- Never Stop Dreaming -
Japan as everyone knows is a country which uniquely sets itself apart from all other Asian countries. The histories, cultures, food, anime, cars, etc...well literally you get the point don't you? Afterall, the Samurai regime did shut out external influences to Japan for some 600 odd years until the Meiji Restoration. This very well preserved the country and her priceless history.
Can't seem to find a little Japan town in San Franz or in Toronto, oh wait...how about in Milan or Amsterdam? See the point...Chinatown are everywhere which shows how far our early forefathers have travelled which is obviously a good thing but that aside...the point I am trying to make here is that sometimes being all over the place is not as good as being in one location and be appreciated.
And so back to the main topic about how Japan is so special in it's own way. Now here comes the controversial part...Japan is basically like a subsidiary of the America. No I am not going into a political warfare but just stating my own opinions. Why do I say that...well from what I have known the Americans did set up the entire constitution of the Japanese cabinet after the war, much less contributed to the huge western influence on the Japanese folks. American alleys, streets, cars food, culture and practically in any aspects, here in Japan you cannot simply deny the existence of the American influence. It has been deeply rooted in the hearts of many Japanese especially the younger generations.
Sometimes to the extent that they do lose their own identities. Not being preachy, I myself was and am still a strong follower of the Japanese movement so I shall not shoot myself in the foot if I condemn the Japanese. Luckily for me, it's pretty personal less a few crazy renegades like me in SG. Here in Japan the scale is way beyond my measuring scale...it's almost phenomenal. But look at it in both the macro and nano details and you will probably understand why.
Almost all kids are exposed to textbooks, periodicals and mediums that surround 90% American and 10% the rest of the world. American English are taught to be the "supposedly" correct English and other deviations of English are not correct. American vocabulary are isolated from British vocabs and faults are penalised if British vocabs are used. Well not all the schools are like this but in particular, a rather high percentage of the public schools are. So given that the "forced" exposure to the Americans are so great, most Japanese kids slowly lose the interest in other less prominent countries. Take Singapore for example...for the rural part of Japan, most will think that Singapore is like Vietnam or Indonesia which portrays a bad image. Since most Japanese do not travel outta the country, the truth will always be out there.
So for people like me who come from the "outside" world to more rural parts of Japan, I bring with me the pride and wealth of information about my country. Nah...I simply do not see myself as some noble avant garde ambassador or something but rather I am just doing my part to let the Japanese know about other amazing countries that are the size of peas, negligible natural resources but ranked among the 15th richest countries in the world while I am doing my stint here in Japan.
Argh...to much straying! The whole idea of this post wasn't meant to be like this! I am delighted this morning as the news on Channel News Asia webbie got me grinning from ear to ear. Mr Obama, as the world less the blind American folks see it, being the most suitable candidate fot the next President have won the Democrats' sacred seat to vie with McCain. This ought to the the expected outcome some countless months ago as seen and by many...why put on the Broadway Obama Vs Clinton play. As if the movie industries are lacking blockbusters like Ironman and Indy. Along the same line here, my heartfelt condolences goes to the burnt Universal Studios' treasuries like original props of Jaws.
Ok ok...I am happy that Obama has won and he of all people will lead the next big immediate impact on Japan that is, IF he gets the throne in the White House. Go Mr Obama...