's the perspective and composition of the pictures and the way it is being processed after it is taken that seperates the levels of mastery between the new kid on the block or the wise elder.
Since I am on the Canon system, of course I will rejoice when someone else joins me in the ranks. This might sound a little silly and naive but it's simply an assurance from that someone that I had picked the right system. Silly yeah but hey every system is as good so it's all about individual preferences in the end.
Watching the picture slide show of this fellow comrade, I am indeed impress by his pictures. These coming out from a damn good entry level camera and him makes me jealous. Jealous because I felt that I wasn't anywhere as close to him when I first started...I am a perfectionist so when I get discounted usually by myself, I will feel sore but it's all me, just me.
Now that I know I have one more fellow comrade back home, I am really enthusiasic to go on a shooting spree in the future with him, or anyone else who might join along the way. Expensive high end hobby it might be but the pictures seems to justify every cent spent.
Go forth and seek the perfect light my friend...
Yes...another victim whom I know personally had recently fallen prey to this highly demanding both financially and time consuming, lavish hobby of photography. He had got himself a Canon 500D which is 2 models from the one where I started almost 3 years back. A great camera to start out I would say and this new baby even feature HD vid recording and live view which were concepts of the distant future when I started years back. Nonetheless I am more than glad that he had jumped onto the bandwagon of the Canon system since the prices of DSLRs are becoming more affordable as compared to the past. This makes the photography more viable to the masses and not restricted just to the Pros. However, this also makes the photograhy circle more crowded and thus generating more competition in the industry as a whole. Look at it in a good way and one will probably improve one's skills to keep up. Look at it in a negative way and one will start hating the newbies and lashing out harsh critics.
Afterall photography is a never ending learning experience. With such an instrument of precision engineering, anyone can take pictures even in the hands of a kid, noob or amateur. It's the perspective and composition of the pictures and the way it is being processed after it is taken that seperates the levels of mastery between the new kid on the block or the wise elder.
Since I am on the Canon system, of course I will rejoice when someone else joins me in the ranks. This might sound a little silly and naive but it's simply an assurance from that someone that I had picked the right system. Silly yeah but hey every system is as good so it's all about individual preferences in the end.
Watching the picture slide show of this fellow comrade, I am indeed impress by his pictures. These coming out from a damn good entry level camera and him makes me jealous. Jealous because I felt that I wasn't anywhere as close to him when I first started...I am a perfectionist so when I get discounted usually by myself, I will feel sore but it's all me, just me.
Now that I know I have one more fellow comrade back home, I am really enthusiasic to go on a shooting spree in the future with him, or anyone else who might join along the way. Expensive high end hobby it might be but the pictures seems to justify every cent spent.
Go forth and seek the perfect light my friend...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
E Mono
- Never Stop Dreaming -
There were times in my life when I commute via the MRT in Singapore to the central areas, each time the train passes a particular station along the green West East Line, I couldn't help it but find myself drifting away in my own thoughts. Thoughts of doing a photoshoot along this old stretch of wall which I presumed were one of those few remaining rustic places which were simply forgotten, taken for granted or left alone by the Gah Men...so thank God for the last one.
Well I had this chance to fulfill this little fleeting dream for once, accompanied with my lovely friend, sister and pal, E, and other photographic toys. Despite the impromptu decision, awkward stares and hit weather, the pics did turned out not bad. Enjoy...

There were times in my life when I commute via the MRT in Singapore to the central areas, each time the train passes a particular station along the green West East Line, I couldn't help it but find myself drifting away in my own thoughts. Thoughts of doing a photoshoot along this old stretch of wall which I presumed were one of those few remaining rustic places which were simply forgotten, taken for granted or left alone by the Gah Men...so thank God for the last one.
Well I had this chance to fulfill this little fleeting dream for once, accompanied with my lovely friend, sister and pal, E, and other photographic toys. Despite the impromptu decision, awkward stares and hit weather, the pics did turned out not bad. Enjoy...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
3 weeks in SG...
- Never Stop Dreaming -
The recent trip back to Singapore had been rather eventful as compared to previous years. The reason being that I felt more appreciated, people coming back from different places, meeting up with those whom I really wanted to meet, weddings, mum and dad, Grandma, new places, food, gear, photography, etc. To sum it up, I was more reluctant to return here to Japan which was of course quite a surprise to me. Well, no matter how much or how strong those influences in SG were, work commitment and other reasons gave me the slip to come back here where I had to adjust my life to fit in after being all Singaporean again for just 3 weeks short.
Firstly, the big weddings of my brother and Desmond held on the same day albeit differences in the time was one of the sole reasons I had to be back. Nothing too spectacular for both weddings since I chose not to be the main photographer but rather there to enjoy the experience. My own brother's wedding had me and my younger brother played the role of "Best Man" whom had to go thru the usual ritual of getting the bride. As expected, we were put thru the 4 generic phases of emotions, your usual bitter, sweet, etc stints. I was prepared so everything else went to the corner of the stairs and nothing thru my mouth. It was also thru this wedding that I met my brother's photographer, Brian from "thegaleria" whose cinematic black and white film look got me poisoned! I was merely playing some amateur vids from the 5DM2 which filled up the 8gb UDMA card with just less than 10 short HDMI vids. Man this cam eats space like nothing! (Sign to get another 16gb UDMA card!). Brother's wedding was done as a lunch reception at Lawry's Ribs in Paragon where my cousins, aunties, uncles, familiar faces, unfamiliar faces, etc congregated for a good cause. I was really happy since I had the chance to meet my cousins and relatives which was always comforting when we meet...the bond of kinship I guessed. In the morning, a full suit and nothing less so that I would not look like a irritating thorn since the groom (my brother), my dad and my younger brother was all in suits. More like men in black or rather men from the underworld...but prior to the lunch reception, I had opted to go forth with my fedora which I had specifically flown back for the wedding with the semi casual blazer with jeans look. Much to my surprise, sister-in-law's friends were clueless who I was but eventually requested to have my picture taken with them which I humbly (yeah right!) obliged. Fashion was something that I do not take lightly when large events are concerned. My younger brother wasn't any sloppy either since fashion was also in his blood...he chose a more formal Italian style ditching the tie in the suit while I preferred a more Japanese semi formal approached.
In the evening I attended Desmond's rather unusual beach themed wedding where I opted to dress to kill with my fur fedora and semi formal wardrobe. Everyone else turned up in beach berms and slippers, of course inclusive of the bride and groom themselves. Once again I chose to be discreet about snapping pics since there was another paid main photog to do the job. He, like me was only armed with a single camera with a flash and diffuser, which greatly amused me since most wedding photog carries 2 or more cameras. Since I barely know him, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and not discount him but very soon I found him nailing my frames after I went in for the marco shot of the wedding rings on the cushion. And that gave me a reason to discredit him obviously for replicating my perspective. Nvm...so moving on, Desmond actually held another wedding ceremony done in the grandeur of Tenrikyo once again but in SG instead. Held after the monthly service at Watten Estate, I saw more people turning up presumably for Desmond's wedding and the fantastic fare of home-cooked Japanese cuisine. The familiar faces greeted me as usual and welcomed me back only to find out that I fly the next day back to Japan.
So weddings aside, I met new friends at the annual Japanese graduation ceremony held by Tenrikyo where I straddled my amateurish photography symphony hunting for more lens food. From the moment I set foot there, Japanese was all that I spoke which was a little achievement I took pride in since I had lived in Japan for almost 2 years. Mistaken for a Japanese in Singapore (Come on, what's new...), my identity was being questioned behind my back I presumed. Nonetheless, amazing people where every to satisfy my hungry lens. Crazy karaoke and food outings followed where digested lens food (Gee, I kinda like this jargon!) never looked better with the assortment of colors, shapes and lines. Facebook ultimately collects all these "digested" material which I am still skeptical they would be used without my permission. Your Bad FB!
Caught a couple of movies both on the cinema and off, kicking off with Johnny Depp's Public Enemies and Jack Neo's Ghost flick to Jacky Chan's Shinjuku's Incident. Great local flavors and disturbing gore from the Shinjuku's Incident but Mob movies are still some of the best movies that I enjoy. Local TVs still are crappy without essence but some are really good. I shall skip the not-worth-mentioning ones but I really like the one which show cases Singapore in the past and the Mark Lee one showing how ungracious Singaporeans are...Haha SHAME ON YOU fellows comrades! Speaking of which I was still utterly disgusted by how unruly the PRCs are in SG, how idiotic the aunties of SG are, and how crowded SG had became. The overflow of the PRCs are the main reason which SG had sunken deep into an ungracious society where their rude, loud, dirty and precarious attitude continue to flood every gutter, street and alley. Try harder with all those useless courtesy campaigns cos in a million years, nothing will change where one of the most advanced societies, top notch financial centers with the most prestigious government and infrastructure needs silly campaigns like this...Ha ha ha a big joke indeed. Let me do a small analogy for you...back in the days when MRTs were first introduced, there were no lines to "teach" commuters to queue or to give way. Then arrows and lines were painted because people had grown more stupid to understand one of the 4 main languages. This time even colors like RED and GREEN were introduced so that this advanced society had to fall back to basics to understand the most fundamental concepts...how ironical when everything is moving forward with the main users falling backwards. Could never understand why irritating pests would cram at the exits of MRTs and leave the middle empty and lousy drivers plaguing the roads where their cowardly instincts are wrapped in useless junk metal they consider beautiful.
Took a couple of really sweet "models" out for a small shameless self-proclaimed photoshoot. The first one only yield 1 usable photo but the second one actually had some satisfactory ones. All thanks to Brian, whom works had me craving for more. Went to 1 commercial shoot and 1 wedding shoot with him and I found myself learning so much despite fiddling for years with my camera. So much to see, learn and hear from him....truly an eye opener. Applied those tactics to my own shoot and viola, results which I could had never dream of appeared instantly. Still had a couple of potential "models" that I really want to feed my lens but had no chance to do so officially. Among them, 1 had the voice of an angel, one had an aura sophisticated as the universe and one had the tenderness like a sleeping child. There were many others but I had not time to associate them with the correct description but definitely if chance and time permits, I would want to do some decent ones for them. With regards to photography, I had only managed to amass some gear while trying to be frugal with what I have, which was an attribute I credit to a particular Master who had opened my eyes to what real photography was about. It's quite a simple concept which applies to almost every to life in general which is to produce the best with the the minimal.
Transferred data from my well-kept white Santa Rosa MacBook to the new unibody MBP while retaining the 13" size and ditching my all time favorite white...Brats! Credit to my brother who offered me the upgrade and Ben who got this baby at a steal. Uploaded more Hokkien songs and other less fanciful stuffs. All this only gave me more reasons to improve my photography, vids, etc. Glad that the new cam and comp worked well together so that I can embark on more personal projects...so shamelessly had a couple of really nice people fancying my works.
Missing so many people back home already...people like Grandma who is always so supportive, loving and kind, Mum and Dad who had aged with streaks of prominent grey, my brothers, my friends, my love ones, my cousins, aunties, and anyone else whom I have forgotten...It's been great.
Initially had a lot planned out for these 3 weeks except clearing my stuffs in my room but in the end, the foul and hot weather had me hiding under the sheets late almost everyday. Wanted to do some decent photography but only did less that what was planned. Vids was also reduced since the time planned was usually after nightfalls. So in summary I did enjoyed a hell of a time back home visiting places that I really missed while not completing what I had initially planned. And just before flying off, X gave a huge surprise by presenting me a custom design Trexi which I left it in the care of my Dad.
Peace...and I am loving it.
The recent trip back to Singapore had been rather eventful as compared to previous years. The reason being that I felt more appreciated, people coming back from different places, meeting up with those whom I really wanted to meet, weddings, mum and dad, Grandma, new places, food, gear, photography, etc. To sum it up, I was more reluctant to return here to Japan which was of course quite a surprise to me. Well, no matter how much or how strong those influences in SG were, work commitment and other reasons gave me the slip to come back here where I had to adjust my life to fit in after being all Singaporean again for just 3 weeks short.
Firstly, the big weddings of my brother and Desmond held on the same day albeit differences in the time was one of the sole reasons I had to be back. Nothing too spectacular for both weddings since I chose not to be the main photographer but rather there to enjoy the experience. My own brother's wedding had me and my younger brother played the role of "Best Man" whom had to go thru the usual ritual of getting the bride. As expected, we were put thru the 4 generic phases of emotions, your usual bitter, sweet, etc stints. I was prepared so everything else went to the corner of the stairs and nothing thru my mouth. It was also thru this wedding that I met my brother's photographer, Brian from "thegaleria" whose cinematic black and white film look got me poisoned! I was merely playing some amateur vids from the 5DM2 which filled up the 8gb UDMA card with just less than 10 short HDMI vids. Man this cam eats space like nothing! (Sign to get another 16gb UDMA card!). Brother's wedding was done as a lunch reception at Lawry's Ribs in Paragon where my cousins, aunties, uncles, familiar faces, unfamiliar faces, etc congregated for a good cause. I was really happy since I had the chance to meet my cousins and relatives which was always comforting when we meet...the bond of kinship I guessed. In the morning, a full suit and nothing less so that I would not look like a irritating thorn since the groom (my brother), my dad and my younger brother was all in suits. More like men in black or rather men from the underworld...but prior to the lunch reception, I had opted to go forth with my fedora which I had specifically flown back for the wedding with the semi casual blazer with jeans look. Much to my surprise, sister-in-law's friends were clueless who I was but eventually requested to have my picture taken with them which I humbly (yeah right!) obliged. Fashion was something that I do not take lightly when large events are concerned. My younger brother wasn't any sloppy either since fashion was also in his blood...he chose a more formal Italian style ditching the tie in the suit while I preferred a more Japanese semi formal approached.
In the evening I attended Desmond's rather unusual beach themed wedding where I opted to dress to kill with my fur fedora and semi formal wardrobe. Everyone else turned up in beach berms and slippers, of course inclusive of the bride and groom themselves. Once again I chose to be discreet about snapping pics since there was another paid main photog to do the job. He, like me was only armed with a single camera with a flash and diffuser, which greatly amused me since most wedding photog carries 2 or more cameras. Since I barely know him, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and not discount him but very soon I found him nailing my frames after I went in for the marco shot of the wedding rings on the cushion. And that gave me a reason to discredit him obviously for replicating my perspective. Nvm...so moving on, Desmond actually held another wedding ceremony done in the grandeur of Tenrikyo once again but in SG instead. Held after the monthly service at Watten Estate, I saw more people turning up presumably for Desmond's wedding and the fantastic fare of home-cooked Japanese cuisine. The familiar faces greeted me as usual and welcomed me back only to find out that I fly the next day back to Japan.
So weddings aside, I met new friends at the annual Japanese graduation ceremony held by Tenrikyo where I straddled my amateurish photography symphony hunting for more lens food. From the moment I set foot there, Japanese was all that I spoke which was a little achievement I took pride in since I had lived in Japan for almost 2 years. Mistaken for a Japanese in Singapore (Come on, what's new...), my identity was being questioned behind my back I presumed. Nonetheless, amazing people where every to satisfy my hungry lens. Crazy karaoke and food outings followed where digested lens food (Gee, I kinda like this jargon!) never looked better with the assortment of colors, shapes and lines. Facebook ultimately collects all these "digested" material which I am still skeptical they would be used without my permission. Your Bad FB!
Caught a couple of movies both on the cinema and off, kicking off with Johnny Depp's Public Enemies and Jack Neo's Ghost flick to Jacky Chan's Shinjuku's Incident. Great local flavors and disturbing gore from the Shinjuku's Incident but Mob movies are still some of the best movies that I enjoy. Local TVs still are crappy without essence but some are really good. I shall skip the not-worth-mentioning ones but I really like the one which show cases Singapore in the past and the Mark Lee one showing how ungracious Singaporeans are...Haha SHAME ON YOU fellows comrades! Speaking of which I was still utterly disgusted by how unruly the PRCs are in SG, how idiotic the aunties of SG are, and how crowded SG had became. The overflow of the PRCs are the main reason which SG had sunken deep into an ungracious society where their rude, loud, dirty and precarious attitude continue to flood every gutter, street and alley. Try harder with all those useless courtesy campaigns cos in a million years, nothing will change where one of the most advanced societies, top notch financial centers with the most prestigious government and infrastructure needs silly campaigns like this...Ha ha ha a big joke indeed. Let me do a small analogy for you...back in the days when MRTs were first introduced, there were no lines to "teach" commuters to queue or to give way. Then arrows and lines were painted because people had grown more stupid to understand one of the 4 main languages. This time even colors like RED and GREEN were introduced so that this advanced society had to fall back to basics to understand the most fundamental concepts...how ironical when everything is moving forward with the main users falling backwards. Could never understand why irritating pests would cram at the exits of MRTs and leave the middle empty and lousy drivers plaguing the roads where their cowardly instincts are wrapped in useless junk metal they consider beautiful.
Took a couple of really sweet "models" out for a small shameless self-proclaimed photoshoot. The first one only yield 1 usable photo but the second one actually had some satisfactory ones. All thanks to Brian, whom works had me craving for more. Went to 1 commercial shoot and 1 wedding shoot with him and I found myself learning so much despite fiddling for years with my camera. So much to see, learn and hear from him....truly an eye opener. Applied those tactics to my own shoot and viola, results which I could had never dream of appeared instantly. Still had a couple of potential "models" that I really want to feed my lens but had no chance to do so officially. Among them, 1 had the voice of an angel, one had an aura sophisticated as the universe and one had the tenderness like a sleeping child. There were many others but I had not time to associate them with the correct description but definitely if chance and time permits, I would want to do some decent ones for them. With regards to photography, I had only managed to amass some gear while trying to be frugal with what I have, which was an attribute I credit to a particular Master who had opened my eyes to what real photography was about. It's quite a simple concept which applies to almost every to life in general which is to produce the best with the the minimal.
Transferred data from my well-kept white Santa Rosa MacBook to the new unibody MBP while retaining the 13" size and ditching my all time favorite white...Brats! Credit to my brother who offered me the upgrade and Ben who got this baby at a steal. Uploaded more Hokkien songs and other less fanciful stuffs. All this only gave me more reasons to improve my photography, vids, etc. Glad that the new cam and comp worked well together so that I can embark on more personal projects...so shamelessly had a couple of really nice people fancying my works.
Missing so many people back home already...people like Grandma who is always so supportive, loving and kind, Mum and Dad who had aged with streaks of prominent grey, my brothers, my friends, my love ones, my cousins, aunties, and anyone else whom I have forgotten...It's been great.
Initially had a lot planned out for these 3 weeks except clearing my stuffs in my room but in the end, the foul and hot weather had me hiding under the sheets late almost everyday. Wanted to do some decent photography but only did less that what was planned. Vids was also reduced since the time planned was usually after nightfalls. So in summary I did enjoyed a hell of a time back home visiting places that I really missed while not completing what I had initially planned. And just before flying off, X gave a huge surprise by presenting me a custom design Trexi which I left it in the care of my Dad.
Peace...and I am loving it.
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